I believe he is being taught this in his middle school in the 'health' class..don't worry, I'm all over this one!
I am reposting NOSUGARS wonderful link to an Alcohol Addction essay...I was reading it in The Tool Box And it got me thinking about Matt...and his 'miss' understanding of addiction...I also noticed that there is a clear ABSENCE of marijuana use it the essay's discussion on addiction...they mention cigs, crack, cocaine but not marijuana
I find that interesting....
I understand the controversy over medical marijuana , and I truly don't wish to conjure up that discussion here ...if that's possible...but whatever side of the the fence you sit, I would
love to hear my wonderful people's input this ...
Matt is a tough nut as some of you know. The more weapons of knowledge I have in my arsenal the better I can defend his safety...and my sanity!
Hugs and heart