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Army Thread : Friday 27th September

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    Army Thread : Friday 27th September

    Hi zenny Glad the pain's gone.


      Army Thread : Friday 27th September

      Zenstyle;1561761 wrote:
      Satz... Have ye not gone and seen the pic I posted off you falling on the stairs on last night's thread? Must I assist you to it with a link?!!!
      Seeing as Mohammed won't go to the mountain... then the pic shall come to Satz. That's you hen, tripping going up the stairs to Bedfordshire last night, after I turned the light out on ye...


        Army Thread : Friday 27th September

        Zenstyle;1561769 wrote: Seeing as Mohammed won't go to the mountain... then the pic shall come to Satz. That's you hen, tripping going up the stairs to Bedfordshire last night, after I turned the light out on ye...
        There's a cruel streak in that Zen wan and no mistaking :H
        What time did the D'arsey fella fall in ?:bat:


          Army Thread : Friday 27th September

          Och I feel bad grassing on him but he didnae get in till five feckin thirty! Something's up there. Think he has a bit of totty on the side truth be told...


            Army Thread : Friday 27th September

            mollyka;1561668 wrote: Two eyes open - just as well - at work on SHAGGIN FONE !!!
            All bout me me me for a min - joes partner has agreed to rent his half of the business to him for up to 5 years - HAPPY DAYS!!!!! Dead excited I am - thanks for all the loves an hugs I felt wingin their way here for quite some time!!! Luv yiz all xxxxx
            Well if this isn't the time for happy dance I don't know when is. Does he still want me do to a paper round.

            mollyka;1561746 wrote: Ah - there we are!!! feckin search engine acting the bollix ---- haven't time now to say hello proper like --- hope everyone's grand --- and have a BRILLIANT hollinger Jackieclaire!!! Will miss you LOADS!!!!
            On the laters if anyone's around xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            I'm not gone yet.

            Recluse;1561753 wrote:
            Hi and bye molls

            Evening everyone else

            When are you off to the caravan Jackie? And, more importantly, when are you coming back? Hope you have a great time while you're away.
            Tomorrow morning and back Tuesday arfternoon.
            Recluse;1561760 wrote:
            Well, I had a lovely afternoon. Took amy down to the village common again and we walked for miles, partly cos I was enjoying myself so much in the warm autumn sunshine and partly cos I took a wrong feckin turn on the way back to the car and we ended up in back in the village! I dropped amy off at home and went and fetched the car alone. I'm gonna excuse myself from running today on the grounds that I've already had plenty of exercise. Oh, and we found a place where amy was able to have a bit of a paddle in the river. I'm already looking forward to taking her again tomorrow. There've been times during the past four weeks when I've wondered iif it was the right decision to get a dog, but it definitely felt like the right decision today.
            I just throb hearing about Amy. :thanks:

            Oh and general wavings, good evenings and yoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooos.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread : Friday 27th September

              Fit likey folksies? :wavin:

              Just moved.
              At folks.
              As per what others have said, Reccie, you're making me want to get a dawg, dammit! :H And how can i get a dawg when I dont even have a (proper) home :H

              Orf for a coffee, back in a mohawk.


                Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                Hiya Jacks! Yep, I agree that it's really good news for Molly. It's bound to be a weight off their shoulders...

                How did your lunch go?


                  Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                  JackieClaire;1561786 wrote: Well if this isn't the time for happy dance I don't know when is. Does he still want me do to a paper round.

                  :H:H love it!


                    Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                    I am such a failure and that is all.
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                      Quest for the key;1561792 wrote: I am such a failure and that is all.
                      you are such a TRIER and that is all.

                      And god loves a trier

                      (and we love you)


                        Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                        Cross-post d'Arsey. I was wondering earlier if today was box hoiking day. I'm sure yer mam had a lovely meal all lined up for you tonight, it being Friday and all! So go on and share with the group, has she washed yer boxers yet?!!


                          Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                          Quest for the key;1561792 wrote: I am such a failure and that is all.
                          Ahhh stop now hun. You're not a failure at all. You know... you keep a home, family and job together and that's way more than I have on my plate let me tell you. You have to recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses hun... and you have plenty of strengths. It's easier to beat ourselves up than it is to pat ourselves on the back you know... :l

                          I'm glad you're posting though... that's a big step in the right direction. If you can talk about it, it will help... I will guarantee you that.


                            Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                            Zenstyle;1561794 wrote: Cross-post d'Arsey. I was wondering earlier if today was box hoiking day. I'm sure yer mam had a lovely meal all lined up for you tonight, it being Friday and all! So go on and share with the group, has she washed yer boxers yet?!!
                            Howdy there Zenners!

                            Well, 1. Boxers are in the dirty laundry basket as we speak and 2. It was an ok meal... you see me folks had friends for tea and the wife of the couple is a vegan ... so mum made a vegan carribean curry which was ok... but was a bit stodgy (potatoes and rice?!) ... Looking forward to mum's cake and dad's lamb soon enough though :H


                              Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                              Arsey is right Questydrawers... It's all about the trying. When you give up then it's failure. As long as you are trying you are still in the game.

                              I went around and around getting nowhere after joining MWO from Dec 2008 till Dec 2012 when I checked into the rehab. I At all. That's 4 years Questy! So if you want to talk about failures, take a look at yer Zen wan.


                                Army Thread : Friday 27th September

                                Oy Madam La Questy, it's been a big and emotional day today. Can you stop now and do a bit of damage limitation. If it's gone beyond that try and get as much water down yer neck at the same time to counteract the dehydration.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

