That was a bit of a "half-post and run" yesterday... I was meaning to get back but by the time I could a'body was in beddy byes over there. Yer wan indoors has been really good about helping with the housework and grocery shopping this weekend seeing as I'm still not fully functional, and I didn't feel right sitting at my laptop chatting while he was doing my work for me! That wouldn't have been "seemly"...

I really didn't get much of anything done yesterday except cooking dinner and going next door to Cheryl's for an hour. She's still having issues after the hip surgery. I'm thinking I should go for a bone density test... has anyone had one of those?
I'm feeling better and I've got housework on the cards for today. I run a clean gaff, and have an allergy to dust, so sitting on my arse watching the dust settle for a couple of days has been disturbing. For most of my boozing progression my gaff was always squeaky clean, up until the end when it all went to pot. So I get a bit anxious when it's not clean... it reminds me of the bad times. I know I go on about housework a lot and yis prolly thought it was cos I live in a midden but it's just one of my many quirks!
I hope everyone is set to have a good Sunday. The weather is starting to cool down here (finally!) and I may venture out on the deck for a bit of sun bathing. I'm as white as a ghost and you would never think I lived in feckin South Florida.
Oh, fore I forget... Zactly what happened with that budgie Tipps? :upset: I've always wanted a bird or two but having the cats has always stopped me. (I had a goldfish once and that was a right pain in the arse, had to watch it like a hawk.) They can't help their primal instincts, the pets. Although I sometimes wonder if my ones now have ANY at ALL! Spoilt wee shites they are!
Anyhooo... as I said... have a lekker Sunday troops! I'll catch yiz on the flip side. XXX :l