Welcome Fammy!!!! Glad you are here!
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
welcome fammy, we are happy to have you. i'm on a non stop coaching day and then healing clients tonight. okay nibs...... i ate a healthy break as in protein shake))))) lol and cardio at some point in between appts. sawdust later. and yes water all day today with my supplements. i'm on my topa. took my 100. waiting for my first round of stupidity to kick in. beaches nice to see you. morrison you should have oh i don't know 18 hours or more about now. yeahhh. now you can't have booze if you don't buy it so no booze. so sober smart mc cheese head today. okay???? we are rooting for you. dave is somewhere and i hope bear comes back. i'll check in tonight if i can but it's a swamped day. hope you love the bootsie story. cracking myself up. stay out of the hood you all its scarey out there. and i really really hope that tomorrow i can pick up my barbie car. i miss barbie car.
30 days???
Welcome Fammy.
Boots. If you want to kick my ass, you better eat more. You can't have it both ways, okay? I guess I must like you if I give you a hard time. Like, when I was young, I was always so mean to the girls I liked. So, you should be flattered, okay? And when I get drunk, that IQ goes down to where I was when I was 8 years old, so now you are dealing with 8 year old morrison, and I'll pull on your hair and say mean things til you cry. Hmm. I wonder what the psychology of that is. I know a lot of boys tease the girls they like. Hmm. Now I got something to research.
fammy, stick around. This is just one snippet of the silly banter you will see on this thread. I think only a few are at 30 days or more, but we all share the same goal. 30 days is really just a thread title. I think we all want to go for eternity, but 30 is a great start. Damn, I'd be happy if I can get back to a freakin' week. We'll get through this together. :lwhere does this go?
30 days???
Welcome Fammy !!!!
When I got home from work the house was nice and quiet so I took the time to read all the posts from yesterday... Phew !!! Bootsie, you must be a typing queen !!! Ha !! ha !!
12Many, if you put a flashing light on the roof of the vehicle your #1 Son drives it will warn others on the road !!! Giggle !! Giggle !!!
Magic, Cindi and Luv, you ladys are a wealth of compassionate information... Thanks for continueing to be there for others
Morrison, I'm glad that you are posting and will go to see your Doc today...
Gonna go and start some supper and the "grinders" just got home from school...Ha !! haaa !! Hugs to everyone,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
okay i wanted to check in and tell you that hubby just brought home chicken and rice and made me eat some. hahaahahah so i did. it was yummy. and that along with my new invention of white tea. yummmy. okay morrison i can't kick your ass as i've lost 2 lbs. but if i could i would. hahahahaa thanks buddy for putting in a day. now see. no booze today my friend. god almighty i wish i could stay but i have a ton of work. fammy keep checking in. and yes i'm really gunning for 30 days. morrison and i are going to hold hands the entire way aren't we? i'm looking forward to poetry from you cheese whiz. so go and find some. later ya all. and morrison will you please drop aline in on beetle's thread? god... poor girl.:welcome:
30 days???
I'm spending all my free time reading all the posts. Have you noticed its over 2000 now on this thread? Bootsie what is that about the no green tea after 45? I drink it some but mostly drink rooibus and chamomile. I have about 10 different teas lined up across the top of the stove. Bootsie your roller porn reminds me of a story of my own. I used to live in FT.Lauderdale .I dont know if I've ever posted about it by I play drums. Anyway I was playing with a band and they were all black but me. They had a manager who seemed to have his shit together. He got us a job at a classy club (he said). I always like to show up early since I have so much equipment. Well, I went down there (it was in Miami) and I saw the club. I thought I had the wrong place and went up and down the road to make sure. It looked pretty bad but there was another club right up the road I had played before which looked bad but was actually pretty nice inside. So I pulled into the parking lot. It was early afternoon and everyone was staring at me. I was afraid to leave my equip in the parking lot but did. Went into the club and had to go through a metal detector. This was about 20 years ago and you didnt see much of that. The bouncer asked me what I was doing there and I said I was with the band and they would be there soon. I got a beer and sat down while they all stared. Soon my bandmates came and we set up. There was no stage, just a very large dance floor and we set up against the wall. Well we were only to play 1 set and then it went to DJ. We played and as soon as it was over and the dance music started the people (and there were alot of them) swarmed the dance floor. Every inch of space was filled with bodies and I was trying to get my stuff out of there. No partition or anything. I remember the place was clled A Touch of Class but it was just awfull. I had to quit that band but they were pretty good. bird
30 days???
