uhoh. the fires are close but still have lots to travel. darn i knew those winds were strong last nite. 100 mph. and the malibu castle burnt down. belonged to ms. lilly who is an amazing woman and this is truly a sad day. pepperdine is burning. and malibu colony with the 50M and up homes seems to be burning right on the beach. oh with winds high and humidity low. not good. well i had better pack some bags and make sure we are covered. doggies need their travel bags lest we need to make an exit by tuesday. so sad for ms. lilly. she had memorilia from every president since i was a child and from ms. diane. wow, feels like a part of the family just died.
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
uhoh. the fires are close but still have lots to travel. darn i knew those winds were strong last nite. 100 mph. and the malibu castle burnt down. belonged to ms. lilly who is an amazing woman and this is truly a sad day. pepperdine is burning. and malibu colony with the 50M and up homes seems to be burning right on the beach. oh with winds high and humidity low. not good. well i had better pack some bags and make sure we are covered. doggies need their travel bags lest we need to make an exit by tuesday. so sad for ms. lilly. she had memorilia from every president since i was a child and from ms. diane. wow, feels like a part of the family just died.:welcome:
30 days???
I know you are all here Bootsie...and I so appreciate it. Holidays are getting close and it is rough time of year for me. Last year I drink my way through...first without Billy. This year I want to make a nice holiday season for my kids.
Magic, THANK-YOU...I did get some help with the house. This is emotional not physical this time. Geez, I am a mess aren't I? HA HA It is just a hard time. I will buy the book you suggested. AND you know, I would let you come in a heart beat!!!!
TIT..I LOVE YOU GIRL!!!!!! You are fine! This is just routine. You stay strong, but if you need anything.....you call. HUGS!!!!
Morrison...I KNOW YOU'RE looking!!!
Bootsie, REST!!! REST and more REST until you you feel better AND call tomorrow for the other test PLEASE. Hubby needs you and we need you healthy. AND don't burn up on us. Better pack laptop wherever you go!
More2..how's the house coming along? was your cokctail party a success? Hope you had a nice time.
I planted some panies today. I love pansies! They last forever here too.
30 days???
Hello everybody !!!
Today was such a Beautiful day to go walking with my friend up at camp... We took the dogs through the skidoo trails that brought us to a pond.. Then we paddled all around the lake.. Fellas were busy talking "hunting".. We had a really Really nice time !!! Yesterday it rained, but Donna and I put on rain coats and still got our walk in. This time of the year is just sooo beautiful !
I just finished reading all the posts that I missed and I sure hope that you are feeling stronger Bootsie !! That is so scary !! I think it was Cindi that mentioned fiber and water to help with iron backing you up.. It effects me like that too...
Luv, I wish I could step in and give you a break at home sometime... We all would take turns if we could just to help with housework, yard work, animal care etc... I'm really glad to hear that you all had so much fun at the fair !!! You are such a good sport to hop on all the rides with Zak !! What a Mom you are !
Morrison, we will never waiver in how we feel about you... We will always be a soft place for you to come to... I hope and pray that we can help you to help yourself in the battle you are fighting... You did this before my friend and remember how wonderful you felt ?
Magic, you are such a wise woman... honestly the warmest person... ( I love that you try to beat the dogs to bed to get the pillow... Haa !! haa !! ) xxx
Cindi, I hope that you are feeling a bit better everyday...
I'm gonna go and give #1 Son a haircut... quick !! before he changes his mind... His hair needs it badly !! Hugs everybody,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Nibs sounds like a wonderful weekend......I wish I could see your camp. I know I would just love it. I would be your walk partner. Sounds so peaceful and nice.
Cindi-I am thinking of you and your daughter. I pray you are both OK. I know this is a very stressful time and NOTHING is worse than it being your child that is ill. I don't care how old they get.Hugs my friend!
30 days???
Nibs. sounds good, are you going to keep up the camping through winter? What were the hunters hunting and did they get any? It is getting colder here today, snow is predicted a little north of here so winter is on it's way.
boots, your hubby sounds like a nice guy. I hope you get back normal (if there is such a thing) soon.
