going to bed now. bearsy. happy bday. happy happy 5 months. i can send you a chip. hahahahah i have them all. humm i don't think they have a five month. i think you have to wait til number 6 though. and you will be just fine in munich. there is so much else there going on you won't even think about drinking. okay, i got excellent reading done for my book so on to book again tomorrow. nite nite all and magic thank you for the mental pause notes. i'm looking forward to getting the help i need. really. no more sums disease. sudden ugly mood swings. lol
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
going to bed now. bearsy. happy bday. happy happy 5 months. i can send you a chip. hahahahah i have them all. humm i don't think they have a five month. i think you have to wait til number 6 though. and you will be just fine in munich. there is so much else there going on you won't even think about drinking. okay, i got excellent reading done for my book so on to book again tomorrow. nite nite all and magic thank you for the mental pause notes. i'm looking forward to getting the help i need. really. no more sums disease. sudden ugly mood swings. lol:welcome:
30 days???
Hi all,
A quick note before I have to get the kids up. Hey, I was adopted and didn't have any sibs. Always wished I did. A couple years ago I paid a place to find my biological relatives. Turns out I have a sister and 2 brothers. Well we started calling each other and I CANT STAND MY SISTER EITHER. She pisses my off every time I talk to her which is next to never. Just wanted to share that. bird
30 days???
Hi everyone...just back from some time off, was great...very relaxing. I am really sort of uncomfy asking, but...is it just me lying to myself, or what are people's thoughts on weekend drinking? Nothing in abusive excess, but...enjoying a glass or two of wine, out with a friend for dinner? I feel great not drinking during the week, sleeping better, feeling clear and grounded. Just still feeling out the forum! Thanks for reading my groggy morning post...
30 days???
Kimmie...we are not all AF...our goals are all different. I think what we should say is our goal is to always be DRUNK FREE! IF you can have a drink or two without overindulging...HOORAY to you. Some can some can not. We are simply here to support each other down the road...whatever your road may be.
Where the heck are Morrison and Tex? We gonna have to track them down?
30 days???
Good Morning everybody !!! I slept like a log last night !!! Our lab was up wining to go outside as she had gotten into the garbage while we were in town.. Good old day old bits of chicken,,, yuck !!! I didn't hear a thing.. I guess now it's hubbys turn to do the nighttime stuff, cause when our boys woke us up at night he sure couldn't breast feed babies... Ha !! haaa !!!!
Nice to see you stop on by Lucky !!!! Okra eating duck you !!! tee !!heee!!
Bear, I'm soo gosh darn proud of your 5 months AF !!! You are a Machine !!!! You Rock !!! I just know that you'll have so much fun in Germany my friend... There is so much to do and see that you'll be amazed !
Morrison, we're all kinda , we more than kinda getting worried about you.... We all love you , you know... Good, Bad, Excellent, Ugly, or Awesome, please drop us a line if you have a minute. It would ease our minds... We are afterall, family here. We go with the ups and the downs. That is what family does. Allow us to be your soft place.
Magic, I hope that you enjoy your lazy cabbage rolls !!! They are so easy to make and they actually freeze for about 3 months quite well too... I'll have to take the time sometime and post my lazy mans perogy casserole... Gosh, I'm a lazy cook or what?!! ha.
Bootsie, I'm kinda looking forward to when my "Aunt" doesn't arrive uninvited every single month !!! urgg !! menopause is sounding pretty good !!! (sorry fellas.)
Kimmie !! Great to see you !! I too enjoy some drinks on the weekend as well as a couple during the week... We are all as Luv said just heading for sometimes AF, of drunk free.... Always better than last time and learning from last time... No failures here... Thanks so much for asking and so great to see you again !!!
Tex, I hope you're OK sweetie !!!
Luv, I'm gonna have to dress up I guess !!! I'm such a farm girl, so it's weird to wear "girl clothes"... I do like to look nice though. I'll take a pic for ya. I'll try to stand proper-like. Ha !! Haa !!!
