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30 days???

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    30 days???


    Bear, I thought you would PM when you got into town. I'm sure you are busy though. If you still want to get in touch, check your PMs, as I wrote you my contact information. If I don't hear from you, have a great turkey day.
    where does this go?


      30 days???

      Hi all,
      It was so hot today I had to turn on the AC. Not that bad but better than the 115 we had this summer. Had a good night last night and slept 10 hours. The kids were up before me today. Took the kids to DQ for breakfast and out for a bit of shopping. Came home and put up some Xmas lights around the place. My kids dad calls and said he sent some $ western union so we went shopping again and I bought beer. I was freaking because they will not sell beer on Thanksgiving and I had the money.And I have been taking kudzu and lglut like crazy. I might have to get antabuse. I'm afraid he wont want to give it to me because I am "functional". I may have to get it off the net. Tex we will do this. Dont feel bad. We just keep on trying. love from bird


        30 days???

        Hello everybody,
        I'm feeling alot more "up" today, thank the dear Lord...
        Bootsie, I just love you my friend... xxx Thank-You for your kind compassionate words...
        Tex, you are the sweetest and wisest gal on the block Hon... Thank-You for all the moral support... I love you whole big barnfulls... You're gonna be just fine.. I do say prayers for you knowing the Big Guy is hearing every word as I scoup away. Don't be too hard on yourself.. Consider this a tremendous learning experience that will help you to help yourself... Under all the stresses in your life right now, I'm not one single bit surprised at how your reacted to it... You have sooooo much on your plate right now... " Things sometimes have to look very grim before they gleam Hon " You will be just fine sweetie

        Luv, I can just imagine that you will be getting all the trimmings set for your Thanksgiving... Tomorrow I'll likely smell turkey cooking because actually the USA is literally only 1.5 miles from our farm house across Lake Huron. Maybe I'll cook a chicken with cranberries... mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and home made dinner rolls. I'm off now until next Tuesday because my next scheduled day (Friday) is a PD day for the kids. Yahooo !!! I have some painting in the house to do and also our bedroom window is in so we can install that too.
        Tonight I baked non allergy cookies for our 2 labs... I make a huge batch (4 cookies sheets) to last a long time... They store really well and our "girls" just love them.

        Diane did call me this morning... I explained to her that I was beginning to feel like a stalker for goodness sakes ! she told me that whenever she is feeling blue she doesn't talk to anybody, then feels so guilty, then avoids them because she knows they will be angry.... I explained to her to just say something like " I really don't feel like talking to anybody, I'm just not myself right now " or anything like that... I then said, " I won't be angry about that , I'll likely just say that I'm sending her a phone hug and want her to have a good day " simply that.... I guess her sister really gets on her behind about not answering the phone, so she was treating me the same way... Sooo,,,, I'll enjoy Diane for what she is, not get upset because I'm the only person feeling the pain for something I have no control over... That's it in a nutshell.. It's all good this way I think

        Morrison and Bear, I hope and pray you gentlemen can meet up We all love you fellas.
        More2, I hope and pray that all your beautiful rooms are furnished really soon... Enjoy your Thanksgiving ...

        Bird, you can have some of our cooler weather if you like.. frost every morning with odd snowflakes and slush in the wind... No accumulating snow as of yet as the frost isn't well into the ground... That will be nice when the ground tightens up a bit.. Cody and Milley love to roll and they are sooo dirty.. A happy horse is a dirty horse.. They must be in 7th heaven then.. Haaa !! Haaa !
        Well, I'm gonna tuck in, so the last person up, can you turn out the lights and lock up ? Hugs,

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          30 days???

          Good night all,

          I'll lock up and get the lamp.

          m. xx
          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
          I am in the next seat.
          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


            30 days???

