It was a great day! WHEW, I tired though. Me and Zak rode everything! Had to keep my eyes closed or I get SICK. HA HA He won two BIG animals so his day was great. Brit ate her way through. She likes all the rides too. She is TALL and skinny, I have no idea where the food goes. Oh to be 13 again....
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
It was a great day! WHEW, I tired though. Me and Zak rode everything! Had to keep my eyes closed or I get SICK. HA HA He won two BIG animals so his day was great. Brit ate her way through. She likes all the rides too. She is TALL and skinny, I have no idea where the food goes. Oh to be 13 again....
30 days???
Boots - glad to hear about your business and your aura. take your health issues seriously. Its a little scary to hear you putting so much stock in being tough. I used to work with a chemical engineer who thought because he was a black belt that he was tougher than the spooky chemicals we were working with. I'm sure where ever he is, he's walking around with cancer of the big toe or something.
Bird - hope your party is a blast!
Hey, I'm note sure who posted but the don't get tooo tired, angry or hungry thing really clicked. Yesterday, I had all the resolve in the world and it disolved, probably in part due to the extreme hunger. We REALLY get more than support and comisseration around here. I learn alot from you folks.
Take care all!!
30 days???
hey 12 many. not trying to tough it out. i'm in extra good hands all the way around. hubby even made me breakfast in bed today. how cute is that. met my extra famous client at his cigar club. lol sneeze sneeze tomorrow i have most the day off and i'm going to spend it resting. but i have one showing. came home to lay the rest of the nite in bed and watch dvds with hubby. too wiped out for anything else._ can't wait for everything to come in. wow, just how fast can weds come anyway. so thanks for pm
))))) mag and give the girlies hugs for me. nite all and yes the angels are still floating around. hahahaaha i have to change my name to tinkerbelle now. that's what someone from the meeting yesterday emailed me today. lmao. i'm now tinkerbelle now barbie. oh and hubby just bought me gingerale as my tummy is not good and i'm so happy for that. so tonight it is actualy saltine crackers and ginger ale yum yum.
30 days???
Ok Boots, you sound like you're in a very sepcial place in your life.Didn't mean to detract from the fun, just care about you and I'm well aware of where I get headed for when I feel "good". Sounds like you're good and getting better
Bird- how about your party? Its a brave thing to throw a party for kids that age. Did the parents drop-and-run, stay and take part, loom and disapprove or, or, or...?
All the best,
30 days???
Hi guys, I just wanted to check in. Barbie, a cool day for you, I am happy for you, now get well.
I had a good day workng on the bike all day. Mama Bear and I rode out on it tonight for dinner at Orlando's, a little itallian palce here in town. I am tired but still on track.
Morrison, you have the tools, you have to have the desire and make the decision. If you live long enough, you will get all you can take. I wish you the best bud.
12 and max, glad to see you here again
Glad you had a good time Luv
God bless
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
All, I am having a wonderful, quiet, sober weekend. My couple of slips in the last two months have actually been a great eye opener.
When I don't drink, I wake up refreshed, happy and rarin' to go. Both times I slipped, I woke up dull, tired, headachy and unable to cope.
Hmm. Which way do I want to live?
Tinkerbelle/Boots - Please keep taking care of yourself. When the iron starts building back up, you are going to be hard to repress!! Go girl!!
Morrison - Get your ass back here, RIGHT NOW!! (and I am hurtYou don't like us girls?)
12Many, Luv, Bear, Bird, please have a restful and loving Sunday.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
Hi all,
Had a great party last night.Had about 15 kids come and about 8 parents stayed.My yard is about 2 acres and I had tiki torches around and lanterns and all the adults sitting around a fire yakking while the kids had the most wonderful time running and playing. The moon and stars were out and it was a bit chilly. Just perfect. One kid spent the night and they are still sleeping.
Bootsie thanks for th kudzu. And what is a cigar club? That sounds very smelly. Luv,don't know how you get on those rides. I can barely handle the kiddie ones. We have annual passes to a nearby theme park and we go about once a month. Even when I get on the ferris wheel I am hanging on and looking at the welding and thinking OMG! Hi Bear, you sound relaxed. Yeah Dave I've noticed that when I get too anything, happy, hungry, and especially tired I will drink.Cini, I am really noticing the difference also in how bad I feel following drinking. I think I didn't notice it that much before because I was not getting much recovery time in to really know what it feels like to be sober. A few years ago I was seeing a counselor and I remember her asking me how often I drnk and I told her every 3 or 4 days. She says so your not really sober at all. I thought yes I am, those days I dont drink, but I know what she meant now. And I was mad at her for saying that for a long time. Anyway Ive got to get some breakfast going. I'm sure the girls will be up soon. bird
30 days???
Bear sounds like you had a nice Saturday. Ya'll have to go check out 12Many's jewelry pieces. They are so beautiful. I was really impressed. Bird, glad to hear the party went well, it was a great night for it. Sounds like a blast!
