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Army Thread : Friday 27th September

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    Army Thread : Friday 27th September

    Hi Ew and reccie glad the walk went well with amy she will be fine on the lead after a few walks sounds like a lovely place you brought her to today. Enjoy your weekend in the Cotwolds EW sounds a lovely relaxing weekend. Questy good luck with the new job on Monday. Everyone else have a good weekend. Its a nice day here too very mild and sunny. A lot of people seem to have colds chest infections etc. The weather has been so changeable lately I had the heating on early in the week and now its like spring weather again. I won't do too much housework today just bit by bit over the weekend. Coffee now first.:cupajoe:


      Army Thread : Friday 27th September


      Molly... brilliant news... I'm happy for you... ) I'll bet Joe's mood will improve tenfold now. In fact reckon there's a bike ride to a noice hotel in yer immediate future!

      FoxyLoxy... good to see you posting hun! Was wondering where you had got to. Sorry you're feeling a bit down and have the cold... but you'll be orf on your trip soon! Are you excited? Darn... need a hollier myself but don't think it's on the cards... think the bedroom doors took care of that unfortunately. I hope you'll be taking pix of my old ports of call... :h

      Questydrawers... you are sounding roilly good today! I totally missed the part about the new job. Details please! Are you going to be doing the same thing as you do for the present company?

      Satzerooney... can you go and read the end of last night's thread... I'm roilly disappointed yer didnae send me a postcard from yer trip... :H

      Tipps... Seems like you and the family have had a lovely time there. ) Did Mrs T buy the angel's wing?

      Sweety... did you get owt at Ikea the other day?

      Pinky... you are good with these male/female compromises! I think we should Skype so yer can sort the Zenners household out hahaha! I think I do quite good as I'm a bit of a tomboy but yer wan indoors begs to differ and I reckon you could get us on track!

      D'Arsey... those long legs of yours busy hoiking boxes today?

      Blondie... shopping... I hope it's the good kind and not the bleedin supermarket...

      Jacks... enjoy your lunch!

      Reccy... can just see wee Amy sitting in the passenger seat! I'm glad the first walkies went well. And I still reckon you need to get a camera! *nag!*

      EW... that sounds like a fabby weekend for the soul... have a good time my friend... X

      I think PT stands for Personal Trainer but I could be wrong!

      On another day of "sick leave" here but happy to report my balloon heid has gone down! I reckon with a bit of foundation I can mebbe go out later. I'm very bruised but I'm getting a bit of cabin fever tbh. Going to roll over after I post this and grab some more shut eye and will see yiz laterz! X


        Army Thread : Friday 27th September

        Zens Supermarket


        Think PT = Personal Trainer
        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

        AF date 22/07/13


          Army Thread : Friday 27th September

          Yes personal trainer ��

          hope ya fatheid is better now zenners.

          reccie told ya you would love walkies

          hey everyone else
          If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


            Army Thread : Friday 27th September

            Hi folkses
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13


              Army Thread : Friday 27th September

              Afternoon all I decided to leave the shopping till tomorrow and chill instead so just having a coffee and watching tv.


                Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                Forgot to say :waving:to Foxy Loxy ...... great to have you back.
                Howyiz to the rest of the Army brats !!!!
                Ye can all come out now and stop pretending to have found lives :H


                  Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                  Hi and bye molls Enjoy aftercare

                  Evening everyone else

                  When are you off to the caravan Jackie? And, more importantly, when are you coming back? Hope you have a great time while you're away.

                  And I hope your face isn't too uncomfortable now zenny, it all sounds a bit painful.


                    Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                    :wavin: satzy


                      Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                      Recluse;1561754 wrote: :wavin: satzy
                      :hiya: Amy's Dad
                      What the status on her nibs tonight ?


                        Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                        Satz, Reccie

                        WANT ONE
                        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                        AF date 22/07/13


                          Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                          Well, I had a lovely afternoon. Took amy down to the village common again and we walked for miles, partly cos I was enjoying myself so much in the warm autumn sunshine and partly cos I took a wrong feckin turn on the way back to the car and we ended up in back in the village! I dropped amy off at home and went and fetched the car alone. I'm gonna excuse myself from running today on the grounds that I've already had plenty of exercise. Oh, and we found a place where amy was able to have a bit of a paddle in the river. I'm already looking forward to taking her again tomorrow. There've been times during the past four weeks when I've wondered iif it was the right decision to get a dog, but it definitely felt like the right decision today.


                            Army Thread : Friday 27th September


                            Look at this cute wee clip I just got in me email... Made I smile it did.

                  [/video]]Kassie Kicks Monsters Ass - YouTube

                            Officially bored with this recouperation now. Make-up doesn't cover the bruising so I get to stay in or go out as is. Think we'll go somewhere we don't usually go to for dinner lol.

                            Reccster... the pain's totally gone, just the bloody swelling and bruising now. I'm a grumpy patient! :H

                            Blondie... Love the cat pic! It would be cute on a tank top.

                            Satz... Have ye not gone and seen the pic I posted off you falling on the stairs on last night's thread? Must I assist you to it with a link?!!!

                            I second what Satz said... good to have you back posting FoxyLoxy... :l

                            You know, I think I might just go back to bed with the little laptop. I have two of the shaggers... one for "real" stuff that will never leave my house in case it gets nicked with all me info on it and one for farting around on. I think the latter is referred to as "an entertainment pc" but I like my own description better being as I'm a turf-tossing bogtrotter!

                   Even the frikken ironing is done... :wow:


                              Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                              satz123;1561755 wrote: :hiya: Amy's Dad
                              What the status on her nibs tonight ?
                              See my post above, satzy.

                              Hi uk bee


                                Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                                Recluse;1561760 wrote: Well, I had a lovely afternoon. Took amy down to the village common again and we walked for miles, partly cos I was enjoying myself so much in the warm autumn sunshine and partly cos I took a wrong feckin turn on the way back to the car and we ended up in back in the village! I dropped amy off at home and went and fetched the car alone. I'm gonna excuse myself from running today on the grounds that I've already had plenty of exercise. Oh, and we found a place where amy was able to have a bit of a paddle in the river. I'm already looking forward to taking her again tomorrow. There've been times during the pasr four weeks when I've wondered iif it was the right decision to get a dog, but it definitely felt like the right decision today.

                                You are making me want a puppy Reccy. I KNEW this was going to happen.

                                It was for SURE the right decision and it's lovely hearing about youz two bonding and her being a wee bairn. :h And she's getting you out and about and all. *Result* on all counts I wound say. )