            Hey all, thanks for the wonderful support, I love you all tons....Bird, when I read what we write, I think, my Gawd, we are really complusive/obessive, and our own worst enemies aren't we! I'm just not dealing with the stress well at all right now, I'm going to get a grip tho, or I'm going to have to hit the holiday sale at Target, and BUY ONE A NEW ONE....I had really held on, held out and stayed the course...but I now recognize FATIGUE as a major trigger, one I hadn't identified as of yet...I'm back on course, and I know after I get my Hopkins visit over and its all good, I'll be fine, I just have tried to AF all during the ups and downs of going back and forth there, since I got here, and its just a big time to begin, even the MWO book suggests starting at a time you aren't out of town, or in the middle of a crisis...gosh, I haven't been in that kind of cushy situation since inception...BUT, I'm sooooo very much better than when I did join here, I have too look at that, and know I've made and are making progress, learning the hard way AS USUAL....Nibs, glad you are at peace with your pal, you are too very special to not be appreciated...if I lived nearby, I'd be over for tea, coffee, and sisterhood as often as possible, you wouldn't have to worry about me not calling, you'd be wanting a break, I'd be hoping you'd rub off on me daily...not to mention, I'd be poking around the kitchen sniffing out, I love you too, we will do this, we will continue to keep on keeping on...I hope the guys meet up...Morrison, you sound great, I'm sooo happy for I am, falling flat, and you are up and at 'em....maybe one day, we'll all be on the mend together on the sameday! Whew....Happy Thanksgiving all, I rallied for the nutsy Mom's country club, dressy was more or less painfree, ya know, we always blow things out of porportion, esp. when we are anxiety ridden from a fall.......Love you all tons.....tomorrow then....I'll get the lights, everyone else divvie up the other chores!
            "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


              30 days???

              Magic, I didn't mean to forget you, you are sooo wonderful...thanks for being here, you give me hope and rays of light! Hope you have a wonderful holiday also....its so great to hear from you always!
              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                30 days???

                Tex! I didn't feel forgotten. Just thought I'd stop by and lock up.

                Bear is gone, can't be too careful.

                I adore turkey but tomorrow is just Thursday for us.

                Please have seconds on my account. Extra gravy.

                m. xx :heart:

                Lamp's lit.
                ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                I am in the next seat.
                My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                  30 days???

                  everyone take care of yourselves. and you know tex i write alot really on the other channel. today is the day.. sorry can't keep repeating myself anymore. lol so go there to see my so many many posts. so for here. want to say love you all very much. and tex get your struggle. we are doing af there like no kidding. i get it.. totally.... i love you girl... have your back. nibs you know you always need a best friend somewhere. and well my bestfriends i've wondered where will i find them. so i wandered around this year as mine went away. i thought it would be my hubby. then i went around and thought it would be a boyfriend and leave hubby, nope that didn't work... cuz he's still a guy.... then i came to ummm. well i have a few best friends.... haven't landed yet... but i have several here really.... and i have gone back to all that i garnered over my life that have been faithful so i pulled up life about oh 15 i really loved that i cared about. then i have weeded down out of local and i have like 5 i can call upon. the rest well i call from time to time and well then i have all of you. but mostly nibs what i learned is i have me and the pets and my dream board. that right now seems to be the most important.. dream board......... so go get it girl...
                  birdie. sorry about the beer. maybe you can get antibuse. ??? i'm going to lenair in about another few weeks so then it's over.. i pray to god as then i'm so done on this cycle over and done with...
                  tex you can join me if you like.
                  luv this is your channel but you seem to be gone a lot these days. hope you are well
                  bear hope you are okay
                  morrison happy turkey day
                  love again to everyone
                  boots is signing off. i took all of my happy meds. and i think i get to do tests in two weeks and pray to god i have no cancer or anything else. yeah god. and well, yeah god.. tough year but i believe with us all together we can be thankful for each other.
                  oh and magic i turned the lamp off.
                  nite nite


                    30 days???

                    I have pondered over the past few days "what the hell do I have to be thankful fiance' was tragically killled, then my Mama was diagnosd with terminal cancer, I struggle with alcoholism......but, you know what.. I have TONS to be thankful for. First, of all I have 2 beautiful, healthy, smart children that I adore and watch grow each day. I have a great support group here and in cyber space. People I have never met but that I truly in my heart KNOW love me. I live nicely, my children are well taken care of as well. I am able to care for my Mama. I have a lot to be thankful for. I know deep in my heart that this time of sadness to shall pass as I WILL be with my loved ones again. I have gained faith through the pain. I can now smile where there were only tears and laugh where there were only frowns. I love again....with alll my heat all of those I have always loved. God bless you all and thank you for helpig me through!!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVIG

                    PS...Bootsie a big hud to you....


                      30 days???

