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Oil burning

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    Oil burning

    Just thought I'd pass on a tip that helps me relax and switch into *relax* mode when I'm feeling like I need it. I have an oil burner with several blends of pure essential oils which I light up. It might not be everyone's cup of tea but the beautiful scents really help me to relax.

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Oil burning

    okay i'll bite your name suites you i bet your eyes are brown also (ha-ha)sorry its late i needed a good laugh


      Oil burning

      Why does my user name suit me? And why would my eyes be brown? (actually they're green so there! ) I don't get the joke... am I missing something?

      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        Oil burning

        DOO DOO is BROWN...she's asking if you are full of shit? HA HA


          Oil burning

          I would try tis, but would fall asleep and burn down my Sounds very relaxing!


            Oil burning

            Ahhh... ok, so in UK, Europe & Ameriica's 'DooDoo' is like dog poo? :H I had no idea... I think I'd better change my username!!!
            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


              Oil burning

              DON'T CHANGE IT..

              Hi, no I see it as I can do it do it just do do do doo doo doo doo.

              Whinny the pooh has no problem why should you. I would miss the DooDoo thing - I always looked at it as something very positive.

              **this is a first at the office and online - boy it feels funny...
              Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                Oil burning

                Good point Kimmy!

                And my sh*t don't stink anyway!

                :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                  Oil burning

                  I did something similar one night husbter and I went out for dinner. Had 3 bottles of wine. We were celebrating I think it was the fact it was a Thursday.(I never did need a reason to celebrate) Any how became a nice evening at home had this large 5 arm standing candelabra (sp AS always with me) going lots of romance. He told me he would put out the candles I awoke Thankfully at 3am with them melting to a very dangerous point. So I can't play with fire . Husband and I don't really have a good history with candles. I don't think we should try a conbustable liquid.
                  Smiles always


                    Oil burning

                    Doo, I put this in the wrong place. it should have been under your other post. I am typing feverishly this morning because I just know all this wind is going to knock the power out


                      Oil burning

                      Doo--this is very interesting to me---so in Australia you don't refer to dog poop as doo-doo??
                      What do you call it? I have never thought you were full of sh&*, thought your eyes were probably green, and always thought your name was because you liked Scooby!


                        Oil burning

                        Oh I was in the right place we just got on to the conversation of dog poop. We have 5 dogs never call it a doo doo. It's crap poop or sh*t. I don't think even toilet traing my daughter it was anything but poopy. Keep Doo Doo. I like poop because of Spongebob.
                        P- people
                        o -order
                        o- our
                        p- patties.
                        See, I can always get a job at the Krusty Krab
                        Think I had to much caffiene


                          Oil burning

                          soccermom;122442 wrote: Doo--this is very interesting to me---so in Australia you don't refer to dog poop as doo-doo??
                          What do you call it? I have never thought you were full of sh&*, thought your eyes were probably green, and always thought your name was because you liked Scooby!
                          Well I've never heard poo called 'doodoo' before. We call it poo, crap etc but I must admit, last night I asked Mr DooDoo if he'd heard of the expression and he laughed his head off and said "yes" which is all well and good except that he calls me 'Doo' as my nickname. What is wrong with this picture?! lol

                          Simey, slow down on the coffee girl!
                          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                            Oil burning

                            Oh Doo Doo- I thought you knew & since you had Scooby Doo & had maybe thought drinking made you feel like dog poo. Hence your name.....Tooo funny!
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Oil burning

                              How funny this thread has taken this turn-what a difference slang can make in different countries! I use an electric diffuser for my essential oils. It has a removable cup that can be washed, and the oils changed whenever I like. I use lavendar to relax, and lemon or grapefruit or rosemary to rev up. That way I don't have to worry about an open flame. I use all sorts of combos, and even add the oils to washing water to scent sheets or cleaning water to scent the house as I clean.

                              Simey-I am very impressed that you knew the poop from Spongebob. My youngest dd LOVES the little yellow square guy!
                              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child