When I first met my hubby, he was the engineer for a band. Your story reminded me of a really funny night.
It was 1974, Disney World in Orlando, FL. The band, a wife, and myself went to the gig. The band set up and was playing. It was a private party. The other girl and myself kept noticing that our guys kept watching us. They kept peeking at us during the gig and seemed to be very interested in what we were doing, especially if we were talking with any of the guests. We were both puzzled. Usually, the guys just ignored us until it was time to break down, and then were helped.
Turns out the gig was for a group of married swappers. (I was so naive then, I had no idea what that meant until someone explicity explained it to me.)
Everytime one of the guests would talk to us, our guys got worried. LOL
Oh well. Not like I would have swapped, anyway.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
Boots, I'm going to be so cruel right now. Picture this. 2 days ago I was very hungry. And I thought, hmm, time to be a cannibal again. So, I get myself a huge cheeseburger. I said, you know what Jeremy, make me a kick ass cheeseburger. Load it up too. I put that thing down in about 2 minutes. It had 3 different types of cheeses, some onion, tomato, and lettuce. The patties were so moist. Oh, I got some bacon thrown on there two. Toasted buns. Oh, it was sloppy as hell. Had it all over my mouth and hands. But God, was it great. Some tots on the side too. Yeah, that thing will probably take a year off my life, but honestly, it was worth it. Matter of fact, I'm gonna go get one now. So Boots, why won't you enjoy one with me? I'll be at your door in no time. Haha. Remember a lot of us have seen pics of you. YOu are very, very fit. Don't get crazy with this stuff. Yeah, yeah, you're sick of hearing it. But a lot of people would kill to have your build. You're the type of lady that pisses a lot of others ladies off cause you can eat whatever the hell you want. So, eat whatever the hell you want!!! But start with a nice greasy cheeseburger. You can think of it as a Morrison voodoo doll, and relish my destruction with every bite. haha. You know you want to, You know it.where does this go?
30 days???
After Morrison's post, I just HAD to go look at photo gallery.
OMG, Girl!! You are gorgeous and YES, I am one jealous B*tch!!
You actually look like your avatar. I am impressed.
Your dad looks like a sweetheart, too.
You can eat a cheeseburger if you want. Listen to Morrison. The rest of us only aspire to have your figure. Just eat one and don't keep it up. It is much better than booze. Let's see, one cheeseburger vs a bottle of wine. Cheeseburger, same calories, and will NOT KILL YOU!!
Hope you are doing okay, today. I am trying to quit the cigs now, too. What the HELL have I gotten myself into? You guys are all too hard....
Morrison, I am so relieved to see you posting again. You really had me worried for a bit there. Please try to avoid doing that again. This whole board cares about you.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
Hey db2, glad to see you posting on here so much. The family keeps growing and growing. I know I won't go on the binge like I did last time I posted I was going to die, but the last 2 nights were bad too. No, I didn't give myself alcohol poisoning, but I was posting angry. And, that anger came from the drink. It really does, can you believe that. Its not like I'm angry, and then drink, and get worse. I was great during the day. Of course, there are times when I drink because I'm angry, but the last 2 nights were just senseless gluttoney. Hmm, made me think of the 7 deadly sins. Lets see what I'm guilty of, and we can all play along.
Gluttony - never know when I've had my fill. Complete pig when it comes to booze
Lust - Well, I am a man, so I don't really know what level of lust is inappropriate, but I'm sure I'm there.
Greed - amazingly, not really a greedy person. I gamble, and don't know when to stop, but I don't think that is greed as much as it is pure fucking stupidity on my part.
Envy - Hmm. Not sure. I'm envious of people that have their life together, but wish them no ill will. I think envy means you wish bad on those you envy.
Sloth - oh hell yes. I can just get lazy sometimes and lay in bed all day and do nothing but watch TV and eat some Ben and Jerrys. Ironically, I'll work my ass off the next day to make up for it though.
Wrath - umm, not gonna even bother to comment on this one.
Vanity/Pride - Yep. Always worked on keeping my body fit. Very, very self conscious. Used to only date girls that were so pretty, they were out of my league. Definitely guilty of this one. Now I've become a mess, so I don't have the option to be shallow when it comes to women. Haha. :Hwhere does this go?
30 days???
