stiff one , you have to get that fisrt day in. you are right, it is a depressant and the longer you drink, the more depressed you get. start today and get that first day af in, you will be so proud and feel better, makes you want a second day. are you taking the supps, etc??? they do help!
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
stiff one , you have to get that fisrt day in. you are right, it is a depressant and the longer you drink, the more depressed you get. start today and get that first day af in, you will be so proud and feel better, makes you want a second day. are you taking the supps, etc??? they do help!
30 days???
Today is a new day, I had stopped taking the topa a couple of weeks ago, maybe not a good time to stop. I am going to start it up again today. You all are right!!! Maybe now was not the time to try and stop. I love you all, thank-you for all your support. Yesterday, I came here instead of drinking and it helps!!!!
Magic, I am so glad you are are an inspiration!!! Thank-you!
Nibs, you know the thread was just what I needed!
30 days???
LUV, sorry about your sister and her not coming to see your mother. That would break my heart if my kid didn't come see me. Maybe bootcamp is right though about her not being able to deal? Whether she can deal of not doesn't really matter because one day down the road she will realize how selfish her actions were and then she will have to deal.
Sending you hugs!"Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."
30 days???
Good Morning all, I'm just popping in really quick before my first day back to work... I'm really ready and looking forward to it...
More2 I'll have to get that funny song from you LOL I've heard About it but never heard it for myself... I'll PM you with my email tonight ok Hon...
Stiff one, always know that we have all share the same feelings that you do with alcohol.. Get those first days under your belt, tooth, claw, and nail !! For you,,,, Before you know it , smooth sailing will be yours... Welcome !!! We can help ! Have a great day, gotta fly !! love you guys, Hugs,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
I hate it when I type a long message and then it just goes away. I have done it many times. Today it really pissed me off. For some reason I have been in a grumpy mood. Not at all like me since I have been sober. I am not sure what is going on, but I will deal with it.
Glad to hear you are getting back on the topa luv. Right now is probably not the best time to quit with all you have going on. I am sure at some later date you will be able to quit.
Love you guys
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Bear, Could I have a copy of your avatar please? I want to put it in my kitchen.
Perhaps on the fridge where a certain trio of teenagers will be sure to see it.
Luv, I'm glad as well you're back on the topa dopa, how is Mama today? Do you have hospice in? I have a whole list of questions.......kind of feel like she is my mama too. xx
You know, you have a whole bunch of sisters here.
m. xx :l~Are you looking for the Holy One?
I am in the next seat.
My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir
30 days???
Stiff one, where you at? Like Luv said, get that first day in. I too have been there with the killer cravings. Thinking of drinking ALL the time. You know you went 45 days before, so yes, you will do it again. Just get that first day in. Take it one day at a time. That's what all of us have to do. It is worth it, and so are you. Stop in and we'll work on this together.where does this go?
30 days???
Hey Guys! I too, typed a long funny story about my weekend, and it just disappeared too....BEAR, GRRRRRRR HUH! lol Then I tried again, and the lil circle thing just kept going and going and going, and it never went thru either......ANYWAY....More2, sorry I missed getting to post on here about your birthday, hope you got my reg. e-mail!!! Bear, what's up with your mood do you think....want me to send you some LO like I did Nibs, it elevates the mood really well! BOOTSIE, YOU ARE BACK, AND IN ONE PIECE AND THAT SOUNDS LIKE A MIRACLE....Lordy girlfriend, take care of you, you know we can't do without ya! I missed ya tons, seems you were gone forever! LUV...I could practically "hear" the other day when you were soooo tired, and soooo stressed, and soooo conflicted, that you were going to grab a bottle of wine and get a twirly straw, find a corner, sit down, and just said....3 lil ol wine coolers isn't squat....just get the topa back up, and take some LO, it'll make ya feel better....don't you one sec get on yourself for that lil setback....I couldn't do all you do period! Morrison....I'm soooo impressed with your boxing, that is sooo incredible! And, I will come looking for ya, with, we'll get More2's sis and BIL to get you that bodyguard, betcha they know a keeper for, they may know a beautiful blonde for you'm just so proud of you....I'm proud of all of us....I love you all sooooo much....gotta catch up....I hope this goes thru!!!!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Tough, I know better than to mess with you. And at this point, blonde will work, but I'll take anything. Well, as long as she is clean. Haha.
Spin, welcome back. Never ever stop trying. That is one thing I've learned recently. I was so close to giving up on life recently, and bounced back. I may fall again, and I pray I don't, but if I do, I know that it is NEVER too late. Look forward to your posts.where does this go?
30 days???
hey ya all still afing and by god i'm almost at yep 2 weeks. ooop ty ooop. now, tex i'm pming you. can i get some l.o. from you? i'm going to write later. i think my little episode made me a bit tired and well hurt my little back. chiro adjusted and well, i'm scabbing up my back rather nicely. oh that will be pretty like a 3 by 4 inch scar is really much better then um lights out for bootsie. so glad i'm sober.
okay, i'm with more 2 on this one. stiff one-- you just have to change your name. i mean i love the name but i really can't quite just get acrossed it with a straight face. but well i might just get over it and call you viagra instead. so viagra get on in there and get a day in.
bear i love the new avatar. love it. i'm sorry you are grumpy. maybe it is a bit of pms. and i am sorry you had to go through that ruff week. so could be that.
mayor. cleanliness is next to godliness. but maybe take a break from women til you can get a few more days sober. you know they just make you crazy anyway. you have lots of girlies here. so well, you'll have to be your very bestfriend for awhile. you can well, say sweet nothings to yourself, buy yourself flowers, even splurge on an ice cream, take yourself out on a date, take yourself home and well candles and all. then well decide if you'll actually let yourself spend over. ahahahahahahahahahaha god that made me just crack up. i could go on and on and on and on.
