Haaa !! Haaaa !!!! Luv You are Tooo funny !!!!!!!!!!
I take a whack of pills on three different occasions during the day.. It's just what needs to be done to feel this damn GOOD !!! Morrison, try and think of it as going into the gym.. you drang your feet in maybe somedays, and skip out every single time... I do the same thing here in my home gym 6 days a week.. Somedays I have to really "talk " myself into it but it really makes my day... It is just now a new way of being... I want for you to find a new way of being... You are a truely thoughtful fella and we all do really love you very much... I wish you all the happiness this ol' world can give ya and then a wee bit more for good measure, cause you deserve it... Morrison, You are worth this...

Well as we speak, me eliptical, bike and bowflex is calling me, so I'd better hop at it and then head into work for 11.... Hugs everybody,
P.S. I finished my doilie last night and then got a good start on my new alfaghan too !!! You could call me " the happy hooker"... *** crochet hook used to make these crafts*** ha !! haaaa !!! Bird, I'll pm you me email so that you can email me your email then I'll take a pic to send you OK ?