Luv, please do take care of yourself. Take a little time for you; this is hard to go through.
Cindi, I have added you and daughter to my prayer list. You are right it is all in God's hands; and he has a plan.
12, you do a great job. beautiful stuff.
bird, you are on track, just stay focused on the prize.
Does anyone know when Tex is going to report back in?
Everyone else, and I know I have left some out, I hope you had a great weekend and are feeling refreshed and full of life for the week ahead. I love you all.
God Bless
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
hey bear wanted to say so glad you and mama got to have a nice ride and a nice din din. and so good to hear nibs checking in. got out to meet a client and weird enough to have a nice meal out with hubby and then to watch the movie kingdom. so intense i cried.
ah luv i know it is a tough time i'm praying you get more help. and yes magic is very special isn't she. i just adore her.
sorry i couldn't call tex as i was headed home in separate cars behind hubby when we each got calls that we are being evacuated. well darn it but we came up the coast and the kind chp said i'd let you up the canyon but the asshole malibu police say no. so turned it around and was on the phone with 911 all the way around the canyon and over to the valley side to see if we could get through the other side of canyon. i said hey i need to evacuate the home voluntarily and my dogs are there. and 6 sargents later they are like nope we can't let you up the canyon only down. nice. i hadn't yet pulled the lapd card yet. cuz why? cuz my ace hubby is the best. he got to barricade before me and said i shall not be defeated. he got to the valley chp and said hey i have to get my valuables and kids and livestock out of the house. the chp said aren't you a movie star. he said hummm ummm yes and my movie star wife is behind me in 500 sl mercedes. they said no problem sir. so while they were turning everyone else away. yep, pronto they let us both up. phew.... my hubby rocks. funny thing is the fire is still aways from us but time to pack up bags. wish i would have called in a uhaul. maybe tomorrow. then i'll just unload the entire house and haul it to daddy's. never have enough insurance and well, ashamed to say but personal stuff clothes alone are like 200K so yep need to get it all in the uhaul. i guess we shall maybe pack up for a few weeks and see if dad would like house guests for a month or so>>>>>>> hummmmmm better ask my hubby. the house is 10,000 sq feet so i guess there is room. lol well, i'll come on when i can. you have my personal email. if not pm me. ah yes, my life is normal bear. well, normal for so cal. lol tis all good. i'm resting...??????? hummm and i can't leave the place unless i plan to never come back so dr. will have to wait i guess til this is done. watch the news.
and nibs camp again sounds like a great time. here's the shiek coming to l.a. if it doesn't burn down.:welcome:
30 days???
well, just called daddy is on stand by. love dad. since they lost everything in the santa barbara fire he knows just how fast fires change. well, i'm praying then i can get the entire house packed up. should take a day if i can hire help and convince hubby tomorrow. i guess i needed to clean the house afterall. nothing like cleaning a 3K house out in a day to unload all your junk right? right. yep that is just the rest i needed. lmao
well, you'll miss me as i don't believe i'll have alot of time to be chatting. so you all take care now for awhile and tell morrison i was thinking of him when he posts again if he posts again and if he is still alive. i believe he is too stubborn to die though. i mean way too young and stubborn:welcome:
30 days???
Hi all,
Bootsie I saw the fires on the news last night and it was so bad. I wish you well. It is so much work to pack up the house but lucky you can go to your Dads.All that smoke too. geez...Luv, you will get through this with your positive outlook on things. I feel for you. Nibs, I'm gonna go camping with you one day but what about my cat? hmm.Someone is coming to get those chickens I took in last week. Turns out they were all roosters and were kicking my little roosters butt. Been having to keep them locked up in the coop, so I put them on a freecycle site. I'm taking off work today since the kids have the day off.It is going to rain all day so I might cook something. later on bird
30 days???
I was just thinking it is about soup weather...time to cook up something! HA HA It rained all the way in to work this moening. I am leaving at 12:30 today as I bought a new washer/dryer and it is being delivered today. I am excited...doesn't take much!!! It will take me a week to figure out how to use the damn thing!
30 days???