luv bug, get that topa in girl and the lo. i'm going to pop an additional tonight just for good measure. no cravings but you just never know how that little craving thing could go. so better safe than sorry. i'm sending you all lots of love today. give your mama and her birdie some love for me. i'd actually request to babysit birdie for you but that would be just plain torture on my doggies. they'd flip out.
magic so good to see you more often. guess you figure we are fun to party with heh? hahahaha
oh gosh did i miss my texas sunshine tit. how the heck are you girlie? well a friend of mine sent me a utube hook up to movie he made about these mexican wherewolves and i think it's off the texas mexico border. anyway, then this woman was on the news and actually caught one or three. well, i got worried about my texas gal cuz i didn't want her out there chucking herself off of the back porch and getting attacked by a Chupacabra. so scarey. so check out the video
[ame= ]YouTube - Chupacabra attacks in Texas[/ame] notice what the passenger tries to do to distract the chupacabra. hahahahaa i said well that would just be what tex, more2 or i would do. just exactly that. see my comments. and randy's reply on utube. hahahaha
more2 did you get my pm for mr contractor? you can call me and we can discuss as well. and i can also ask my bro who is mr big time builder in so cal as well. let me know more. i can pm you my phone number again.
spincycle. spongebob has the same avatar so i didn't recognize you. well are you here and ready to play? so good to have you. i mean we all go at whatever we are up to. not everyone here is playing for af. we are just all here digging each other.
nibs. how's the job? are you happy to be back? i just know you've memorized the menu and you haven't once poured coffee in anyone's crotch. hahahaha for some reason i'm wondering how all the animals are doing? well, i'm still a bit worn out so bed is early for me. then tomorrow a full day of marketing and sales/my favorite. guess my girlie sent me her insurance company it is called martha stewarts vineyard insurance. whoooo eeeee. now aint that fancy. hope they like paying out... barbie wants her barbie car all pretty like and i'll handle the few dr. appts but i want my baby car fixed. i wouldn't mind though if they'd pay for a bit of beauty treatments and facials. i'm sure that little accident put some wrinkles on my little flawless barbie face. ahahahahahahahahahahahahaah and i just paid for all those treatments. ah sigh. tis the life okay, lavender oil. and nite nite all:welcome:
30 days???
Good Morning everybody !!
Thank-You for wondering about my first day back to work yesterday... You guys are awesome !!!
Luv, she is STILL a butt !! Only thing is she is aiming her daggers at another girl at the moment.. So I guess I'm safe at the moment... I truely go to work with an positive attitude, enjoy the kids, the staff and I feel am an asset... I'm just going to keep my mouth shut, do my job with a smile and collect my paycheck.. I never am a gossiper at work even though she tries and tries to get you into a conversation such as that... Just very immature... Oh well.... I'm so happy to be back just the same... As I only work part-time, I have today off..
Bear, I'm sorry that your feeling funky right now. I hate when I get like that for no apparent reason.. Hope you find that genuineeven by days end...
Barbie, I'm soooo gosh darn proud of you !!! You Rock !!! I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better all the time... Bless your heart.
Morrison, how goes the gym? You are gaining more endurance by now I'm gonna guess... That is such a wise thing for you to do... Tex could likely fix you up with some really hot horsey girls, but you better get some spurs my friend !!! Giggle !! Giggle !!
Stiff AKA viagra, I wish you all the very best on this day. Feel all the positive vibes we are all sending you and gain the strength you need to do something, anything besides drinking... You CAN do this !!!
Luv, I'm so glad that you are taking the topa again... You are such a wise person to know that this isn't the best time to try it alone... Sending you a hug and a prayer. x ^
Beaches, it is always so nice to see you stop on by... Come more often and stay awhile... We have lots of room for ya.
And Magic, our thoughtful, compassionate Magic, you always seem to say just the right thing at the right time...
Welcome Spin, I'm happy to meet you... I thought I saw you around the boards awhile back, but I don't believe we've met... I really hope that you enjoy this family of ours that is blessed to grow every now and then. We will do all we can to help you with loving support. Enjoy !!!
Sorry I didn't get on the computer last night to PM you my email for that song More2, our sons had it all tied up with Ebay, MSN , guitar tabs, etc... Oh teenagers !!
Have a wonderful day everybody !! Hugs, and a special,to Bear,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
BOOTSIE, that IS me and More2, we faked filmed it in the desert! Only thing is, since More2 and I both have "knockers" that are nice, I'd have to show my ASS to scare something'd have to MOON the dang thing! And yes, I'll send you some LO too, got Nibs some all the way to Canada, so I can hook you up too! Nibs, you just let that ol Nazi boss click her heels, and you just keep on keeping might want to talk to her about hormonal imbalance, sounds like a case I'd love to review on HER....whew, she may have too much testosterone...does she have a mustache?, how's it going today?....Hope you are back up on that horse! Morrison in SPURS, now how come I have such a VISUAL and I've never met Morrison in person? Lordy, the ladies would after he's bodily reconstruction in boxing, he'll have to box off the girls...Bear, where are you today, you feeling chippier? Do I need to send you some LO too???... Here I am, peddling happy group, I overdid it at the gym yesterday, gotta go take some ibuprofen and do some stretches, un-kink the muscles...tomorrow my daughter is teaching a good friend of mine Yoga, she's teaching just us at the studio, private, that's the only way we'd agree to come....neither of us wanted to be farting, falling over, and getting mat burns, in front of some Twiggy watching us with her foot behind her ear, or sumthing! So, we're going to take it slow and easy....I'll check on ya'll later! Love to all!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"