Today I'm home and baking panzarotti... I got the press thingy at the thrift shop during my 3 hour shopping trip from hell... I guess not all was lost... So, off I go to make a whack of pizza dough... Have a wonderful day everybody !!! Hugs,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Ya know Nibs I know you are a country girl at heart but you are so pretty I bet ya spit shine up real good! HA HA HA Can't wait for my pics!
I made corn beef and cabbage over the wekend, it is getting cooler here FINALLY. I love fall. I am ready to plant some flowers...time for pansies. It has been so hot, I haven't done anything outside. It would just die. You couldn't even water it enough to keep it alive. Mums and pansy time!
30 days???
nibs you are going to look so preeeeetyyyyyy and have such a good time. oh gosh i'm running so slow today. well, but i have great newsy. i went to the rejuvination center as i'm perio menapausal which i guess everyone is after age 35. lol anyway, wow, well they described every single symptom i had and i didn't even open my mouth and i was like that's me that's me. and so i get a full blood panel in 2 weeks and physical and then start the natural replacement once they determine what levels i need to be at to be my happy self again like i was in my 30's. yeahhhhhh. i was there 4 hours. usually they do a 45 min session but i learned so much. i went out and immediately told 15 of my friends to go for the free consultation phone and in person. oh my gosh. i'm soooo excited.
luv bug fall is my favorite time of year. i just love how the air changes and gets crisp and the leaves change. love fall. well, shower time. i'll write more later. hey there magic and birdie. more 2 i'm sending you lots of love tell me what city...... i'll tell you a spa.:welcome:
30 days???
Hello all. Sorry I haven't checked in. The last couple weeks have sucked. I'm really angry about something at this very moment. Not angry, more disgusted. I'm at work, and can't post much, but I'm hoping too in a little while. Gotta run for something, and then I'll be back. Sorry to make anybody worry.where does this go?
30 days???
MORRISON MY FRIEND, good grief man, where have you been! So glad to see a post from you! Welcome home...
More2, you don't have to hire us...we are free for hire loonies...HA HA HA OMG, the things you will do when you are pissed and desperate. BUT, I have my ashes and when I am able, I will take him to the Grand Canyon like I promised him I would. May not be all of them, but he KNOWS, I KNOW, and God Knows...that is all that matters to me anymore. I will be thinking of you next week. It is not easy!
30 days???
hey girl, i'll hunt up something in seattle. the best place i love lovelove though in palm desert way is the wecare place i told you about. it is the best! i go there once a year every year. even a few days there and you will be shiney new. and all the movie stars go there so you can sit around and chat it up with em. i stayed there once and ben affleck was there, matt damon and possey. last time i was there gwen stefani was there. she stayed to herself though. the rooms are either really nice or just plain. you can pick and the price is very reasonable. then down the way they have the natural mineral pools you can hang in as well. so so nice.
welcome back my mayor. i missed you. so sorry you are upset. you have to put a smile on that face of yours. life is too short i've decided to be upset about anything.
oh i forgot to give you the website of where i went yesterday in case you want to read about it. wow, i'm soooo excited. bhrcenter.com stands for the rejuvination center.
more 2 also wanted to say sorry you have another funeral to go to. that might be a tough one. hang in there kiddo.:welcome:
30 days???
Hello everybody !!!
Morrison !! We missed you so gosh darn much !!! We're family you know ???!
Whatever crap has happened my friend, scrape it off...
You know we got your back Right ? We are so passionate and protective I might add about eachother that I hope you don't stay disgusted for long... We want you to be Happy in life and with yourself.
Well, tonight I gave hubby a hair cut and I'll hand wash my dress get it ready... I have some really exciting news to share !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In our local little newspaper I read an add in the classifieds " Wanted; Part-time veterinary assistant. Willing to train the right person, customer skills an asset..."
I whipped up a resume and faxed it to the clinic !!! At this clinic they have Keith that takes care of the large animals and his wife Barb who has the small animal practice. I used to assist Keith all the time when I boarded my horse in the city when he needed to vaccinate or do small emergency surgeries.. Everybody else would gross out and leave the barn...
It is in Gods' hands should I get this job.. It is only a 10 minute drive from our home.... I've got my fingers crossed and could sure use your prayers. Gramma always said, "If it is meant to be , it will be" I'm afraid to be too excited and will not say "Boo" to anybody except hubby and the boys about it...