OK, a few tips on using your cool new washer and dryer:
If machine fails to operate, read instructions. If machine still fails to operate, follow instructions.
Never wash anything new and red with anything (especially lots of white undies). Voice of experience. And if you're too cheap to thow out the permanently pink items, the shame takes longer to heal.
When the kids tell you they emptied their pockets, they are lying and trying not to have to get off the couch.
USB flash drives are a mixed bag, but I have more luck when the dryer is set on medium.
When you can make a sweater out of the lint in the trap, its time to cleen it, but first try putting it off - someone else might do it for you.
That's all the enlightenment I can offer, I've heard other silly folk tales like sorting by colors and so forth, but I'm sceptical...
30 days???
SO FUNNY! Seriously though I was looking at them and of course I want the new look...front end loader with tons of buttons. How many things can a washing machine do any way? I bought it, now I have to figure out how to use it. But , IT LOOKS COOL!
30 days???
Settle down luv. . . ha ha We just bought a new front load dryer and are waiting for the front load washer. Ours are stackable so maybe it will give us a little more room. Barbie, I watched the fires on the news last night and it is really sad. you know how those things can turn, so watch what is going on while you are moving. 12, how come pink underwear seem so lame? I have caused them on several occasions. lol
I am about off of work and just wanted to check in. I hope all are well.
God Bless
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Ohhh Bootsie, I was just watching the news too and that is just so sad that all those beautiful homes are burning. We will pray for rain to come your way and the winds to stay low for about a week to put it out. Your Dad is so nice to open his home to you and your hubby, along with critters... I'll continue to watch the news and say prayers for you when I go to do my barn chores.
Luv, we just got a front load washer about a month ago and I absolutely LOVE it !!! We didn't pay any PST taxes on it because it is such a power saver... It uses alot less water and spins clothes out sooo well too.. You will love it I'm gonna bet !! I was tickled pink when I got mine too... Today I got rid of my stationary bicycle that sounds like you are raking your fingernails down a chalk board while peddling... Yahooo !!!! I now have a recumberant bike that is sooo quiet and soo comfortable !!! I actually have alot of space in front of me to work on my crochetting if I wanted to even !! Yahoooo !!!
Well Bear, we are hunting partridge right now, but our friend that came to camp had a calf tag for moose... We drove some roads in hopes of seeing one, but it would be almost like finding a needle in a haystack... We do use our camp all year round, however with having 2 labs that love the lake we wait until freeze up before going... There generally is about a month just before winter and then again in early spring where it isn't safe to have a dog near thin ice. We snow machine the 1 mile road into our cabin, drill a hole in the lake for water and put a stro-phome seat out in the outhouse, cause it is CHILLY on the butt. Haa !! Haa !! You do not read books up there in the "upper Lodge" in the winter that's for sure.
12Many, that is some pretty funny advice you gave to Luv about her wash machine ... Haa !! haaa !!
Magic, give your 4-legged furry friends a hug and kiss for me..
More2, hope that you are well and happy as a clam .
Tex, I cannot wait for you to get home.. I miss you so much already !!!
Hugs Morrison.
Cindi, I think about you and hope that you are well.. and getting your grin-on...
A quick joke, A guy says to a blonde, what is further away... Florida or the Moon ?
She says, " Daaaa !! You CAN'T SEE FLORIDA " !!!! For those of you who are blonde, this joke is meant for the " other blonde ".. Haaa !! haaa !! Hugs, and love you guys,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Hey Bird !!! We would have a HOOT camping !!! You bring the kudzu plant, and I'll bring a recipe book... We'll bring your cute kitty ... I'll just kennel my dogs if I have to.. Your kitty would likely love to get away and have a "hen party" with us ol' gals !! ha a!! haa!! just got a visual !! really ! Your poor rooster doesn't stand a chance against all those other roosters now that you are bumping up their feed and helping them to feel their very best... It is the only thing that you can do by giving them away.. I think I told you about the little rooster I gave away to the neighbour that put him in the pot ? Hmmm... Luv DID say something about wanting to make some soup didn't she ??.... giggle !! giggle !!! Take care sweetie !!
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~