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30 days???

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    30 days???

    Funny how Bear just kinda makes you feel safe and we haven't even met him, kinda like your Daddy! (not saying you are old Bear...don't get offended!)

    I am feeling MUCH better!


      30 days???

      Well luv Dr. Bear prescribes you going over to the subscriber thread and letting it all out on the F thread. It has a funny way of making you feel better. The guy either has no idea he is hurting her, or he is more interested in himself than his kids. This will come back to haunt him I assure you.

      db, I do come through temple ocassionally, is that where you are? If so next time I am down that way I will holler at you. Probably the guys you saw were the Texas Wheels MC. they have a big group there, Waco, and Austin. I usually see them when I come down, but I don't really know any of them.

      Boots, listen to db, that is good advice. And if you need to call her go ahead, I think she knows what she is talking about.

      More2 I am glad you had a good time. I don't know how it could have not been, but that is just me. I understand the busy part, I don't seem to have two minutes to rub together unless I leave something undone. It is difficult considering everything is important to me.

      Good to hear from you bird, I hope the money shows up in your front yard and you find it.

      Kate, you should be proud to have a husband who loves you so much. You can always get some alone time, but being the most important thing on earth to someone is not something you find everyday. You are a lucky girl.

      Tex, you are an angel for working with all of us with the sups. Thank you so much.

      Nibs, making tomorrow's meals today will leave you looking like you didn't have to work to get it done. Be sure to knock a few pans around in the kitchen while it is heating. . . he he

      MORRISON ? Brother Where Art Thou??? I do hope you have sneaked off to treatment and come back a shinning example for us all to look up to.

      Magic, it's always nice to hear from you. Please don't kill you husband, I assure you he would rather be divorced.

      God bless you all
      What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
      ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


        30 days???

        magic was going to kill her hubby? lmao. ummmmm have i missed something... gosh i should trade from these meds and go to pot. not that i smoke but maybe i should take it up. i can't keep up with my thread anymore. oh well. okay, let's see where are we. the part i liked the most today was telling nibs to please knock pans around. lol i'm going to do that as i haven't cooked now for a long time. i think i will go downstairs and just bang pots. hahahaaha well, i am going to climb back in bed. hahahaaha tomorrow i get to venture out. ohghhhhhhh fun fun. not a big trip jsut maybe a little tiny one. i'm going to attempt a dog hike. small one. i need to move the body around. bang pots. lol kate it is true to be loved so much by someone is really special. so as long as that isn't a stalker and it does appear that husbands can't be qualified as that and i'm a lucky girl. why how many friends can i have. a lot. and well, ooohhhhhhhh another fella is working on the prince of dubai's dubai world so he wants to have a sit down next week. wow, i'm getting closer everyday aren't i. hummmmm. well, 12 many did you fight that beast tonight are you doing 30 days or are you moderating? and im way excited to that more2 is moving yeahhhhhhhh you are about to be in my neighborhood. i've decided to use my golf pass in pd once a month. so you can come golf with me cuz i know i will feel all better soon and you can always spa it while i'm golfing and then we have a nice lunch as i have free lunch/dinner passes. af of course girlie
        okay nite nite all


          30 days???

          and i'm so sorry to luv about the sperm donor not showing up for events for the kids. did i miss something here too. i'm way fuzzy on these meds. but does a sperm donor even want to become involved with children? humm i thought that is why they were sperm donors. i mean you no disrespect. it is just usually one would refer to him as a him as in father or something not "sperm donor". that would be like a test tube image i had showing up to all these events. anyway as i said just sounded so odd. but i am on like what oh gee 3o some odd pills a day and then a nice shot at nite. so i should really switch to pot. o). i actually if i lived closer would go to your kids games girlie. i loved sports and was actually uh yeah when i had energy i was a triple a fast pitch league for women. semi pro and before that got me thru college on a hockey scholarship. nice.... and i taught my kids and my upteen step children how to play sports. even the little boys. talk about funny having a mom, and um at the time a biker mommy for a coach. wow, those were the days. ah bootsie always has fun stories . so i am glad to see you are feeling your feelings luv bug. and i'm sure your daughter was happy at least you were there and sad mr test tube didn't make it.


