Go Bootsie, you're an author for sure now...lol...glad the doggie is ok! Bird, man woul I love to see the picture of the chicken in Crocs...that must be something! Nibs, good to see you cupcake! I gotta write a bio to Wonderworld, we're each others secret Santa now...lordy, this may take awhile! Hope everyone is a-ok! Love to all!
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Go Bootsie, you're an author for sure now...lol...glad the doggie is ok! Bird, man woul I love to see the picture of the chicken in Crocs...that must be something! Nibs, good to see you cupcake! I gotta write a bio to Wonderworld, we're each others secret Santa now...lordy, this may take awhile! Hope everyone is a-ok! Love to all!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
lol more 2 work hummmmmmm and yes that is why i am going to conference tomorrow. one more day of doggies i'm afraid so they don't each other. was leaving today buttttt. have to nursemaid them. ahahahah tex you don't have to do a long bio. just come on the thread over there and give her a hint of how hysterically funny you are. that will do it. she'll send you something very funny no doubt. oh i love that game. hahaahahahah wow birdie you got something in the mail from more 2oohhh santa's elves are definitely coming thru this xmas... you have to share though what did you get........... unless it was like xxxx rated....
yeah titty we are all happy you are well:welcome:
30 days???
today by the way i found chinese fortune cookies for dogs. . i can't wait for them to open their stockings.... they are all crammed full now..... phpehw i just wish everything didn't give them gas. i think they are going to gas me right out of my bedroom
godddddd...... yipes..... and poipu got a stuffy today a brand new one that squeeks holiday songs. and has is a little reindeer with a plaid jacket. she is one spoiled dog. well, first stuffed animal in a year.
hope you are feeling good all. how's the knee bear?:welcome:
30 days???
Good Morning everybody,
Lucky you are too funny !!! You quack me up !
I think my back is feeling better... Hope so because I'm going to work shortly and will be running my buns off. I had a good sleep last night only having to take pain meds once at 4:30 am... I've had a cronic problem off and on for over 15 years. Usually have a flare up for about 3 or 4 days... Since I've been working out and strengthening my abs though I've been good for soooo long. Enough about me !!
Congratulations Bootsie on being a senior member... Your beautiful messages, sometimes funny land on ears that need it. Thank the Lord for youI'm looking forward to what you might share in your next 1000 posts... I'm so glad that your doggie is going to be ok. Poor thing.
I had a hot bath which helped so much Tex. I think this all started in our sauna though.. I was walking from the sauna down the snowy path to the house in my slippers (note the word slip in these things I wore on my feet), I had one foot skip out in front, twisted to catch my balance and thought nothing of it because I didn't feel any pain... Maybe the red wine ??? Anyhow, Sunday morning I sure felt stiff and sore... I'm now kicking myself !!! arggggggg !!!!!!!! I'll be ok by tomorrow (day 4) There are some really good stretches that I do also that helps to release the tension and strain in my sacararealiac.. (sp I'm sure !!!! )
Has our Bear went in for surgery?
Bird, I think that a chicken in those shoes would be a hoot !!! haa !! haa !!! What did you find in the mail... If it is ok, do share.. giggle !! giggle !!
Bless your heart More2.
Gotta get my butt in gear, so I'll likely stop by again later today.. Hugs,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
oh gosh my good grief nibsssss. please take care of yourself. you know all that running around you are about to do is going to work those kinks out too. and can you believe if you go on utube and look for yoga you can actually do yoga poses along with the video? everything is on utube... thanks for all the well wishes. i'm sure for as long as my posts are that i've actually written 2000. ahahahahahahahaha so, here's to you all. i'd like to see the bird with the crocs on personally. and feel better nibs.
tex, go talk to wonder for your santa.
luv i hope you got enough rest. must get going to get dogs up. dogsitter will be here soon so i can myself outta here. poipu has her stuffy in her mouth... cute reindeer. the others are snoring. soon they will be hiking... i have to wrap that leg in an ace bandage...
okay up and adam all. sure wish i could find my five speed lipstick. it would make that conference a hell of a lot more fun. you know whip it out when the ol seminar is boring. oh especially when that guy, john gray comes out, men are from mars. he just bugs me... or jack canfield,,,, chicken soup for the soul guy.he's a friend of mine. thought i'd pick up a really nice on on myway and wrap it up for the mrs... she'd get a kick out of that. he'll shoot meahahahahahahahahahahahah you know this actually could be a mischievous time. ta ta. bear, more2, all... magical little elf. take care
30 days???
Bootsie you are cracking me up. Hey I can email some pics if anyone wants to give me your email . All I have is nibs. Yeah More2 sent me a 100$ walmart card and I went up there today and had a blast and got a volkswagon beetle and a pottery thing and a shrek movie and some fun in the bathtub stuff and some watches and a bunch of candy WHEW and I dont remember it all. Geez. I am so blessed with friends this year. I have PTO meeting tonite. gotta get ready. My oldest singing in the choir at the meeting. love to all bird
30 days???
Bird, I am so glad! Sounds wonderful!!! Lucky....TITTY...that was so funny. I know TIT will crack up. Bootise, behave yourself at conference...LOL why do I bother to tell you that...LMAO.
Morrison, we miss you and hope you are well!!!!
Bear can you PM the details of when and where your surgery will be??? We might want to send Papa Bear flowers! Bet your family would get a hoot out of that. Big ol' tough guy with flowers. Although, Billy was a big ol' tough guy too and he LOVED flowers!!!!! And would admit it and I promise NO ONE ever seemed to laugh at him...well, not to his face anyway...HA HA HA
Pray for my family...Granny lives in Okla and the ice storms are horrible and Daddy lives in Missouri and they are being hit just as bad.
30 days???
Hello all. I have a new knee!!! They have us up and walking before 6:00AM and we exercise all day long. I am walkng with a walker now, I hope I can get around pretty good by the first weeki in january.
time to exercise
love you all
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Welcome Keeper and Tylyr !!! We love to have new people come and join us !!!
Never hesitate to ask questions as we will try our best to help in any way we can.. Again Welcome to our lil' Family with big Heartsxxx
Bear, Thank the Dear Lord you are doing so well my friend !!! I'm so happy for you... Trusting that Mamma Bear will coddle you and help you in every way she can... Thanks for the wonderful update on your progress... Take Good Care... We all love you.
Luv, I've been watching the news and will say a prayer for your Granny and Daddy.. Those poor people without power... May the Lord keep them safe.
Bird, I'm so very happy for you... God Bless your More2!
I got that picture you sent with your barred rock spotty !!! What a HOOT !!! In the "chicken school", he must be an "A" student. Haaa !! Haa !!
Well, I gotta get my butt in gear, Hugs to everybody, today I need to spend sometime outside in the sunshine... I haven't seen the sun for days, literally... I sometimes get in a rut like that during this time of the year which is not good. xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Hi all,
Another good mail day for us with another gift card this time from Bootsie. We are really going to have some Christmas here. Wow Bear a brand new knee and excercising already. Nibs glad you liked the pic. Happy anniversary More2. Luv will be praying for your relatives. Gotta go the bus is coming. Love bird
30 days???
BEAR....YIPPPPPPEEEEEE, so happy to hear from you. I am glad you are up and moving. Yeah for you.
More2...Happy Anniversary!
Bird I am glad you and the kids are going to have a GREAT Christmas.
Nibs thanks for the prayers. I hope you are feeling better.
WELCOME Tyler and Keeper!!!!! Just wait til you get to be a part of this family...HA HA
30 days???
Good Thursday Morning everybody !!
Yep, my back is "A" ok !!! Thank You Lord !!
Happy Anniversary More2 !!! How time flies when you're having fun eh? 14 Years PHEW !!!
Just thought I'd drop by before work this morning to say "Howdy", Hugs and enjoy your day everybody,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~