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    I think it comes down to is it being used for medicinal or recreational purposes. There are HUGE benefits if being used to treat pain, nausea, anorexia, spasms, seizures, etc. I am on the fence regarding recreational use. I think the worst 2 things about it are:

    1. it makes you lazy

    2. makes you binge



      True about the binging but, maybe because I don't smoke a lot I get a lot done when I do smoke. Boring stuff... that seems fascinating with weed.

      Kradle some people don't do well on pot at all. Young people have to be careful as their brains are still developing. Matt is too young to be experimenting with anything but we really can't watch them 24/7. Better pot than alcohol though.

      People who are anxious by nature should stay clear of pot in my opinion because it does cause paranoia. When you are a cool cucumber like I am it might mean you think someone might be looking in your bedroom window and then you can laugh it off or a situation may seem worse than it really is but for an anxious person they can have full-blown panic attacks like Red can attest to.

      Weed alters the mind and it is habit forming but in my opinion not an iota as bad as alcohol. Just my opinion.
      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."



        FWIW, Prof. David Nutt, who used to work for the British government (but was sacked...), has made a sort of "model" that allows him to rank drugs based on both harm to users and harm to society.

        Full article here, the ranking contains quite a few surprises.


          Addiction: IS MARIJUANA ADDICTIVE

          Awesome Study Chief. Thank you such much for posting it! :l

          I think it looks like cannabis is almost a fifty fifty shot between harming self and others with the weight towards self harm....

          METH was a complete surprise ...we have a ton of break ins here in this quiet little town mostly fueled by 'meth heads' looking for money...2 break ins on my block alone. That seems pretty harmful to others...
          Thank heavens I have a big dog!
          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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            Addiction: IS MARIJUANA ADDICTIVE

            Helloe my Dear Poeple!

            Once again I must come to you all for you rwisdom, experience and diection before I go off half insane and make the wrong move...

            I just finished watching 2 videos of Mathieu smoking weed from some very elaborate Bong in some trashy room.... I think this is proof positive that addictive or not , weed makes you dumb as a sack of least for the the time it takes for you to tape yourself on your phone that YOU KNOW your mom checks ALOT!!!!
            So...What to do? Aside form the obvious restrictions I am VERY tempted to call the authorites and have his ass put in Juvy...I am also wonderifng if I can somehow throw a little shit in the way of the obviously Adult people who set him up with this...I am almost positive it is this frinds house he has been going to for the last several weeks... I met the mom a year ago as she stumbled out of her bedroom tripping over all the crap in the hallway...
            I NEVER allowed my children there again. She left shortly thereafter but apparently she has Returned!:upset:

            I am also considering showing this to his school conselour with whom I have built up a pretty good relationship...What do all think of that idea??
            ANyway... Please Advise. I am going to shower now and try to shake this sinking feeling out of my soul....
            Oh...and I REALLY want to go tot he grocery store right now and pick up Pesto for Pesto Crock Pot Chicken and a bottle of Bacardi...
            Love you all..

            PS: I might start this a s a new thread....
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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              Addiction: IS MARIJUANA ADDICTIVE

              Whether it's addictive or not I don't know. It stinks, it can't be good for you physically, you do get lazy and unmotivated. If you drive, you are driving impaired. Good luck! You got a booger to wrestle.
              AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


                Addiction: IS MARIJUANA ADDICTIVE


                Yowza! I'm sorry. I just found this thread and started at the beginning. Then I got to your last post. I have a 15 yo son and we've talked about pot, drugs, sex, alcohol etc. for years. I told him 5-6 years ago that he can't smoke pot until he gets out of high school because it fries your brain. Like that logic?

                If he did smoke it and not tell me, and he videoed it and I found out I'd be flaming. 😡
                I'm pretty easy going but I'd make him miserable. I'd gather myself because I'd only bring it up once. I'd say all I wanted and I'd tell him he can talk with me about it at any time if he wants. I'd do it this way because I'd probably have a really difficult time letting go of it and I'd run it into the ground.

                My son would not be allowed to ever go to that kid's house. I wouldn't call the adults in the house because my experience has been that many don't believe or want to hear "bad things" that happen on their watch. I picture wasting time trying to convince someone that their kid has my kid smoking pot in their house.

