wahoooo i forgot to say magic is this your bday???? you and the kitties have a bday all at the same time???????? really do we need to put out a banner. oh my gosh......oh today i just got a check for my coaching with sparkles and stuff in it. lol and a big ol i appreciate you. and everything. gosh that made my day. loce that......... i love that. 12 many 007 i'm so happy it's working yeahhhhhhhhhhhh. well when i get back on sunday/monday i expect to hear all great thinngs. and thanks everyone for letting me share my heart. rj sent me a pm. i really appreciated that as well. i'd really most especially like him gone. so if you all have time if you would pm rj and ask her to rid the site of echome. i'd really like that.

so on to cool stuff. i'm going away to see daddy. i don't get to see him for very long just a day and a half. but i bought him the best stuff. he wants to take us to dinner. but get this i bought the best and i mean the best pizza that you simply cook for 15 minutes and then it's done. and i bought salad and chicken and everything all made already. all we do is play tennis at his pad or swim or whatever. he has the like house you can rollerskate in now that the kids are grown in santa barbara. it's like 10,000 sq ft. with tennis courts and pool etc. but he's so lonely since mom died. so yeahhhh we are going to see dad. my nephew lives with him. and he goes on a cruise every month but you know. i'm excited. and we are already planning another trip. dad wants to go antartica and then drop down to south america. he hasn't been to antartica like well who has???lol. but hell i'll go with him. he hasn't been to russia either but i'm not going i'm afraid i'll get kidnapped and then dasvidania baby. lmao. unless vigo from that new movie is there i'm not going. hahahaha so i'll see you all in a few days. remember, pm rj.

hello bear, (feel the waltons) oh by the way, they are sell grandpas place from the waltons for guess how much. it's up the street from me?????? yep 7 million dollars. guess he made a few bucks wowowowowowowo.
so hello bear, tit, more 2, nibs, mag, luv, dave, jack, morrison, how are you?, and topa fade i can see your great moving seal. sorry it's the topa....... anyway you know i love you. gotta go.