            30 days???


            Unfortunately, I am not always in Temple, Tx. This is my first time here, actually...

            Who the heck knows where I will be next week. Not me, that is for sure. I'll find out Friday...

            Traveling for a living sucks!!

            AF April 9, 2016


              30 days???

              Bootsie, darling, what pills are you on?

              Bear, as much as I would like to kill my husband at times, he still pays the bills.

              I don't recall posting anything about him, did I? Dopa?

              LUV, so sorry about the ASSHOLE, so hard on Brit and so not fair. It's hard to see a little heart broken.

              I'm off to bed, old and tired.

              So good night all, good night moon.

              Hugs all round.

              m. xx
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                30 days???

                see i thought i missed something. i didn't think you'd threaten to off him. i thought we really liked him. i will email you the listy of all i'm on. i don't want to post it all on line lest someone take it as a prescrip and go out and god forbid start taking all these things. um really you need the drs orders and some of these are just 12 pills of the same thing for example which is why i think i simply have to cut back the dose. i can't handle all the iron. i have for example 24 iron supps in one day which i simply can't even do. i'm maybe taking 6 and that is making me so sick as in today i can't handle them. am going to get some tea that is kidney and liver teas that are iron builders.
                again luv i want you to know i wasn't trying at all to be insensitive just am so out of it i needed more background information on mr. sperm donor. okay the bath helped alot. tex hope you are spunky as ever.
                smiles and nitey nite


                  30 days???

                  hi luv bug i wanted to post this here as it is really about our family and i wanted to share it with you and family. please go to your thread though as it is from your panic and about mama. but you had asked before to write a poem about us all and family. well it occured to me this is it. so here goes
                  IN RESPONSE TO MAGIC
                  ah to the moon magic. i often think you know we spend so much time trying to hang on to something that we can't simply hang on to and grieve the inevitability of what is. i feel in my heart you know the inevitable sadness more comes from all the moments that i want to capture into a genie bottle of how much love pours from my heart for those i hold so close and wish to god i could hold them even closer, smell, touch, feel, yell, more time, more time. wish the moments could drag on for ever of the simple times, the smiles, the coffee in the morning, the simple ways we wake, play, enjoy each other, scratch your childrens head, play with the animals, it isn't really the big moments in life, the hole in one at golf, it was all the small moments in life that i wanted to capture into that bottle all the really small moments, the ones i didn't even capture always on film, you know the motorcycle rides, that perfect sunset, manicures, holding your mom's hand while going to the dr., the dreams we have shared or even the ones that never came true, wish i could capture those little moments in a bottle and open it up from time to time and replay them for us so we could laugh and cry about it for eternity. i suppose this short little life just offers up so many opportunities to just share our little fragile hearts. and the rage and sadness comes from the times i let that moment escape and used instead to get caught up in busyness, pettiness or deadness or stupid stuff that never mattered or being pissed off about nothing or wasting it with people that never mattered anyway. so today again luv we just grab a blanket, light a candle, and we hold on to those that matter and we just grab on to that moment take our shoes off and dig our little toes into the sand on the beach and we walk hand in hand on this path with all of our pitiful but meaningless failures and our meaningless faults and we love each other because we can. guess reflection will do that for you. makes you know that you can just see that all of it is about our connections and our ability to smile at each other, lend a hand, know that each of us matters, each of us is trying, your mama is trying, you are trying. and for whatever simple reason, god or universe or divine insanity experiment said hey let's create this forum for us to communicate so we can share this path together.
                  so i'm digging my toes in the sand, reaching my little hand out, knowing that i can feel yours in mine, sister (s) brother bear, dave too lol, and we see the beauty in the first breath as well as the last breath in us all. and the precious moments in between. somewhere in all of this lies the poetry. the pain gives you the capacity to love and feel and i pray you feel so deeply down to your soul and mine. because only then does our hearts crack open so wide that we can love so purely, we can forgive even our sisters, our brothern for they can do nothing but what they know. pitiful i know but there for the grace of god go i. so let the fire burn in your heart and let it rage through you and scream at the moon and let yourself feel my sister. and grab my hand and let's at least for now walk and dig our toes in to the sand. i can't run yet but i can walk. and we will all light candles and we will walk this path together. amen
                  love boots.
                  love bootsie


                    30 days???