More2, you are gonna enjoy that spa so much !! You so deserve the relaxing experience. Good for you. Question, If you fart in a mud bath do you see a bubble like in a bath tub?
How did your cabbage rolls turn out Magic?
Oh yea, Bird, we used to go camping in a tent all the time... Tons of fun except in May... Sometimes there is snow.. BRRR !!! I hope the weather straightens up for you to enjoy tenting !!!
Hope that your Thursday was super d duper Groovy Bear !so far mine is awesome !!!
and tomorrow I have the house to myself with my day off !! Yahoo !!! I can listen to music really REALLY loud so that I can't hear the vaccum !! Makes house work so much more tolerable !!! My panzarottis turned out really good !! They take a long time to make (4 hours) but they freeeze well and they boys now have home made Pizza Pockets when they get home from school and rip the door off the fridge... How they don't have freezer burn on one side of their face from it being in the fridge is beyond me !! Haa !! Haaa !!! Growing Boys !! Simply Cannot fill them up !!!
Well Cody and Milly are such happy horses tonight as hubby put a pile of grass clipping out in their pasture for them to munch... They are best buddies... It is a blessing that Codys last year or so is so happy for him... Sweet ol' Fart.
Well, I'm gonna go and do my barn chores because I didn't do them this morning.. Then tuck in all my 4-legged friends.
Hope that you are having a terrific Thursday Kimmie
Hugs Guys, Love ya's
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Hi all,
I'm kinda tired this eve so wont write much. Morrison glad youre back. More2, its supposed to be gloomy here all weekend. There goes our camping again. Made a scarecrow with the kids out of a painter suit with a plastic pumpkin duct taped for the head and a flower pot duct taped for the hat and welding gloves taped on and rain boots taped on sitting in a lawn chair. Looks crazy. Made some kudzu tea it was just awful but drank it anyway.Later love bird
30 days???
lol the things you do with kudzo. i think you need to start writing in a journal and make up a cookbook for kudzo. then you can sell it on the website. hahaha roberta can add it in the book. ahahahahahaahah 101 recipes for kudzo. you are a riot.
hey lunchlady i'm going to call you vet lady now. you so have that job. it's all yours. and i've decided i want to work in the rejuvination center. if the stuff works i want to stand on a soap box and tell the world they can feel better too. no more sums disease. (sudden ugly mood swings) for barbie. no more depression, night sweats, bloaty barbie, no ambition barbie, no wanting to do anything, sleep all the time, no sex drive barbie, yeahhhh. i can't wait... i'm just about to get my life back. thanks to good ol dan. now that i've been reading our thread on sisters. and i think the second book i'm going to write is why you should never have that second daughter. or the bitch sister. (laughing outloud) or the good daughters club. just think of the stories we would collect. kind of a dark version of the jack canfield book chicken soup for the soul. oh my god okay i've really gone too far. and hey bird sorry about the gloomy weekend.
i will say though tis getting chilly here. so nice love that. okay, i should stop now. i'm needing to contine watching nip and tuck. luv hope mama is doing good today. and bearsy sending you lots of good ol fashioned bootsie love. say hello to mama bear for me.:welcome:
30 days???
Nibs, I am so excited for you. I know you would love this job!!! Prayers going up for you.
Bootsie, you crack me up...YES I have loads of good stuff for the book. I am the middle child so we cant say never have the second one...that would be me and I'm the good one..LOL
My best friend for 16 years called today, she lives in Florida...I lived there for 10 years, both my children born there and she was with me when I had my son, we are VERY close. She has three children, her youngest is 2. Her husband was home alone with Karson and he slipped out the back door. Well, when he went looking for him he found him floating in the pool. Her husband is EMT/Paramedic/Fireman in Miami, so he grabs Karson, who is already turning blue and administers CPR. HE IS OK ,but spent 2 days in the hospital. Another 60 seconds and her baby would have been dead. I just cried! She is an RN so when they got to the hospital with him, she was working and was able to meet them in the ER. Every time I think about it I tear up. I can just not imagine! Makes me SO grateful for my babies!!!!