Welcome, Fammy. Keep coming back. One newbie to another - lots of nice folks and support here.
Boots - what an adventure. Imagine the same experience with diminished capacity, not enough fear or sense...... yikes. Imho one shouldn't rent Rocky Horror, it must be seen and experienced in person. I first saw it in san Fran at the Castro theater, midnight on a saturday night with a full moon. Standing room only. I now judge all bizzare adventures by that yardstick. As for the costumes, when my wife and I go to the mall or any number of places in snottsdale where the young and unembarrassed have their wares on display, we chant quietly 'we have sons, we have sons, we have sons....'
Nibs- I was hoping the young driver would stay OUT of cars with flashing lights on them. Perhaps learn from his old man. Anyway, the DMV computers were down today, so no license yet. We'll try again tomorrow. Everyone pray for more computer troubles..... :-)
Morrison - hope you get to the doc soon. You've clearly not lost all brain cells. Let the healing begin, brother! Anyway, he doesn't sprinkle fairy dust on you. Ever see Harvey? Where the doc is going to inject Jimmy Stewart and change him instantly and forever? Not going to happen here. you don't even have to like your doc (mine is a butt-munch of the first order), much less care if he likes you. Just get the meds from him and come back here for friendship and understanding. Once you have the meds in your hand you are still in control (at least until Boots can bulk up and whip yer a**).
Cindi- once upon a time my wife and I found out about a group of swappers on my boat. We showed up for a party with a game of twister and a bottle of wesson oil. We were kidding. They weren't. Awkward...... Oh well, there are worse things to be than naive.
Had such a nice evening last night. I'm tapering off to go AF, so I was moderating. Made a nice dinner. One boy had a friend stay for dinner and we listened to music and played scrabble over dinner. Truth about the mod, though? Completely pretending. I wasn't a moderate consumer having a normal evening, I was holding my demons off at gunpoint. I looked at the glass and had almost no interest in a sip. I kept thinking about throwing it all back and pouring another. So it really was a nice evening and I feel good about that, but I really think I need some good AF time before I'm ready to put a toe back in the water. Sharks in there....
30 days???
12many-I don't think I can moderate. It scares me to death to think about it. BUT, several on here can. Nibs has been very successful! I am just SO afraid I will over do it and I am so destructive drunk, I can't afford to do it anymore. I do think giving your body a few weeks off is a good idea and then try moderating. Just my opinion....gives you some healthy time to think and see what it feels like to be AF again. I am very glad you are here!!!!
30 days???
okay jumped on for a quickie check in before i finish the coaching day and i promptly fell off my barbie chair laughing so hard. dave many i'll call you. that was the frickin funniest post i've read in a really long time. we have sons we have sons. f...k great chant. hahahaahahahahahaa okay there are sharks in that glass which must have been hell on your scrabble game. cuz all you wanted to spell was chardonnay, grapes, pinot, all things spelling wine. and i'm thinking yeah awkward on the whole hey twister deal. i'm crying i'm laughing so hard. which i personally want to thank you for as now i'm getting an ab work out. okay and cheese head i could taste that fing burger. you are so the little stupid brother i never had. stfu. wow, magic is going to step in any minute and make us sit in separate corners i know it. okay cindi i really do appreciate your kind words really i do. i want to actually look like my photo again and about 5 more lbs will do it . but god now i want that burger so bad it is crazy. dieing.oh and guess what hubby got his results back did i tell you from his hormone blood panel. i didn't but he did. and wow, his testosterone panel is like 300 and should be at 1100. you wouldn't know it as is 43 and says wow, i'm going to feel like a kid again. i think someone is going to be chasing me around the yard soon. lmao. uhooohhhh.. i better go find him some extra phillies. oh bird and cindi those were awfully funny stories. funny. and really i'm stocking up on hallmark cards cuz that was just way too much for bootsie. i didn't realize how beverly hills i was til i was in the hood rampart division. no no no. i'll sit with diane keaton and nancy reagon any day of the week over fifty cent. hahahahahaa. okay cheese burger man. i'll come back later and figure out my seven deadly sins. they are alll related to of course dante's inferno. i'm on some awful canto, now this is your witching hour. so you need to get some kool aide and chill it.
30 days???
Hello guys I am checking in. My goodness how the pages fly. Over 200 pages and 2040 post. Unbelieveable. You guys rock. I don't even have time to catch up anymore. I am good and I will try to get back in touch tonight.
luv ya
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?