I have been so irritable lately. Mama talks about death constantly. I just can't do it sometimes with her. We planned her funeral, I thought that was it. Now she has changed the song. Wanted me to sit and listen to the WHOLE thing while she cries. It seems like my entire family has forgotten that me and my children just started getting our lives back when Mama got sick. We were just starting to function normal again. I WANT to take care of her and I LOVE her with all my heart, but I feel like lately I have been shutting down to kinda shelter myself I guess. I feel bad, like I am not being there for her emotionally. But, I really don't know how to be right now. I CAN NOT get depressed to the point I can't pull myself out of it. I am not sure how to balance it.
30 days???
Just got up, drinking coffee.
Mama's doing what she is supposed to do. Grieving for her life. She needs to share this with you. She knows you love her,so do we and so does her family.
We shut down when we can't take any more. You are in the midst of one of the hardest tasks life hands us.
Did you manage to get some help?
On a long term basis? Cooking, cleaning etc. So all you have to do is go to work and tend to the kids, mama and your flowers? And yourself. You first.
There is no way out of this , you need to get some help.
You are grieving too. Elisabeth Kubler Ross has written a great book~ On Death and Dying~
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Scottsdale, Arizona
a link to pages about Elisabeth and her work and books.
*lightbulb*...if it bugs you to have a stranger in your home is there a friend you could hire?
I would gladly come and nurse your Mama but you wouldn't want me keeping house
To the moon, sweets,
m. xx~Are you looking for the Holy One?
I am in the next seat.
My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir
30 days???
'The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassions, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."
Elisabeth Kubler Ross
m. xx~Are you looking for the Holy One?
I am in the next seat.
My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir
30 days???
then i think we must be beautiful people then magic)))))) ah luv sorry you are moving through this. but i'm so very appreciative you are moving through this as well we are too with you and we are all there for you sober girllie. this is a really challanging time when you and your family are living life and your mom is completing hers/ i would definitely suggest reading kubler ross and carolyn maiss for that matter as well. we are all with you in this as you know.
magic you are simply magic. 7 8 9 there numbers back at you. lmao read your pm'
birdie as soon as i get the kudzo i'm packing it off to you
12many and bear and cindi. yeah i simply am dreaming of the day when i can kite surf. honestly. you have no idea. it's in god's hands now. as for today, hubby is hiking the girlies. i rested alot. i think i'll buy him breakfast so he doesn't have to cook for me again.
maxman so good to have your cute mug here. everytime i see your avatar i want to reach up and just give it a tug on each side and kiss you. lol so adorable.
so, it's sunday and i say here' to supporting red blood cell formation, that is going to be my new t shirt. hahahahahahahahahahahaha
))))))) oopps i had better call tit today
30 days???
by the way dave your jewelry is soooo beautiful. soooo beautiful. i think it goes with my new avatar. i changed avatars because for down town i;ve decided that i'm bringing the shief of dubai there. i've started to research said shiek. on a slow day he is worth 15 billion dollars. he is i think got to be the most amazing visionary on the planet. i'm so impressed with him and his family. and his second wife is beautiful. one of his companies just bought my brother's company. and i've decided i want him to come to downtown and give it a boost in the arm i need his vision. any guy who spends 60M on a race horse has distinctions i don't have. ah yes and now that china and dubai are the world super powers i have to learn to speak cantonese finally from daddy and better pick up farsi. wow, who would have ever thunk it. ah well, i just heard i have the brush fires so i had better see if they are close to my house. ick ick ick.:welcome:
30 days???
by the way dave your jewelry is soooo beautiful. soooo beautiful. i think it goes with my new avatar. i changed avatars because for down town i;ve decided that i'm bringing the shief of dubai there. i've started to research said shiek. on a slow day he is worth 15 billion dollars. he is i think got to be the most amazing visionary on the planet. i'm so impressed with him and his family. and his second wife is beautiful. one of his companies just bought my brother's company. and i've decided i want him to come to downtown and give it a boost in the arm i need his vision. any guy who spends 60M on a race horse has distinctions i don't have. ah yes and now that china and dubai are the world super powers i have to learn to speak cantonese finally from daddy and better pick up farsi. wow, who would have ever thunk it. ah well, i just heard i have the brush fires so i had better see if they are close to my house. ick ick ick.:welcome:
30 days???
by the way dave your jewelry is soooo beautiful. soooo beautiful. i think it goes with my new avatar. i changed avatars because for down town i;ve decided that i'm bringing the shief of dubai there. i've started to research said shiek. on a slow day he is worth 15 billion dollars. he is i think got to be the most amazing visionary on the planet. i'm so impressed with him and his family. and his second wife is beautiful. one of his companies just bought my brother's company. and i've decided i want him to come to downtown and give it a boost in the arm i need his vision. any guy who spends 60M on a race horse has distinctions i don't have. ah yes and now that china and dubai are the world super powers i have to learn to speak cantonese finally from daddy and better pick up farsi. wow, who would have ever thunk it. ah well, i just heard i have the brush fires so i had better see if they are close to my house. ick ick ick.:welcome: