LUV, that is one story, and a really good "dose of reality"....we are all from diff. places, walks of life, diff status, but well...HERE WE ARE....LOL...what a wake-up call....Cindi, you just holler...(real loud since I'm in Texas...)...and I'll send you whatever you need if you don't find have alot of look forward to, wedding, holidays, etc....I'm like LUV, this will be one holiday that I know I won't show my ass for Christmas, unless its the donkey at the can do it, and who cares about the folks at the health food store, let them get it, and tell them to give you any other tricks they might you all...Hope Morrison got someplace for help!
No announcement yet.
30 days???
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LUV, that is one story, and a really good "dose of reality"....we are all from diff. places, walks of life, diff status, but well...HERE WE ARE....LOL...what a wake-up call....Cindi, you just holler...(real loud since I'm in Texas...)...and I'll send you whatever you need if you don't find have alot of look forward to, wedding, holidays, etc....I'm like LUV, this will be one holiday that I know I won't show my ass for Christmas, unless its the donkey at the can do it, and who cares about the folks at the health food store, let them get it, and tell them to give you any other tricks they might you all...Hope Morrison got someplace for help!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
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More2! Glad you are back! Well Drats, and here I was going to come keep you company and you are looking forward to being know we'd get into trouble, probably...then again, I guess we could just overindulge in massages and shopping...Wow...Kev is 18...that's a biggie...oh and LUV, he's already freaking More2 out with the girlie thing, she's having a RIGOR....told her at least he's hetersexual, you'll have to ask her what else I said, I can't repeat it in"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
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wow a 5 speed lol hummmmmmmmmmmmm well i'll have to just invent that lipstick myself now won't i..... well, i'm sniffing my lavender oil and it is better than wine. lol i'm just thinking about how blessed we are. i so hope that morrison found some peace tonight and didn't hit the bottle again. i do say cindi this lavender oil is my prayer in a bottle. i'm a crack addict for it. calms me like nothing can. i've finished my coaching for the day. phew. wow healing yesterday, coaching all day today. tomorrow is work out and manicure/pedicure time.:welcome:
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then back to real estate. and guess what my big time deal of my life is about to unfold. so i can't talk about it much yet but i have a few big meetings this week and with the leaders of downtown and if that is a go i will be putting on the biggest events of the city all out of my little dream coming true. so stay tuned. the top guns want to meet with me. so i'll be dressing up thurs/fri and meeting with heads of legal and the top movers and shakers for the citythus my chai tea is being good to me. more 2 glad you are af. my second round of topa should kick in soon. still haven't got my blood tests back so haven't started my bio identical hormones yet but gosh i'm dreaming of that day. today though i took on something new not just biz coaching but life coaching clients. fun fun fun nibs i love that you work out 6 days a week. i can't wait to be back to that. bird i so wish you were having an easier time of it. magic said all the kitties didn't make it. i'm so very sad about that. and bear you are papa bear. you know it is hard to say wise and barbie all in the same sentence. but honestly, if my little dream comes true you can say wise wise all the way to the piggy bank. and well more than that. it will be a beautiful vision for thousands come true. i'd be happy if they just don't steal it. lol maybe i should take my attorney. well, be well all. i'm sticking to the luv channel for awhile. i love my little family.
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I can't sleep. I hate that. Think I'm getting hyper about the halloween party Saturday. Some of the Moms will hang out at the party and I'm excited about that since I work with all men and don't get to girl talk that often...mentored my little guy today. I brought him one of those fun pad things I got for a dollar,y'know with dot to dots and such. He was really excited over that. Said he'd always wanted one. I dont think he gets much. Guess I'll go back to bed . bird
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Oh Bird, that is so sad but sweet at the same time! My daughter told me tonight that a little girl in her class has 3 siblings...her father died when she was little and they live with her aunt who has three kids all in a single wide trailor. 8 people and sometimes another lady stays there with her baby. They have no money....I was so sad! She was really upset about it. They all go to the fair tomorrow with honor choir so I told her to give the little girl some money...she said you can't just come out and give her money that will make her feel bad....OH...I get that, so we worked out another idea. I had bought pay one price bracelets so they could ride all the rides they want this year so I said give her one , tell her I bought to many and we have an extra if she wants it cause we're gonna throw it away if not. She said that would work! I can just buy another one as we aren't going as a family until Friday. Breaks my heart!!!!