                    Bootise sweetie "sperm donor" is the childrens FATHER...I was being ugly!!!! He fathered them the good ol' fashioned way. We live in SC not test tube babies here HA HA HA By saying SPERM DONOR I was saying he was not acting much like a daddy. He goes to ALL of Zaks events because he LIKES baseball...well, all the BOY type stuff Zak is involved in. Brit is GIRLIE...MAJOR GIRLIE....he is a JOCK and doesn't get into her stuff so he NEVER shows for it. She is in choir and he didn't show for her performance last night. My point is I don't think most parents really like going to most of the games, etc....I mean I have set through numerous volleyball games this year, baseball games, choir events, etc...I would much rather do my own thing, but HEY...that is what PARENTS DO!!!! If you don't want children...don't have them. It is a choice. No one makes you have them....what REALLY pisses me off is he has a daughter from a previous marriage that he deosn't speak to...YOU WOULD think he would try with Brit...hell NO. Oh well, IDIOT! She knows her Mama loves her...I NEVER miss anything! But, I know it hruts her and that hurts me!


                      30 days???

                      Sorry Magic, :durn: it was db2 who said

                      32 years of marriage lets me say this. I love my hubby, too, and have never wanted to divorce him, kill him, yeah, divorce, no.
                      I may need to take a few pills myself. :toasted: lol

                      What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                      ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                        30 days???

                        Bootsy, that was great. I hope you are feeling better.

                        What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                        ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                          30 days???

                          Yo, Bear, not to worry. :l

                          Sometimes though the topa makes me feel as though I'm in a blackout, my memory is SO bad at times. So you got me thinking........I always said I'd bury him under the picnic table.
                          But now we have to watch the missing persons list in Alabama...........xxxxxxxxx
                          Boots, what a beautiful thing to read first thing in the morning. Thank you.:l

                          Good morning all, good morning sun.

                          m. xx
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            30 days???

                            Thanks, Boots. That was beautiful. I know your body is giving you a hard time, but your heart is working just fine. Better than most, really. We're lucky to have you in our lives.

                            Luv, you have a tough row to hoe. Your daughter deserves better and so do you. You can compensate for so many of the donor's shortcomings, but there is no substitute for just showing up. When they are done curing cancer and aids, maybe they'll make a vaccine for crappy parenting. Until then, you can come here and vent.



                              30 days???

                              Bootsie, I am crying reading what your wrote...I just had time to REALLY read it!!!! THANK-YOU!!!!!


                                30 days???

                                BACK TO HOPKINS

                                Ok, guess biopsy/pap is inconclusive....Dr. just called...the CAT scans were normal except for the sagging intestinal problem that can be fixed later....BUT, all the bad cells start at the point of origin, so since I have to have a clear/normal one, every 6 mos. to keep anything from running amok, I have to go back to have it redone.....I have the best Hospital in the country, and the best Dr. there, so I will do as I'm told....I have to be back there the 26th....Guess I'll get to test my "Sober In Baltimore" theory faster than I, prayers will be appreciated, for my health, sanity, and AF

                                Boots, you gotta get well girlfriend, stay curled up in a blankie, not doing curls, ok!?!...I may need all of you on the E. Coast! Thanks for the wonderful thoughts, you are a blessing! More2, I figure I'm scary enough, and since nobody can find our house up on the hill on 27 acres, and the family at the farm will be out and about, I'm just gonna take my scary self to the gym...I suddendly feel the need for stress relief! I may just dive into a big ol Snickers or a cheeseburger for Halloween, it'll beat a bottle of Pinot Grigio!.....Bird, Nibs, Magic, Dave, Bear, Cindi...(I used to work out of Waco, just was there 2 wks ago., will fly out of there to the E. coast this time, the flights were packed from Thanksgiving travel outta Dallas or Houston...), had I known you were in Temple, I'd have come to visit, I'm only about 1:45 mins. away! Love to all.......sorry if I missed anybody, I'm blown away again for the second time in 2 wks here!
                                "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

