I will get these meds changed. I am miserabe. I am so TIRED! All the time. Gettting up is such a challenege.
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Way to go Beth !!! Never give in to the beast !!!! Day 4 and 5 are a real Kicker !!! so dig in those heels of yours and wait for that beast with a big old stick in hand with his name on it !!!Take that cute dog of yours for lots of walks, your body, mind and spirit will thank you, doggie will too
Luv, I'm so sorry that you are feeling so down and out right now... I truely wish I lived closer to you.. I'd help with your house chores, make us a steamy pot of tea etc... Sending you a hug and a sack full of encouragement... Love You !!
Today is a dull day with snow in the forecast.. Yesterday I had to drive through a horrible storm in 4-wheel drive... Lots of vehicles were driving with their flashers going because the visibility was soooo bad. I do love the winter though.
Today I think I'll go out to the garage to get my Christmas decorations... Although first I really should vaccum and dust... arggg !!!
I sure hope that everybody is having a good Happy Hump Day. I'll likely drop by later on, Hugs,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
keep working on it beth, if you can get some days in a row it is a good step.
Luv, I hope you find what is right for you.
Barbie, You are right today is a new day and right now it is all we have to deal with. I hope you are feeling good now.
Nibs, I still have some land in colorado which is up about 8500 feet. I understand the snow and whiteouts. I do love the results though. I love the way the snow blows up against the fence and the crunch it makes under foot. I believe heavy snow is better if all you have to do is watch the fire, read a book, and consume food and drink. If you have to go out in it all the time it is a bummer. I hope you are able to enjoy it at least a little.
Love you all
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Hi all'
Almost broke out the beer last night but decided to go to a math workshop up at the kids school instead. It was fun. Nibs, I bought some beets too. I had a recipe I wanted to try but can't find it. If you find something good let me know. Bear, I used to live in Colorado for several years. I really loved it and have tried to move back twice but it didnt work out. Maybe one of these days I will make it back. Beth, take it easy. Luv hope you can get to the doc. love bird
30 days???
Hello again,
Well, I didn't end up decorating or dusting today ... I was plain old lazy lady ... Sometimes I really need a "down day" and will feel better for it tomorrowI did however do a really nice workout, make supper (dishes are waiting for me to take care of when I'm finished talking with you wonderful folks)
Ahh,,, I can just see the snow up against a farm fence.. how beautiful. We are really getting a good old snow storm as I type.. Thinking that if it gets any worse by tomorrow we will have a "snow day" for the kids... and me tooAnother day to spend feeding wood to the stove.... Ha !! Haa !! That wouldn't hurt my feelings in the least.. maybe then I would get this old farm house decorated after all...
Good For You Bird !!!!!!!!So glad that you chose not to snap open that bottle of beer and instead had alot of fun with your wonderful kids... Hats off to the Bird !!!! YAHOOO !!!
On a sad note, I brought up that 10 pound of beets from our basement and they were sprouting and beginning to mold a bit so hubby will toss them out in our bush for the deer to pick at.... Bird, if you check the recipe section, I asked about preparing beets and there are alot of really good suggestions and recipes on beets...Check it out... I will be picking more beets up on Friday when I go to town because I'd like to try some of the suggestions out.
Does anybody happen to know when we should expect our Tex back ? I'm really missing that gal for sure.
Luv, I hope that you are feeling better and find out a better prescription for you... Don't be too hard on yourself Hon.
I'm reading a book that my hubby found at the library.. It is called "Control Freaks" so I can better understand my bossy boss.. Later in the book I'll learn some better skills on how to deal with her. Although she is alot better this year, there is definately room for improvement !!!
Well, my dirty dishes are calling me, so I'll check back in tomorrow,, Happy Humpy everybody and hope that you all well... Hugs,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Nibs, that was a good thread about the beets. It reminded me of this band I used to play in and me and the bass player used to go to a vegetarian restrant all the time and the salads had a big pile of grated beets. I will try that at work tomorrow.. bird
30 days???
OH my gosh I have been so sick....I was put on Effexor and it made me so ill. I slept non-stop. I stopped eating. It was horrible. Well back to the doctor next week since that once didn't work. I have missed you all. Where is everyone? I figured I would come back and have pages to catch up.....
30 days???
I sure hope that your Doctor can help you with your meds Luv xxx How aweful to feel so down and out... I'll be thinking of you...
Today is so nice, bright and sunny... I have a big old pot of pea soup on the woodstove blipping away... I just did my workout and showered up, so now I'm ready to bundle up and see what my "fellas" are up to in the garage... We bought a decal for the back window of the truck.. It has a beautiful picture of a wolf with sunrays kinda going through the trees on it... We fell in love with it when our son found it online...
I hope that all is well with everybody, Hugs,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
I'm here and been thinking of you luv. Ive been busy with one of the kids friends spent the night last night. We stayed up till 1030 which is late for us and then I woke up at 5 and the kids were up at 630. We went on a picnic and long hike and very tired tonite...that sounds good nibs. Luv too. bird
30 days???
Hey Luv. Sorry to hear you are feeling down. I love sleep. You obviously don't. The Effexor isn't for you then. Why aren't people posting as much? I don't know. Maybe apathy? This is the season, you know? We all know this is the time when we struggle the most. Nights come nearer, it gets colder, holidays upon us, and we are alone. :upset:where does this go?