Hello all !!
Didn't mean to go AWOL for the last day and a half.. I had all good intentions of checking in yesterday when I got home, but I ended up stay late putting away an order that came in later than we expected. I was tired and chores had to be done yet... Last night is Survivor so we always watch that. Our weather turned around nicely for the trick or treaters thank goodness !
Welcome Cheebs, hope that you enjoy yourself here along with the rest of us... Feel free to ask questions, vent, make suggestions etc... there are no failing grades here, only alot of compassionate, loving people sharing a long walk down a sometimes dark and scary path together hand in hand.
OH Tex, I'm so sorry hear that you are feeling so stressed and scared Hon ... I wish I could go to your house and give you a big Hug. XXX You will be just fine sweetie... I'll say prayers for you when I do my chores... I don't want you to feel the way you do.. YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO FEEL THIS WAY ... You are the sweetest gal on the block.. I hope that you are feeling a bit more at ease about all this ... I wish we could all just divvy up the fear you are feeling so you could breath easy... Hugs Hon.. I'm thinking about you.
Bootsie, Hon, what you wrote was just sooo magical and beautifully written... I really loved it very much, feeling so blessed to be a part of such a fine piece of art. Thank-You again for writing it for all of us to share

I LOVE tomato soup too !!!! It is seriously one of my favourite things to have for lunch, or sometimes for breakfast even... I likely have it atleast 4 times a week... No kidding !!! I love heinz, skim milk in it and then fat free process cheese added... YUMMMM !!!! I feel like a kid when I'm eating that in front of the TV watching my favourite shows..
AWW Luv, I HATE that the ASSHOLE is making you and Brit feel any worst than you do already with what you have on your plates at this time !!! Some people can be so very selfish !!! That is an understatement though... Hug your little young lady knowing that you are being the best Mom in the world to her that you can be.. She feels your love... What a lucky girl she is to have you... I agree that you and I would make very bestest of best friends too... We could have a HOOT !!! Oh well, I'll take what I can get and feel blessed to enjoy each and every one of you all this way...

Yep !! Bear I was BANGING all those pots and pans around, tossing some water on my brow for good measure while "preparing" that lasagne dinner.. Hee !! Hee !! It turned out really great !! I did however open a big of prepared salad too Haa !! haa!! And I did make my own herb and cheese rolls to go along with it... Easy Peasy to make too...
Congratulations on selling that tractor Bear !!! As you are happy to see it go, somebody else is making plans of plowing, loading stuff, of adding impliments to it.. Ha !! Ha!! Good Stuff !!
Hey Bird !! I wouldn't feel badly if I were you about having a 6 pack in the grocery cart for goodness sakes !!! They sell the stuff for us to buy it ... It's not like you had 3- 40 pounders and a 24 case of beer or anything... Most people buy alcohol at sometime or another. Is that rooster ready for the pot yet ? Haa !! haaa !! tee !! hee !!
Hello Magic xxx Our wise sweet Magic... That hogs all the pillows !! Haaa !! Haaa !! Hugs to your 4-leggers ...
12-Many, I down loaded that karaoki, and that is sooo funny !! It took awhile because I have dial up, but it was worth it !! Thank alot buddy !!
Cindi, I love your new avator with the flying pig !! haa !! haaa !!! Puts me in mind of the time we had to bring a huge pig to market in March while there was still 3 feet of snow on the ground... Our barn is about 350 yards from the driveway and there was no way of driving up to the barn, so be hauled the pig in the wheel barrow... First we tied a couple of ropes around his back ankles just incase he got away from us... then, we kinda flopped him into the wheel barrow... we started rolling right away, and pigs are pretty smart... He didn't want to upset, so he sat real still all the way to the awaiting truck camper... Worked like a charm... We still laugh about it today... Haa !! Haa !!! His name was " Hogie" and he weighed almost 200 lbs.
More2, really glad to hear that you had a really nice cruise... Only cruise I go on is self propelled in the canoe around our little lake at camp. Ha !! Haa !! I've watched shows that feature cruise ships and they are truely amazing !!!

Well, tonight I'm working in the cafferia because we have basketball tournaments.... Yahoo !!! Noo bitch Face Boss !!! (Did I say that out loud !!?)
Wherever you may be Morrison, I pray for your wellbeing my friend... We all love you very much.
Well, time to get my butt in gear, It will be just fine Tex... Love you.xx
Hugs everybody,