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Help - in need of propping up

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    Help - in need of propping up

    Have had the worst day at work - having a crap time with the HR department and discrimination and another battel to fight and all i can think about is going home for a drink and a smoke - flipping hell - need some verbal medicine here..


    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

    Help - in need of propping up

    That's what we're here for!

    Cash, hang in there luvie... here's what I think you should do... call your hubby for some advance notice that you're in need of some pampering. Go home, run yourself a nice big bubble bath, maybe light a candle, and ask hubby to bring you some of your favourite drink like green tea or mineral water. Maybe he could cook dinner tonight or just make cheese on toast for the kids. Whatever you do, just put your feet up, take a big deep breath and have some Cashy chill time.

    Feel good *hug*

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      Help - in need of propping up

      Thanks Doo,
      Unfortunatley i'm a ruminator, so would just lie in the bath and think about this crap. I am so sick of having to fight stupid battles because of a disability, why can't they just leave me alone.....
      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        Help - in need of propping up

        That sucks rocks! I got some great advice last time I felt like that "go eat" and it really worked. It took the desire to drink away.

        I hope your day gets better Cashy. Be strong! Sometimes it's sooooo easy to give in and say 'just this once'. I'm learning now that it's what you do afterwards; that you really find out what you are made of.

        Keep chatting with us all..


          Help - in need of propping up

          Oh not hungry either - stomach in absolute knots. I hate this, have not had the urge to drink for months - but this has thrown me so out of whack.

          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            Help - in need of propping up

            Cashy, going through a bit of a time of it myself here so cannot really be of much help except to say hang on in there.....

            What did you once tell me?

            But it's not going to help you "through" anything - hell that's basic common sense! When stressed don't drink

            Be as strong as you can be and take care Cashy :l


              Help - in need of propping up

              Does music help? I put on some of my favorite music and listen to that... I hug my daughter, play with my dogs, even doing the dishes..I take out my frustration on a pot or pan or something.


                Help - in need of propping up

                Running or walking? Sounds like you need to have a big release Cash. I know that feeling.
                :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                  Help - in need of propping up

                  STAY HERE DONT MOVE

                  Cash, stay here scream at us, swear at us get it all out - dont move - I always feel that once you talk about things and get them of your chest you feel a bit better - stay here until you cant keep your eyes open any longer, go and read old posts about yourself remember when and how things started the last time - if I know one thing and belive me I dont know much any longer it is that this place is the place to be.
                  Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                    Help - in need of propping up

                    Cashy, I believe the mantra is ... "You're a wanker and I'm not, so I win!"

                    Can you chant that in the general direction of the HR department, et al?


                      Help - in need of propping up

                      I will come back on here when I get home...if I can get Sophie away from computer. I am waiting here late for my Manager to give me some explanation so that I can go home with some answers, but I fell so wound up that i'm going to burst.....

                      I will do my best to treat myself with the respect that others can't seem to conjure up. When i think about having a drink i'll think that them winning - bets revenge is success and all that,

                      Thank so much all of you

                      Feel like bursting into tears.....

                      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                        Help - in need of propping up

                        Hi Cashy,

                        I'm with Kate on this one.. The number of times in the past when I stood on this side of the line wondering whether to cross over, and I did, only to wake up next morning full of regrets, thinking to myself, why, why, why... The problem that pushed me over that line was still there, only now I felt even worse then before...

                        Also once you give in and have that drink, next time it will be even easier, and before you know it, you are back to square one...

                        Will a drink solve what you are going through right now... I guess the answer to be NO IT WOULDN'T....

                        The best option is to do what you have just done, come on here, read and post, read and post, and read again... Go back and read some of your old posts, I find that helpful as it lets me know just how far I have travelled and it strengthens my determination not to go back..

                        Thinking of you Cashy and wishing you luck,

                        Love, Louise xxx
                        A F F L..
                        Alcohol Free For Life


                          Help - in need of propping up

                          Hi Cash, hang in there and don't drink cos it sounds to me like thats just what your distrusting work collegues expect. Prove just how wrong they are. The last time I took the easy way out and boozed I woke up with a voice in my head saying, "just stop and think what is working you up to this state, analyse it and erradicate the problem. Take control".

                          It sounds like your work department needs you very much but they are not prepared to give you the respect you deserve and thats not acceptable. Maybe its time to STOP THE BUS AND GET OFF! They need to abide by some basic ground rules. You might find how surprised your manager becomes when you stand your ground.

                          You sound like me... having a bath or putting my feet up would not help me in this situation. What do you like doing most? Something ACTIVE to get your adrenalin going and that positive feeling of being ALIVE. You are a strong person who can beat this...the booze and your atagonizers. Show them who is in control and that you are'nt a person to be messed with and you'll feel greeeeeeeet.

                          Just my thoughts but hope they help. Refusing to be a victim has always been my biggest motivator.
                          A BushBaby with Attitude


                            Help - in need of propping up

                            Hang in there Cashy. love Bella x


                              Help - in need of propping up

                              Cashy, If you want to burst into tears. Burst away. I belive in the power of a good cry. It's better than a stiff drink. Think about everything you like about your A/F life.

