Wow guys....white pumpkins?.... Gotta check that out, sounds great! Bird, sounds like a fun weekend, my Aunt's boyfriend brought me baby chicks he saved from the alligators at the zoo once....they got in the toliet and swam, and made a mess til we got them up and running enough to live outside..they were cute tho...LUV, sounds like a fun weekend for you too...glad you are getting to spend some time with your guy and get some rest too...Went to the gym, had brunch with the hubby and daughter, watched horse racing on TV, and some football, went to a cool restaurant with friends tonight....back home on the couch, where, I plan to spend tomorrow...watching the Cowboys try to stay undefeated, then on to Desperate ya all!
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Wow guys....white pumpkins?.... Gotta check that out, sounds great! Bird, sounds like a fun weekend, my Aunt's boyfriend brought me baby chicks he saved from the alligators at the zoo once....they got in the toliet and swam, and made a mess til we got them up and running enough to live outside..they were cute tho...LUV, sounds like a fun weekend for you too...glad you are getting to spend some time with your guy and get some rest too...Went to the gym, had brunch with the hubby and daughter, watched horse racing on TV, and some football, went to a cool restaurant with friends tonight....back home on the couch, where, I plan to spend tomorrow...watching the Cowboys try to stay undefeated, then on to Desperate ya all!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
OK...where'd everybody go? Morrison???? More2 (she's probably planning her pool design in Palm Desert, hope she bought some guest room Nibs is camping I guess, Boots is with her Dad....LUV is probably cuddled up with her, here I am, all alone!....BUMMER!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
I'm here.
Actually, I was reading your earlier post about wanting to go AF, especially before your check up and mulling over if I should respond.
I also noted that your husband is not drinking right now, and apparently doing it without thinking of it.
I do love that he said he realizes how much better he feels. Man, so telling. Geez, if only we could just wake up and not be drinkers anymore!!!
I do think it is extremely wise to try for AF if you know a huge trigger is coming up. It is a good opportunity to insure you don't start sliding down that slippery slope and it is also a very good opportunity to deal with something so difficult without the alcohol. Kind of relearning how to deal with the tough things in life.
I am sure everyone on this thread will be behind you all the way. You are always more than welcome to pm me or catch me online for chat when it gets tough. If you want, I will pm you my cell number.
Since I am working hard on being AF, I know exactly how difficult it can be. But, it does seem to get easier every day.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
You are right DB, and thanks for the support...I really don't want to go down the slope, heck, fall down the Hubby is probably having a harder time than he is letting on, but I'm not's very supportive, but doesn't "push" me....Last big tumble was in Baltimore first of May, and you are right, I want/need to do this without a wine crutch...I'll just WHINE alot instead! You do soooo much get in the HABIT of just saying..."heck with it, I'll just have a few glasses, I earned it" dumb! I know the only thing I earned, was a HANGOVER....and self-loathing!!!! I feel soooo much better too when I don't overindulge...I upped my LO, I'd kinda slacked on it when I was doing so well, just remembered that I'd backed off...when I was reviewing why I may not have as much "power" over the cravings as I had lately....opps....back to the LO! Anyway...LUV, I've been doing laundry, cooking and armchair quarterbacking all day! Hope your man has fun at the races! (is that 4 legs or 4 wheels that he's betting on?)"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
TIT, he's in to drag car racing...ol' red neck he is! LOL. He has a few cars of his own.. he is actually very good at it. I go watch sometimes. The kids love to go. We can all go, BBQ , it is family oriented. I just have to be in the mood. Sometimes it scares the shit out of me! He is a good driver and his car has all the safety features, but you know my history! If he crashed out there, I would literally die on the side of the track if something happened to him. NOTHING has ever happened,but sometimes I just get scared. I don't go alot. He LOVES it! Always has. He owns 3 cars.
Praying for Dallas right now...come on Cowboys!!!!!
30 days???
I'm Home !!!!!
We had such a relaxing over-night stay at camp... I've just caught up on reading all the posts that I've been missing...
Roses are Red
And collies are so sweet,
Hope your Birthday was wonderful
Wish we all could one day meet....
Those sweet little kittens must be so sweet... By now they are likely snuggled up with their Mamma safe at home... I just love cats !!!
John 35, I hope that you continue to come and join in with us when you can... this place has changed so many lives for the better and we all hope the same for you... This is one of the toughest battles that we all fight here together... We gain the strength we need from eachother...
