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Army Thread... 29th September
Army Thread... 29th September
I have decided that I must have severe yeast infection. Made even worse by eating copious amounts of sugary foods and white bread on hols :egad:
The pains in muscles arms & legs and now other symptoms all point to it.
Ideas please ?
Army Thread... 29th September
anon;1562322 wrote: Good morning Sweetpea, Tips,Satz,Zen and Molly.
Sunny day here and my left side and hip are improving.
Physio thinks it is guiding a blind runner as I have to concentrate on using only my right side for running.
Have a great Sunday and enjoy the pleasures of a hangover free day!
Army Thread... 29th September
You think its a yeast infection Satzy? I had one once and as I remember it was the antibiotics that cleared it. Then I went heavy on the probiotics to put my flora back in order. Oh no though wait a sec... there are things you can take for candida. You know what, I'll get back to you on this later. I have bewks on it but they are in the back of the house where the snoritorium is and I'm not waking him!
Army Thread... 29th September
Recluse;1562344 wrote: Morning!
Glad your aches and pains are improving, whizzy. Is alternating between guiding your blind runner from the left and the right an option?)
Marnin! :l
Army Thread... 29th September
FUCK !!!
My hairdresser that calls to me - gave me some colour to see me through to next appointment - just applied it and it was feckin' BLONDE.
I am dark brown FFS the dopey bitch should have gone to Specsavers AGRHHHHHHHHH !!!
Washed it out but it was on for 5 minutes before I copped !
Will it be ok do you think ?- bearing in mind my mother is waiting for me to pick her up - I'll have to leave it ! Balls !!!
Army Thread... 29th September
mollyka;1562351 wrote: Haha --- Marilyn Munroe!!!!! Blonde on brown will come out darker probably --- maybe ---- have you a nice hat???:H Ah - you'll be grand -- enjoy your time with your mammy xx
Army Thread... 29th September
Zenstyle;1562345 wrote: You think its a yeast infection Satzy? I had one once and as I remember it was the antibiotics that cleared it. Then I went heavy on the probiotics to put my flora back in order. Oh no though wait a sec... there are things you can take for candida. You know what, I'll get back to you on this later. I have bewks on it but they are in the back of the house where the snoritorium is and I'm not waking him!
Any help will be appreciated.
On the probiotics - but will prolly take a while to fix ..... may do that clean out you suggested in PM - thanks again :thumbs:
Army Thread... 29th September
mollyka;1562351 wrote: Haha --- Marilyn Munroe!!!!! Blonde on brown will come out darker probably --- maybe ---- have you a nice hat???:H Ah - you'll be grand -- enjoy your time with your mammy xx
I trying to cover grey roots only -
Army Thread... 29th September
satz123;1562350 wrote: FUCK !!!
My hairdresser that calls to me - gave me some colour to see me through to next appointment - just applied it and it was feckin' BLONDE.
I am dark brown FFS the dopey bitch should have gone to Specsavers AGRHHHHHHHHH !!!
Washed it out but it was on for 5 minutes before I copped !
Will it be ok do you think ?- bearing in mind my mother is waiting for me to pick her up - I'll have to leave it ! Balls !!!
Army Thread... 29th September
Army, recommend you go check Nora C's thread.
She posted a great blurb - on self-esteem essentially.
Anyway, was reading that and thinking
"I really wish me maw would shut up playing the doggone flute for it's doing me fucking heid in"
About as much as you could squeeze into the corner of an atom.
Went upstairs and stuck the TV on to drown the flute-wailing-banshee sounds out.
It is a good post though...
Army Thread... 29th September
mollyka;1562433 wrote: :H Was thinkin that earlier! Howdo Arsey? Just eaten me dinner --- stuffed --- AGAIN!!
What's the craic?
While I was missin last week I sorta lost track of when you're starting your new job an all --- what's the schedule?
Start new job on Tuesday - so will go up that morning and stay up north till Thursday. Will know this week if it is to be Tues-Thurs every week. I hope it is (or at the very least the same consecutive three days) as i'll need to keep at least 1 day free for other potential work.
Orf to get me dinner now - backinamohawk