                      Happy Thanksgiving all.
                      It is raining here. I'm feeling good today and slept 10 hours again. I am enjoying my time off. We go downtown tonight and they light the lights and have caraige rides and pony rides and santa and poor reindeer tied to a sleigh and scared to death standing in their own pee and poop. Still it is fun except for that. We see alot of people we know. I hope the rain stops and I dont have to worry about drinking because it starts after my witching hour. Hope you all have a great day. I love you all and so happy to be here. bird


                        30 days???

                        Good Morning everybody !!!
                        Happy Thanksgiving to my dear friends and neighbours
                        Enjoy your "turkey day" with family and friends you love dearly
                        Luv, I really took the time to read and re-read your post and you are right on the mark about being so thankful on this Thanksgiving day... God Bless You and Yours xxx

                        Magic, our sweet wise Magic , you are one of the most amazing people I "know"... Is your avator one of your kittens ? Ever tiny... Hugs to all your 4-leggers.

                        Bird, might I suggest that on your way home you stop by a store to buy one of the "tummy turning mini pies "... Haa !! Haaa !! Seemed to work like a charm last time Hon... I feel for those reindeer too... my goodness, they aren't used to crowds of people just rushing around with all the festive noises that goes with it... I do feel sorry for them too... You would think that they would smarten up and just " Put Santas reindeer in an enclosed fenced area until it is time to load up the sleigh.." then atleast they could be more comfortable with the stessful situation. I drive my family "NUTS" when we are watching a movie or that because I'm always like " who will care for the pet when they leave town or they got out of that firey crash what about the dog in the back seat " etc... I'm always a pet lover through and through...

                        Bootsie, could you email me a picture of your dream board ? I would love to know where to start etc... I did read your thread about it and you did have perfect details for sure... I would love to snoop at yours... I sound like a grade 3 copy cat eh ? Haaa !! Haa !!!

                        Bear, I hope that you are having alot of fun on your trip... Hope that you and our Morrison meet up.

                        Well, I'm gonna get my butt in gear, find something on the TV so that I can do my workout... cannot do it with out TV...

                        Again,,,, "HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY" !!! Gobble !! Gobble !!!

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                          30 days???

                          big love and hugs to you all. happy thanks giving. must get myself ready for work. funny how hubby forgot today was thanksgiving. so my canadian clients flew in for a strategy session. ahahahahhaha. well i have all the fixings ready to go in the oven to warm up and i'll take to the hotel with me in a picnic basket.
                          yum yum.... love love


                            30 days???

                            I almost ran over an owl on the way home from the downtown festivities. It was sitting in the road. Very cute....


                              30 days???

                              Hope everyone had a great day! Got to talk to my bestest pal More2 during lunch today, very, very nice to hear her bad we weren't together in Palm Desert, it was pretty yucky weather here today....Boots, hope you found time to chill out, and enjoy the day...Bird and Nibs, I'm just as nutty about the animals, shoot a person on a movie, but don't you touch a dog or horse! Luv, awesome to hear from you, I had you in my prayers today, hoping you were being pampered a bit for the holiday...we all do have TONS to be thankful for...this "family" especially!!!! I do hope the guys got together, I know it would be very special for them! I feel lots better today, I just "crashed", I rallied, I took Bear's advice, and just looked at the egg I made, then I deviled it, and threw it down the hatch, without wine....I just need to have some down time, I booked a half day at a spa next to my hotel in Baltimore since I'm flying (literally) solo this trip...I'm going to take a trashy, nasty ol fiction novel, read it all the way there, during, and then just pamper myself by the and walk, and walk....I'll just make sure I call one of you if the bar by the bay starts to reel me in...I'm thinking it'll be too cold to sit out by the water tho...AND, I'm NOT going to do that, no matter if I have to duct tape my own mug! I'm not going down that road again, I think I know how NOT too...finally! Whew...I'm still hoping to graduate this next semester from non-dumbass drinking school....Love you all, I'm closing the fireplace, turning in, so over and out til tomorrow! Kisses and Hugs to each and everyone! Oh, More2, a big ol truck brought me the nicest Tommy Bahama furniture for my gameroom this afternoon, they said they were lost, and thought this looked like a nice place to dump some stuff off, to hide the evidence of their!!!!!
                              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                                30 days???

                                Nice to hear everyone had a nice thanksgiving. We cooked WAY to much food as always. I can't wait to hear if Bear and Morrison met. GEEZ, somebody let us know already...we are dying.
                                Guess I will take down Thankgiving decorations tomorrow and put up the Christmas village. That is an all ay to you all....