Luv, I'm so glad to hear that you and your Mama went shopping together. You are quite likely the brightest part of her day. Your fella is lucky to have a gal that can cook lasagna !!! Wow that is so yummy !!! I've had it before with some spinach inbetween one of the layers... I miss all you guys too when I just get too busy to "catch up"
Bootsie, it sounds like you are on an upward swing emotionally and I'm really happy to see that for you... You don't make a very good, " bummed out Bootsie" LOL PS.. So glad that you went to see your Daddy... I'm very much like my Dad. I'll be seeing him sometime this week.. He and his signifigant (sp) other, which I adore !!! live about 40 minutes from us... I feel so blessed to have him in my life as for many many years my "Mom" didn't allow it... Now, Mom has disowned me because I visit my Dad... I now know that she is a "sick puppy " Sad...Maybe oneday I'll have a daughter-in-law...
I'll just have to try not to maul her... giggle !! giggle !!
12Many, you are doing soooo awesome !!! Keep on doing what you are doing buddy !!! Everyday it gets the tiniest bit easier...
Tex , I'm really LOVIN' your new avator and what it represents for you !! You go girl !!! I'm so proud of you !!! You have come a long way baby !!! Chuckles too !!
I'll send up a prayer tomorrow when I'm in the barn for ya...
Hey, Bird, you are the "chicken saver lady" !! Those little critters are so lucky to come into your life... If I were a chicken I would LOVE to be "YOUR" chicken !!! Your heart is so big.... If we had more compassionate people in this world such as yourself, nobody would go hungry and this world would be a much better place to live in... really.
Cindi, I'm gonna check out that pumpkin stew !! Sounds really good ... I'll bet you could make a smaller version using a squash ? hmm.. just wonder.. Maybe not eh? Thanks for sharing !!
I've just discovered a new favourite tea.. country cranberry tea... I Love it !!! Gonna go and have some while watching "wild hogs"... Hear it's pretty funny ... I only have about 14 inces left on my doilie (From Hell !!! ) LOL. I just want to get this done so I can start a new alfaghan.. Maybe I'll double task while watching the movie tonight....
It feels so good to finially get all caught up with you guys...
Morrison and Bear, I hope that you gentlemen are well ... thinking of you two...
More2, I almost FORGOT you !! Sending you a hug and hope that you have enjoyed your Sunday. Goodnight all, Hugs, need to hop into my jammies... that time of the year again to pull out the flannel jammies.. even if I only wear them while watching the movie.. wink wink... Hugs all,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Hi all,
That tea sounds good Nibs. I drink alot of different teas and am always trying new ones. Cant wait to see that doilie....Tex, I sure dont wanna fall again either. That drunk I pulled last tuesday or whenever almost killed me. Its so easy to fall..geez. Luv I would freak if my man was car racing. Lucky me I dont have a man, just 2 kids and lots of animals. Cindi I might try that pumpkin thing. I've seen those white pumpkins where i go to buy veggies....took the kids to state park today for a baby tortoise release. They take the tortoise eggs from nests so the predators wont eat them and then release them back at the same nest after they hatch. There were alot of people and it was hot. I was awfully irritable and have been for a couple days. I've gotta watch it so I wont drink when I get like that. Lucky its Sunday and they dont sell beer today. Almost bedtime for us. bird
30 days???
NIBS, great to have you back, glad you had an awesome time this weekend! Thanks for the prayers in the barn, I know they will work wonders! LUV, I can imagine your stress over the you just have to have FAITH that it'll be ok! Oh, and the Cowboys sucked eggs....damn it! Oh well...better luck next week, we're still in the running! Hey my Avatar, is really my bulldog's the one that tries to type when I'm chatting and he wants attention..flops his big ol paw up on the keyboard to get my hand back on HIM...spoiled rotten, he and the Mastiff Otis, and the Jack Russell Pip, and the lab Betsy, and the cat Baby Kitty, that thinks he's a dog....its a zoo when you add the horses.....Morrison thought I was a 3 toothed red-neck gal tho, it was funny when we exchanged even tho you have farm animals and you are tough in Texas, I swear I'm not a you all...."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Top of the Mornin' Ta ya'll !!!
More2, how exciting for you and your family !!!!!!! Do you live in an area that needs to heat your pool or will it stay warm enough on its own... We are closing ours down for the winter.. ( an above ground, 24 foot round with 52 inch walls ) I would love to have an inground pool but that just isn't feasible here in the North unless you're financially able to have one indoors, which a few in the area do... I'm really happy for you !!!