I can't sleep either. Up at 3:45 and tried and tried to go back to such luck.
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Hello everybody !!!
I know I'm a day late, but I really hope that you have gotten a reply Morrison from that clinic... Bear, you are truely a blessing. Our prayers will be added to yours Morrison.
More2, Our oldest son will be 18 in another week too... Where does the time go? They grow up sooo fast !! That is so cute that you put all his favourite snackies as gifts.. Great idea !!
Bootsie, I love chai tea too !!! have you ever brewed it with skim milk and then sweetened it with a titch of brown sugar? It tastes like pumpkin pie in a cup ! Yum !!! Hope you have an awesome day sweetie !
Luv, the story about your friend was gut wrenching !!! and so true... We are all in this together. I just love that I can share all my feelings, knowing that an understanding person is reading it.. Again, I gotta say that you are an angel among us.. giving that little girl that pass for all the rides. How thoughtful. You have really made a memory for her that she will never forget as long as she lives.
Cindi, I hope and pray that when your new "stuff" comes in (sorry I forget what it is called) that it helps you with the cravings you're having. You are so very strong to white knuckle this and stick it out.. Keep on coming here with us and it will help also.. We are here for you and wish all the very best to you.
Bird, that little boy is so very lucky to have you in his little life. Try not to fret over the party this Saturday.. Everybody will have a great time !!! I'll look for your email.. Take Care.
Tex, I think that our lab Beau would love to float away with your dog Norman on that mattress in your pool... giggle !! giggle !! Now wouldn't that be a picture !!
Have a wonderful day everybody, Hugs,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
AWWWWW Bird and LUV, ya'll are such blessings...doesn't it help so much to get your minds off yourselves and onto someone with such really sad helps me stay on the straight and narrow...when I feel like I'm throwing a pity party here, I go visit a couple of our lil customers that are homebound, and don't get much lady loves horses sooo much, had them as a girl, and she's on oxygen now, and just doesn't have much at all...the other day, I was feeling kinda stressed over the upcoming hosp. visit, and trying to be AF, and I got some new pics in the mail of our winning filly....I picked myself up, and it was right before lunch, so I got her a to go lunch from a restaurant here, and took the pics over...I swear, you'd have thought she'd won the lottery...I got so many hugs and thank-yous...It lifted my spirits and my day, as much as hers...I really think its important while we're fighting this Beast, that those days we're just consumed with thoughts of drinking, to get up, and get out, and do something for someone else that really is worse than we breaks our chain of thought about obsessing about our problems, and really lifts the spirits to help others.... Bird, I'd hit those supps a bunch til the Baclofen, I will tell you, I had this awful condition in my neck once, couldn't turn my head, couldn't lay down without someone holding my head, it was excurciating..they Rx'd Baclofen, and ya know, I would take a sip of wine, and pour it didn't even taste you will probably be in luck...I just felt spacey on it, but all that stuff affects me weird after all the stuff they lit me up with the past 3.5 yrs. at, hang on, and take all the other I was telling Cindi, get the LO, and GABA and some of that Calms Powder, it works wonders for sleep, and lasts forever...I swear by it! Its not expensive either! Hope everyone has a great day, and I do so hope Morrison got in someplace and is on his way to recovery! Love you all!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
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Oh and NIBS, Norman and Beau would have one heck of a blast in the would be a Kodak moment for sure, I'm so hoping we can all meet up one day! I'd love to take my hubby to Macinaw Island, maybe we can figure a way to spend a weekend together, LUV, and More2, and all of us.... Or we could rent motorcycles, and blow into Bears"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
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well, all it is already 9 a.m. and i'm just about wrapped up on the morning's work. i meant to tell you last nite in chat tex that my sister in law won 2 in the world grand nationals and my niece took 2nd in her class in the grand nationals. now my brother is asking does anyone want a horse cuz i am horse heavy. lol i have 8 and i need to get down to 4. i said wow, bootsie would love a horse but alas i never learned to ride english only western and i do mean cattle ranch western at that. not at all like his wifey. hubby said flat out NOOOOO. and hubby said um bootsie. you are taking up Kite surfing. you know with the itty bitty kites and the surf boards. he said you can't take that up and 3 dogs and 2 businesses, me and a horse. oh course, my reply is WHY NOT///// so any reasons why not you can think of i'd like to have a horse.ahhhh hubby is so stubborn and practical. would cost i guess another grand or so each month. hummm. well, i better get ready for the gym and the day. i'm jam packed this next week til about sunday so i won't be on much if at all. so DON'T PANIC luv bug. i'm here just not on the boards. hopefully morrison will have found help. i'll come back with the last poem i wrote. you didn't seem to like the other two poems i wrote. lmao so don't know if i'll share the last one i did. i mean poems are personal and when no one comments well you do tend to wonder. hummmm. guess it is like art a personal thing. ah no matter sometimes people only respond to what's wrong instead of something that is good. so here's my latest poem.:welcome:
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Bubbling from within
My heart dances to the beat
The beat of life
The beat of gratitude
The beat of love
What a gift, this state of bliss
This state of joy
Fills the room with a smile
Fills the universe with laughter
Spreads itself from one heart to another
Experience that joy
Experience it right now
Be still, my mind, let me be in that Joy
well, i know it isn't a bummer, it isn't in crisis and it doesn't call out for you to fix it. but maybe just a simple poem to brighten your day. i only have one more that i've done this last week. then i had better sit and write some more.see you all next week or so. love ya bootsie pm or call me if you need me. and tex when do you leave? cuz i will be calling you.
30 days???
Bootsie, that awesome about all the winning horsey folks in your fam! Major accomplishments! I really think your hubby is right tho, horseys are expensive and they like LOADS of attention, you might wanna wait til you "retire" from a few other I leave late Friday night, ya know you have to stay over a Sat. night to get a decent airfare, so my appt. is Monday about 10:30 Maryland time...I'd love to hear from you, we've never gotten to talk "in person".... Even tho I'm major sensitive to topa, I actually got to talk to the one and only RJ first time since I've been here, and she suggested some sprinkles of 12.5mg...the brand name stuff, and More2 and LUV can tell ya, is alot more potent than the overseas "generic" night I took a dose after I'd worked-out etc., and I'm going to do the same today, and one at bedtime, and hope the affects follow me thru-out the day...I'm DETERMINED to be AF...I even poured out the last bottle of wine, just in case I was too Ok, off to run errands, and have my acupuncture appt this afternoon...I love it! It sure seems to help...I don't feel "antsy" about things nearly as much, and so much more "centered" its amazing you can feel energy/heat moving in your body....I wish I wasn't 48, I'd go back to school and be a Oriental medicine woman...but it'd take so long, I'd have CRS by then! Love to all...will check in tonight, love the poem Boots!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Hi guys, just checking in. I am having a good day today. Luv, i know there are families like that everywhere, and it is hard to know it is happening and not do something for them. I have bought Christmas dinner in a box (Turkey, dressing, yams, green been, rolls, pumpkin pie; the whole meal for 6) and left it early on the front step. Just ring the bell and leave. I put a Christmas card on top and I believe they were very grateful. They didn't know who sent it but I signed as Santa. It wasn't expensive, and I don't know for sure how they felt getting it, but it made me feel great to give it. (Its all about me!!!!)
More2 I am glad you are getting all in order. I know it is stressful, but it will be great when it is over. Tex, I agree about the people at the health food store, hell I tell them I am an alcoholic and trying to find something to help me and they have never laughed or ridiculed me yet. Bird, when I quit drinking I could not sleep for a long time. I still find I don't want to sleep because I might miss somethig. I think the sleeplessness will pass with time. Nibs, I was hopping to hear from Morrison today too. I hope he is ok.Barbie, I hope all your dreams come true and I hope you enjoy the ride.
God Bless you all
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
I found my higher power early one morning in the glorious smile of a very young man in the detox ward of the rehab centre i was in.
I had a room to myself at the end of a hall on this ward, the bathroom was just outside the door, on the ward. i woke one cold, dark November morning, opened my door and looked left and right as was my habit, as the ward was often very busy, and as I looked to my left I met the eyes of this young man. He smiled. It was the face of God, or Buddha, or Allah or the seasons, the sun and the moon. Here was the spirit of my higher power shining on me, coming through the face and smile of this young man.
She has been with me since and keeps me well. You must believe. Just believe and be aware. Just believe.
Share with those around you, always. Share what you can, when you can. You will be giving to others, yes, but also to yourself. Always.
m. xx~Are you looking for the Holy One?
I am in the next seat.
My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir