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30 days???

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    30 days???

    Barb's, take care of yourself. Wow, no wonder you feel tired. Maybe I need to get checked haha
    Morrison, it is good to hear from you. Did you call all 3 of the centers? Leave your name and ask if someone cancels for them to call you. Detoxed or not, it would be good for you to learn you don't have to drink anymore. You are doing great, but I have noticed each time you drink lately you are having a worse experience. I know, I was doing the same thing. Here's a hint, put your meds in a case and without fail put our keys in he case. At least twice a day you will remember the meds. I know the campral is a lot of pills, but it worked great for me. And we are always here if you need us.
    Cindi, just keep on trying, the only people who fail are those that quit trying. You are doing great, just keep doing the deal.
    Luv, thanks for being here xxx
    Nibs, enjoy the weekend, the weather is starting to change.
    Hippie, glad you found us. I was an old hippie once, bu that is a whole other story
    More2 and Tex, I don't know if one house can survive you too together.
    Tex, I am in your corner

    God bless all
    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


      30 days???

      Bear and Hippie,

      I'm an old hippie, too, and my husband has all of us beat. When I met him, he had a van, hair down to his waist and loved being on the beach.

      However, he did not do drugs or drink.

      AF April 9, 2016


        30 days???

        morrison;211815 wrote: Well, I can't win. Either I'm sick and feel like shit, or I cheer up and get silly. Don't mean to hurt feelings, but I still do. I have a path I'm going to follow through with, and I know I'll succeed. So, in interest of everybody, I'm not going to post anymore. This is a woman's board after all. Take care.
        Morrison is everything ok?


          30 days???

          Morrison don't act like you're gonna leave cause you know you like hangin with us ladies! >

          12Many...oh the bruises, scraps, even got stitches...not once but twice! OMG...I want to cry. Just as you progressed up you can degress back down. It ain't easy! BUT, it can be done.

          I missed the hippie years, but I swear my daughter would have been a perfect one...she has the look too!


            30 days???


            'Tis not a ladies board, 'tis a addicts board.

            Just because we're addicts doesn't mean we can't be ladies and gentlemen.

            m. xx :l
            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
            I am in the next seat.
            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


              30 days???

              Morrison, you can't quit now. not right after a post from me. It'll weigh on my soul forever. Like being the last guy a girl dates before she announces she's gay. It may have been coming on for a long time, but you become convinced it was you fault. So, hang in there!! For my sake if nothing else


                30 days???

                hello all. wow, such an amazing angel like day. i swear to god you have these days where your heart is so open from you know my relief and all that i cracked my heart open. oh gosh this isn't going to make sense. okay, when the doc told me how sick i was and i refused to go to the hospital as i knew intuitivelly i'd get sicker so we decided on this alternative path. well as i said in my post i just let me heart pour out and cried. first time with such relief. today also i made a conscious decision that i could stay and live or i could die and which did i want. seriously i knew i could do either and honestly i'm good either way. but i know my hubby would be way sad without me. so today i texted him and said i choose life baby. i'll stay. and so lead my day: that today i was so opened up that people everywhere strangers in fact came out of the wood work to just want to be with me, touch me, be in my space give to me. some of you will understand this, the rest of you will think i'm a freak. so number 1. afm. i am a health nut darling. i may not eat a lot but i do have a protein shake every day and tons of supplements including green food and i do eat but small portion and veges i don't eat crap food. i am a size 2 or a little less cuz i'm tiny but not ethopian style lol. yes l.a. is the land of the pretty. it is darwin's theory here. but i'm by no means starving myself. i just don't believe in craming a ton of food down my throat but i am at least 30 to 40 lbs away from eating disorders. i do however til 2 months ago work out alot. i can't though now as i'm just so wiped out. i now know why. luv bug. dr. laura says she will do a few panels and a smear on the stools. if those come back normal no need for colonoscypy sp?? she is a specialist and she has my back. so i'm feeling really good about it. we also have me on iodine fricking 120 mgs 3 times a day and these red blood cel formulators. then now, turns out i was wrong they ordered up for me, i'm low on progesterone, thyroid, testosterone, growth hormone so way low crazy. umm but the blood and the iron are critical right now along with thyroid. the rest will only help me. the tests next week will determine if i have any alarm for ulcer, bleeding or no/yes for cancer.

                so here is the miracle to share with you. every single person i interacted with today including parking people, people on the street, cafe, service people at the car place etc. were like angels from heaven. even a little boy who sat at a table next to me at a meeting lunch time. the developers and the legal teams kept saying he really wants you to notice him. finally mid way through and i never do this, i made contact with him (he was 6) and i introduced myself and he came and sat on my lap (tears welling up) i mean i'm in a really upscale restaurant. the mom is like he never does this. but he simply wanted to be with me. and so we played while i held what was to be a one hour meeting that turned into 3 hours.
                and the funny thing is with the developer meeting these guys are worth 100M each they don't generally meet with people like me. who am i? a nobody really. lmao but i have moxy. but one of the heads of legal said wow, you are magic do you know that? i said what do you mean. she said people just want to be with you. i was laughing but then realized you are right. the waiters, the owner of the place, the developer everyone just wanted to be around my energy. not like i'm special peeps as i'm not. i was just so filled with ummmm peace and love, vision, passion, still fucking tired okay but i was being just life today. i think because i had made the decision to live. so just starting to feel like the possibility of me again. i explained to them all what has happened in my life, what was going on with me now. (they were like and you still met with us today???) and my life search as well as my big idea for downtown. when we were done. we were all big 100M men were just um tearing up. i felt like sally fields. we went back to their office and started creating this new vision and my vision for them. every person there was so my new best friend. and as an acknowledgment several of them came to me later and said my name and hugged me and said how amazingly grateful they are to have me in their life. i'm speechless really. so, i don't know really what to say except that now i have these personal invitations to their homes and invitations on the books to further my vision and their own personal ones. and i'm invited to inhouse stuff they are doing that i want to be a part of. so nice

                and i met another little boy a that restaurant i think like 7/8 that at some point in that lunch time bumped his head and he fell. he started crying really loud (he kept just staring at me) in the restaurant. he wouldn't stop so i went over to him on my way out the door and reached out as his mom couldn't get him to stop. he came running to me. lmao. i said hey big man are you going to be okay for barbie? he looked at me with these big beautiful blue eyes and he said will you really be my barbie (swear to god). i said yes big man i will. then he hugged me really tight. i don't know this is not a typical barbie story. but i can say that god comes to you in many formats. simply humanity comes in many forms. you all come to me always. i dream of you all the time.

                what i can say is the last few days i felt like i had tremendous relief knowing as my friends say that i may still be crazy but at least i'll have health. and i could also have an easy out. i could just choose to have my body go and then quick out. i could do that too. but i have alot left to contribute. which i think maybe that was the affirmation. today i think the affirmation which is so many people were just touching me honestly like touching my hair my skin and wanting to be in my space. i have so much background in the world of transformation like the movie the secret. they are all good friends of mine. i know them personally. i think yes, i'll stick around and add some good. i just was brought to tears, must be the exhaustion. but yes i am appreciated for the very simple love that i bring to so many that i simply hardly know or don't know at all. let alone those i know very well. that is what god showed me today. god showed me that i mattered to those that i don't even know because i care about them. and i want downtown to be my new dubai. lol okay second round of topa kicked in and i'm exhausted beyond compare hope you could understand that.


                  30 days???

                  Wow Boots, up packing and decided to check in, girlfriend, you gotta have protein, and you will gain more weight, not eating...body goes into starvation mode, converts everything into sugar for energy, you've probably blown your adrenal know it says eat 5 small meals a day to boost metabolism, so going all day without food, isn't the answer..and I agree with LUV, get a the other tests...I was standing at Dean and Deluca in Manhattan, bleeding like a stuck pig, thinking I was peri-menopausal, and so did "anti-aging" Dr., who gave me supps for it, and they increased my just make for sure, nothing else is off....those numbers are scary....are you taking 6 of the nutrients I sent you a better, and now girlfriend! you too much for you to be sick...ya know, the day they looked at me and said CANCER...I thought, I don't care about being a freak about my looks, bod, weight, nada anymore, as long as I me, sometimes we need a wake-up call to get a bit of perspective...Magic, love ya, Bird, so glad you sound sooo much better, Nibs you are the bestest...Bear, More2 and I will try to behave wherever we are...Morrison, this is NOT a female site, and you know it...Bear and 12 aren't girls, and there's tons of guys here...don't make an excuse to need to commit to taking the meds, and not taking the sound like you want to try, but you already are setting yourself up to fail, an Exit Strategy, like you too much to see you fail....Ok, guys, I'm going to pack and get outta here...its late, so I have 2 more things to toss in the suitcase and we're a late ass flight, but cheap!....Love to all....I'm taking you all with me! Boots, take your stuff I sent ya!
                  "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                    30 days???