Luv, we have a race track (car) about 3 miles from our home and when it's race night we can hear the cars from our yard.. We have gone a few times and it CAN really get your blood pumping for sure !! Your Fella really sounds so comforting for you... especially with him being family orientated and all... Just great to hear all this happy news from you
Bird, trusting your new chickens are continuing to gain weight and become healthier as we speak. I used to have a hen called "Georgie Girl" that would follow me to the garden when I would do weeding and stuff... She would chitter and chatter at me as if I was uncovering a treasure whenever we came across a bug or something she wanted to eat.. They do have neat personalities...
I actually have the house to myself today !!! YAHOOOOOO !!!!!!!!! That doesn't happen too often where I don't have to rush for work and stuff... That movie, Wild Hogs was pretty funny, but I didn't finish my doilie at the same time.. I'll PM you Bird with my email and you can email me,, I reply with a picture of it when I'm done... It is sooo pidilly to do.
I'll likely drop by later on, so off I go to start all the bedding from camp... Hope the sun comes out like the weather man said it would... Bye for now, Hugs,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Thank you Nibs, I'll tell Norman you think he's's fixing to go to the vet, something has bitten him, or he has a rash or something I can't get cleared up....btw, he's "surfing" in our pool in that pic...he's on a raft if you look close, and you can see the water around LOVES to "surf", he balances on the raft and goes round and round, usually to fall off and have to be saved....he sinks, instead of swimming...a tad top heavy!...."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Hello all. Just checking in. I've been bad lately. But, I know I'm gonna get better. Never went to the doc. I'm gonna get to him this week. No choice. I'm at rock bottom. A complete mess. At a local watering hole, I got some words I didn't want to hear. The bartender(female) said "all you guys are the same. You only care about yourselves." It wasn't that she was a scorn women generalizing all guys. I know she was saying it, cause I'm a fucking drunken ass bum. She sees a lot in her profession. Well, I don't offend easily, but the words stung, cause she is pretty close to being right. If she said that I don't care about anybody, that would be more accurate. But, she said I only cared for myself, which isn't completely true. I obviously don't care about anybody, including myself. I really had my eyes opened by that. I had the blessing of so many beautiful people in my life, and I've taken it all for granted. I was on here over a week ago stating how I thought I was going to die. Now, I'm back to that same state. I'm clearly screwed. I don't know why I'm typing this. I know I can't keep taking and not giving. I don't know what else to do. I know your advice is right. I truly know it, but I don't take it. Do I really want to die that bad? Am I really that crazy in the head?where does this go?
30 days???
wow, girlie norman is very handsome. my girlies would sure have a crush on him. they would be all over him. oh gosh. well, back from daddy';s house. and well, i found out daddy has a few girl friends. lol who knew????? apparently he doesn't want anything complicated. so hey one in canada, a few locals and a few in the philippines. nice going there hotstuff. we had a lovely time and tex i just know you can do it and i know more 2 can do it as well. after awhile honestly the cravings do go away. i haven't had any for awhile now well actually i do sometimes. and now when i do think about drinking i say do you really want that hangover feeling? that fuzzed out feeling? nope, bootsie wants those one pair of hips and that hot ass waist back. lmao. so you can do it. besides i've drank more tea then they have in china these last few weeks. so girlie tis possible. i know it. AF i'll send you my celphone number too if you'd like it. i realized that i've spent entirely too much time on this website so i'm going to check in a bit and then i simply have to get to work. i just signed on 3 more clients. i have 4 more to sign on and i have two websites to put up and marketing. so time to get my ass in gear. do love you all though.
nibs, good to see you. i watched a movie about the breeders cup and was thinking of you all. made me really smile. where the heck is 12 many and morrison? ah well, hope they are happy. more 2 so happy about your home. birdie sounds like such fun for you all this time with your children.
thanks a lot for your smiley on my apology love bug. i did it because rj felt that he was really just a nice guy sharing his feelings. i don't feel that way at all but this isn't my site. so, i'll let it go. my opinion hasn't changed a bit. so i'm feeling like i need to spend my time doing more constructive things. so, i planned a trip with dad for 6 weeks in 2009. i'll tell you all about it later. take care and have a great day. hope magic and her kitties are having fun.:welcome: