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Army Thread... 29th September

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    Army Thread... 29th September

    HI everyone

    Hope you find the info I gave you useful Satzy, oh and blonde on brown.........I'm thinking red colours could result.

    Had a funny day but I've been feeling odd for a while. Mostly ok, no boozing and my other half is gonna be doing the MacMillan sponsored sober month lark. I think it's great, he only has to do it for 1 month, we do it for a lot longer so will be interesting to see how he finds it. Have offered to share AF tips with him if he needs them.

    If anyone would like to sponsor him let me know.
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13


      Army Thread... 29th September

      Evening Blondie :hallo:

      I wonder whether one 'good' thing that may come of the sober october sponsored month is that for those who enjoy drinking but dont have a problem per se, that it might give them a new perspective on living - without the daily glass of wine for dinner or friday/saturday night in the pub. I think for folks who rarely drink anyway, it wont make too much of a difference. But for many (certainly many I know - drink a few times a week, but it's not a problem) it is ubiquitous... and breaking out of that could be refreshing.

      He says, his life filled with habits and acts of ubiquity that could well be doing with breaking

      mollyka;1562443 wrote: Had a good read of it Arsey --- loads of wisdom in there alright!

      Jilly used to play the violin --- the two older boys were teenagers at the time and they used to sit in pain at the kitchen table with their hands over their ears:H Lets just say, she was better at the piano:H

      Are you excited about it, or are you a bit nervous?
      Enjoy your dindins x
      Hmmm... tbh honesy Molls I dont know how I feel. I am hoping I will enjoy it. And yes a bit nervous cos it's like that starting school thing - whole new load of peeps to get to know... and that in itself can be tiring, let alone getting a handle on the job. However... getting to know new peeps is never a bad thing in my book. And I feel i really need to be doing something other than letting my running become more and more obsessive (which it kinda is.... have got to the stage where i read books about running! :egad.


        Army Thread... 29th September

        When's Jacs back from hols?

        Or has she only just left?!

        I forget. Me froglet with frazzled brain.


          Army Thread... 29th September

          satz123;1562350 wrote: FUCK !!!
          My hairdresser that calls to me - gave me some colour to see me through to next appointment - just applied it and it was feckin' BLONDE.
          I am dark brown FFS the dopey bitch should have gone to Specsavers AGRHHHHHHHHH !!!
          Washed it out but it was on for 5 minutes before I copped !
          Will it be ok do you think ?- bearing in mind my mother is waiting for me to pick her up - I'll have to leave it ! Balls !!!
          Oh My Effin Gawd!!! :egad: Well I hope it covered some of the grey at least. Fuuuuck..... noightmare. RunningCourage;1562435 wrote:
          Army, recommend you go check Nora C's thread.
          She posted a great blurb - on self-esteem essentially.

          Anyway, was reading that and thinking
          "I really wish me maw would shut up playing the doggone flute for it's doing me fucking heid in"
          About as much as you could squeeze into the corner of an atom.
          Went upstairs and stuck the TV on to drown the flute-wailing-banshee sounds out.

          It is a good post though...
          :H:H:H Ahh yer a funny fecker d'Arsey. ) Do you listen to Biffy Clyro by the way? Have that blasting at the mo.

          Hiya Molls and Blondie!

          I actually have me swimsuit on and have been in the sun, shock horror! My vampire teeth vibrated a bit but it wasn't too bad.

          Have a deck sealing project about to start here. The wood was cheap and it's already splitting. Bridge from the Undies reckoned to oil it and I agree with her but yer wan indoors has gone for the sealing option. So be it. If the wood needs replaced I guess HE will get to do it on his todd this time! )

          Need to go and lewk at the bewk for Satz afore I forget. Forgetting is coming more and more naturally to me. Should probably lewk that one up while I'm at it.

          What's everyone else up to of a Sunday arvo???


            Army Thread... 29th September

            I'm back.
            Been to Carlingford : had meal in Fitzpatrick's.
            Molls knows it I'm sure:
            Lovely pub grub!
            All decked out for Halloween - outside & in all manner of scary coffins & such ... really great for the kids ( & adults)!


              Army Thread... 29th September

              Good to see you Marilyn!

              Wazza "Mamil"?


                Army Thread... 29th September

                Haha! OK! We have them over here too... they go out riding on Sundays, on Harleys mostly. Harley bikers have a real tough image but the truth of the matter is a lot of them are doctors and lawyers. ;o) I must admit, after my divorce I used to go out with a doc with a Harley and went to some of the Sunday hang outs and I was feckin shocked. Some of the women that hang out in these bars are a little, err, suspect. Yer lucky there is a Fitzpatricks and the weekend warriors don't have to go to trashy biker bars!

                Reminds me of a joke.

                Q. What's the different between a Harley and a Hoover?

                A. The dirt bag's on the back on a Harley.


                  Army Thread... 29th September

                  mollyka;1562466 wrote: Middle-Aged Men In Leathers ;-)
                  Oh....I looked it up earlier and found this:

                  Urban Dictionary: Mamil

                  Didn't think Joe was the type!



                    Army Thread... 29th September

                    I know I've posted this link before, and I'm not sure if they deliver to the UK and Eire, but this is a good company for cleanses.

                    Probiotics, Herbal Cleansing, Digestive Enzymes, Fiber, Fish Oil Supplements | ReNew Life


                      Army Thread... 29th September

                      Recluse;1562473 wrote: Oh....I looked it up earlier and found this:

                      Urban Dictionary: Mamil

                      Didn't think Joe was the type!

                      Oh no! Joe in a Speedo!!! :egad: Mollers, did ye know about this???!

                      Evenink Mr Bear...


                        Army Thread... 29th September

                        Night molls.


                          Army Thread... 29th September

                          Nighty night Molly.

                          How's our wee Army pupski today Reccy? Have you taken her on a walk? )


                            Army Thread... 29th September

                            Zenstyle;1562474 wrote: I know I've posted this link before, and I'm not sure if they deliver to the UK and Eire, but this is a good company for cleanses.

                            Probiotics, Herbal Cleansing, Digestive Enzymes, Fiber, Fish Oil Supplements | ReNew Life
                            Zenners :lthanks again!
                            I will look at the whole site again on company time
                            Off to bed too ..... early start in the morning...
                            Night : Molls
                            Night Zenners
                            Night Reccie
                            And anyone else who drops in later !!!


                              Army Thread... 29th September

                              Night Jim Bob!


                                Army Thread... 29th September

                                Good night everyone.
                                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                                AF date 22/07/13