                    now i had to do a second post. mayor cheese head. you probably went out and drank as that is the only time you start doing that weird behavior again. so i want you to know. okay by me you did that. i i know you didn't call the places bear gave you as you are worried you'll lose your job. hummm so you can't do that as you'll lose your job. you can't keep drinking as you'll die. personally i don't think you care if you die as you dont think it matters today i found out perfect strangers think it matters if you live. so, can we get you sober for 2 days maybe 3 so you have your head on straight? and can we get you on your meds when you are supposed to take them at the time you are supposed to take them each day? can you tell me when that is? and can you pm me your cel phone numbe so i can call you and make sure your ass is taking those meds? now i can't be there to like i did with my dogs or horse force feed you but i can bully you into it. remember barbie is walking around when she should be in i guess the hospital. ask luv she will tell you her mama has my same panel and look where she is. barbie is still kicking ass. so i'm not driving to vegas but i can still i think stand on kick stool since you are so tall and kick your ass.

                    finally dave you come back. so good to hear you post. i was so concerned about you. i know you are having challanges. i think you might want to read rjs book and follow her methodology. she is i might say a fricking genius albeit a modest one. god gifted her so she could gift us. so i have so much stuff i can pass stuff on to you that i no longer use...... i also can't take all the supps anymore as i'm going on this new regime so i can send them to you. aminos etc.... so pm me i'll hook you up. kudzo is a god send and so is the l glut. hon you simply have to get on the program. being here is not enuf. i value you and i know you value your kids. you want to be present for them. so this you must do. and you must be there for your wife. well pm me we have alot to talk about.
                    magic glad to see you posting. will you give your lovely doggies a hug for me. i broke down crying really this week i know must have been the exhaustion because you know i love my hubby. but mostly i was so sad because my doggies and i because of my alcoholic behavior are getting older so fast and they just turned 8. and i was like god where have the years gone. they will be gone before you know it. and i have spent so much time consumed with my narcisstic behavior, work, drinking, etc. that they will come and go and i will miss them so much i just want to take it all back. i love them more than life itself. i wish i could spend every waking moment with them and just pet them all the time. you i think alone would understand this. every morning i wake up and they are all spread all over me. i have a king size bed and hubby has all this room but i have none as the dogs are laid on top of me and then on the floor protecting me. lmao
                    okay more2. check in.
                    birdie. please check in. did you buy the kudzo? cuz i have extra in my budget and i'd be happy to send you some. seems i bought a membership and rj owes me one on the house. how cool is that. so can i send it to you? you'll dig it
                    tex i'm calling your sweet hot blonde butt tomorrow before i go to rodeo drive cigar club to meet client. please pray i don't like sneeze the entire time and make fool of myself. which means he'll then have to go to my favorite lunch spot. oohh
                    bear. i love you. and you know and i know that bootsie does have ph.d. and is much deeper than she appears
                    cindi. pm me as i have lots to talk to you about with your sobriety and white b.s. knuckle stuff. you need a healing. so let me comp you one by the phone. i do have clients all over the world including japan.
                    and hippy. are you still following me? you need to be a part of the group. you are shallow enough and actually deep enough to belong. nice combo


                      30 days???

                      tex doncha worry. boots is on the path.... i'm taking everything you sent me and so much stuff i'm up to 22 supps a day and 4 meals but i dont eat big you know i'll puke if i eat too much. lmao


                        30 days???


                        Well, I cannot add to that except to say your higher power straightened your path today,
                        sweetpea, to make it a little easier for you and brought all those good people to you.

                        I'm glad. xx

                        Two protein shakes/day would be good too. xx

                        m. xx
                        ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                        I am in the next seat.
                        My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                          30 days???


                          Puppies given hugs and kisses for you as requested.

                          My darling daughter put clean linen on my bed this evening, bless her heart,
                          but who do you think has beaten me to bed? I'll have to fight for pillow space.

                          Hugs all round, you too Morrison.

                          m. xx
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            30 days???

                            Hi all,
                            Got exhausted yesterday and drank some. Worked my ass off at work and then went to the laundrymat and went shopping. Got home and fell into bed for a bit. Got up and started drinking and never ate but 2 fries, 1 from each kid. Didnt get any cleaning done and now I have to do it all now cuz tonight is the party. Even so I am excited about it and cant wait. I'm a bit hungover but I should be feeling better by this eve, only tired. Later on, Ive got to get busy. bird


                              30 days???

                              Off to the state fair today! We are so excited. Gotta get my fave snack there...mushrooms. Kids eat their way through it. FUN FUN FUN....

                              Love to you all...

                              Bird hope the party is a blast!


                                30 days???

                                I'm feeling much better. Wish the kids would wake up so I can vacuum. State fair sound fun Luv and the weather is great.later...bird