                My son's free time would be spent with me. Oh, we'd run errands, do additional chores for no $$ because he won't need $$ to stay at home. He'd learn some cooking and laundry etc. It would partially irritate me but there may be a chance something positive might come out of it.

                I don't have a relationship with a school counselor but your son's counselor may have helpful advice.

                Having a drink may sound good--just a little escape from this unbearable mess--but why? If you do drink you lose a little self respect and what do you answer if your son says,"Well, you drink to relax"?

                Just my thoughts. My heart's with you.


                  Addiction: IS MARIJUANA ADDICTIVE


                  Thank you so much fo ryour post. That meant so much:l
                  I know what you mean about wanting to pound it into the ground. I can be very sarcastic (really?) and it's so much harder than I thought not to bring it up in a biting way when he is talking to me....
                  I will gather myself... I promise:h

                  So far he is in total lockdown and he goes NOWHERE unsuperivised. He is pretty miserable and it really does break me apart. He is so fricken talented and has a good heart but his thinking is the most twisted I have ever come across though I'm sure psychologists have see worse.
                  Matt knows I don't drink anymore. He actually says to me that he wished I did...that way he could do what he likes and no one one would care. He is utterly convinced that 18 is some magic number by which he will turn from a pumpkin to a prince and he is free to do whatever he wants when ever he wants...I know that's every adolescents fantasy but I don't know any kid who doesn't have a basic understanding of what it takes to care for themsleves once they hit the magic number.

                  In some ways it's as though he is stuck in that 'magical thinking' mind which charaterises toddlers and young children...I DO NOT know how he got stuck there but I know that if he persues pot, he's stuck for good.

                  Thanks agian for your insight and support,
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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                    Addiction: IS MARIJUANA ADDICTIVE

                    Kradle123;1565989 wrote:
                    METH was a complete surprise ...we have a ton of break ins here in this quiet little town mostly fueled by 'meth heads' looking for money...2 break ins on my block alone.

                    Sure. I think the study might be "UK" centered. Still, I bet the harm of alcohol in that list would surprise quite a few people (who are not on this forum...) too.

                    Also: in the "harm" part, there is the fact that legality/illegality heavily influences the harm factor. Despite all the movies etc. there are relatively few deadly heroin cases per year (300/year in the UK IIRC), but because of the legal status, there is an awful lot of crime involved. (something that doesn't play with alcohol obviously, and according to that list it's 3 times more harmful than weed).

                    That said, if the kid films himself with a bong, he needs a slap and a wake up call. Talented or not, he's being mega-stupid, and therefor should probably lay off the stuff for a while. Don't overreact though - I think that could make things worse.

                    Thank heavens I have a big dog!
                    I got two of those puppies. They are addicted as well: to food.


                      Addiction: IS MARIJUANA ADDICTIVE

                      I know there is this push for smoking pot in America right now. But it is and I believe just as bad as AL. I used to smoke pot with my brother around the age of 19. We were wastes of spaces for about a day. And it's a gate way drug. For those who say it's not. I was smoking pot everyday for about a year and mixing in AL at times. I was one lazy asshole. I wish I could talk to Matt. He needs to stop this now. He doesn't have to become me. Years of life I will never get back.
                      Started living again 2/7/2015


                        Addiction: IS MARIJUANA ADDICTIVE

                        Kradle....I just saw this...holy crap.
                        Matt needs treatment babe, pure and simple. I would get him in an addction therpay group as fast as possible. I have seen these kids first hand and the couselors will NOT put up with their bullshit. Do it for your baby friend......
                        just my opinion
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Addiction: IS MARIJUANA ADDICTIVE

                          I agree Mama...I was thinking about this last night...I feel almost paralytic in some regards to this worried that in trying to help Matt i will just make it I sit here wondering what the best course of action is...

                          FD remember that post you wrote a long time ago about your older self sitting your younger self down and talking sense into him...I wish Matt Could fast forward to his older self too and have that conversation. :l
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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                            Addiction: IS MARIJUANA ADDICTIVE

                            see what your insurance will cover and if there are any teen groups near your house...
                            I have been going to counseling and the teens are the hardest ones to reach...I wanted to smack them all for being self absorbed and having an F You attitude....this may be above your pay grade as a mom....I know it would be for me.... my heart would be breaking and I am afraid I would make it worse...yelling, screaming, gnashing teens shut down and don't listen to parents..but they will listen to a retired marine that is a recovering addict and a trained professional
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem

