Bootsie..I have been following..youare one special soul...and in my prayers & love...carry on brave soul!!
No announcement yet.
30 days???
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Barbi, I am praying for your health and for good news.ray: you are very special to us all.
DB2 good to hear from you. I love pea soup too, but I have been eating backeyed peas all my life. I probably will have the traditional blackeyed peas with a cut of salt pork.
Chrysa, good to hear from you. I hope you are doing well; I haven't kept up with the board very well for months.
Nibs, I can't think of a single girl I would like to chase. I guess I am getting old. hehe
Bird, I have a chicken story I will tell on another post. It was funnier to be there, but it is not a bad tale to tell. Sorry your girls are sad, but it is life and they have to learn somehow. I burried a full grown horse one time; believe me the chicken is as good a lesson and much easier.
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
My Rooster Story
Once a few years ago I had a rooster who was mean. He even attacked me once and I drop kicked him across the back yard so he decided not to do that again. The problem was that he would chase my kids around every time they would meet. One day my daughter came in the house with her back bleeding from the roosters claws in her back. I was probably drunk, but this really pissed me off; so I decided the rooster had to go.
I knew I wouldn?t be able to catch the rooster, so I went to the closet and got out my 22 pistol and went out to shoot it. I chased that rooster around with the pistol for about 45 minutes and went through a whole box of ammunition. I could not hit it to save my life. We literally ran around on 15 acres until I couldn?t breathe. The rooster was about as tired, and everyone from my family and the neighborhood had come out to watch the insane man try to shoot a little (fast, sneaky, twisty) rooster. I finally chased the worn out rooster up to the house and my mother asked me why I thought I needed to shoot it, so I explained to her I couldn?t catch it. About that time the rooster ran right in front of her. She quickly picked it up, grabbed it by the head and rang the rooster?s neck. We all had a really big laugh over the whole thing. My 70 year old mother had more on the ball than I did. The next day I had rooster and dumplings for dinner. It was a little tough, but it was a triumphant meal.
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Oh Gosh Bear that is too funny !!! I too had a banty rooster that would take after me so I gave it to my neighbour who put him in her supper pot.
You're gonna be just fine now BootsieGet your rest and wait for the "good news phone call" from your Doctor... You'll be leaving soon for Lenair eh? We will miss you so much.
Our visit last night at the neighbours was pretty nice. It snowed like crazy and we all stood around a bonfire for awhile.. One lady actually drank sooooo much she literally just fell over backwards in the garage smacking her head.. Out cold on the ground for a split second and then got helped to her feet. She acted like nothing happened.. She drinks heavily, daily and it is sad to see.
I'll need my earplugs today because #1 Son is having a friend over that plays guitar too and they want to jam.
I hope that everybody is doing great, so good to see you Cindi and Crysta !!
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Too funny about the rooster bear. I have had some very mean roosters also. My landlord came over this morning with a half grown chicken for the girls. He also went to the guys house whos dog it was that killed cookie and said something to him and the guy got rid of his dog. He also gave us an incubator. The girls are delighted with their new chick. Nibs, when I was in H.S. there was another girl drummer and we would set up in my moms family room. My mom always left the house. Bootsie glad you got your polyps removed. Hope and pray it all turns out O.K. We are going camping tomorrow. We usually go for new years. Have spent the day going through the kids clothes and had a big bag for the thrift store. Have a good night all. love bird
30 days???
Bear.....I positively laughed myself silly over your Rooster story.......that is hysterical......!!! I am also happy to hear that your knee is finally healing.
Bird, I am so happy for you and your girls. There experience with their chicken will surely teach them some valuable life lessons.....great Christmas story! know how I feel.......bon voyage..bff.....can't wait to hear from you upon your return from Lenair....XXXXX
XXXX To You All and may 2008 bring you all health and happiness!!
KateA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
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Have a Wonderful New Year !!
I want to wish everyone who post here and who just browses by here a wonderful new year. I sincerely hope you achieve your goals for mods or abs, and enjoy a new healthy life in 2008.
God Bless
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Isn't he though ???
Have lots of fun camping Bird. Will you stay in tents? Will it be near a lake? What do you and the girls like to do when you go out camping? Up here right now all our small inland lakes have 10 inches of ice and we have about a foot of snow.. It seems funny to hear of somebody going camping while I'm thinking of brushing off the dust from my cross-country skis ... giggle giggle. I'm so happy for your little girls in that they will have a new chicken to love. Your landlord is a good person to actually go to that guy with the dog. Now you don't have to worry about another dog attack again.
Luv, how have you been? I don't think we know your sweet pups' name yet... How is your Mamma doing? I'm missing you my friend !! Waaaaa !!! I do understand though that Christmas is a busy time and all.
I too would like to wish every person that is here or stops by a Happy New Year filled with lots of happy memories to be proud of. This is gonna be our year all you guys !!! xxx
This morning Hubby headed over to a friends house to help in renovate his bathroom. In turn that same fella will help hubby with our snowmachine... We blew up the motor last week, and all the parts will be in sometime after NewYears.
Well, I'm gonna finish my coffee and then head out to the barn. The critters will be looking for their breakfastHugs and lots of love,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
i wanted to take the time to thank you all for your miraculous friendship. i''m with all of you. this year is our year. and i wanted to take a moment out to thank each of you for being such an amazing contribution to my life and to each other. life occurs in the simplicity of it all. and for that piece i want to say it is in the daily challanges, joy and just sharing the pure ordinary that i've grown to care so deeply for you all. i want to just take a moment and acknowledge you all for allowing me to come in to the campfire and be a part of something very amazing and extraordinary.... in fact for all they say about us people who've had challanges or still do with alcohol what they don't note often is the simple way we absolutely give our hearts so freely and are so genuine that we care about folks. you have shown up time and time again for myself and others. so selfless are you. it is a blessing on this planet that with so much tragedy you are there with your smile, who you are, and how you show up.... well, it is a blessing for the planet you are here. so before i leave i want to say a blessing for each of you for the coming year.
more2. i wish for you a smooth sailing transition to so cal and for you to be blessed back a thousand times for all that love and support you give so endlessly. i wish for you that family is safe and sound this year...
tit. i wish for you to come back to thread more and more and really get how much you are loved. i wish for you health and that you have more and more af days and i'm grateful that you have shared so much of you to each of us.
nibs i wish for you a bestfriend this year. someone who really can share the day in and day out and know just how beautiful you are.
bird i wish for you that all of this next year brings you abundance... that you get fully how precious you are and that we can continue to hear all the stories of your girlies as they grow up. i hope all your chickens thrive. hahaha
bear. i wish for you perfect health and that you have so many days filled with joy with mama bear and your family. if not for you, i'd have never come back to mwo. thank you for your kindness.
luv bug. i wish for you a new life with your man. that your mama and you have many days filled with true love and all wounds from the past are healed. i wish for your daughter that sperm donor shows the hell up. and i'm so grateful for you that you have no idea. please always stay in my life
lucky. i wish for you peace with your mom and that you have a beautiful wish come true. and i'm so grateful for who you are.
chyrsa. i wish for you that you have a beautiful year in your new job and that your family stays healthy.
cindi. i wish for you full on af and that everyday shows you away of how beautiful life is and that you deserve every minute of it. you've earned your stripes.
morrison. i wish for you peace and love in your heart. i wish for you all good in life to come your way and that you get to see how much you are loved as you are worth it.
kate well i wish for you full on abundance and strength. and for you to see how amazing you are. you are so full of love and i wish for everyone in your life to fully see how committed you are and acknowledge you.
i hope i haven't left anyone out. if so, well i wish for you to forgive me. lmao and let me know and i will add in something next week when i return.:welcome:
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Hey all, came in a bit ago, and tried to catch up! Had a wonderful R&R in the Hill Country of Texas, great spa and resort.....was lazy, lazy! It was awesome! Boots, still don't know what is going on with you healthwise, but been praying like a know that I understand the tests and waiting, and I pray you don't have to go thru what I did, I'm sure you won't, and if you do, you'll make it just like I have, and hopefully, with more grace! I love you soooo much too, sorry I haven't posted too much, we've had so much family and friends here, with me playing the hostess with the mostest role, and been on the holiday move...whew....I'll be glad when its over, we'll go tomorrow for a low-key New Years, nearby, with good pals, and start the New Year on the threadmill and back in the sauna, on Weds! I hope to hell More2 is in the desert, I think she is, and hope she's swimming, cuz if she's home, she's gonna need snowshoes too! Nibs, I'll always be your pal, you can call me collect anytime, am/pm! BEAR, without you, I wouldn't be here either, you are a BLESSING DELUXE, love you tons, and I know you'll be a-ok in no time! Hoping you and Mama Bear and family, have the greatest New Year! I truly think this will be our BESTEST YET! LUVBUG, where are you???? You never said what your bully's name is, or how she's doing! How's things with your Mama? I know your new man is so great, and I know you'll have a great 2008 too! BIRD, OMG...I'm soooooo sorry about your girls and your chicken! Your Christmas pics were so great, and you are so wonderful, I hope everything works out ok for you this year too, we all deserve it! We've all tried so darn hard! Cindi, I missed the drama, but honey, I've been a Queen myself, so I hope you get a-ok too, hang in, we only fail, if we give up! Morrison, you know I love you too, I got to send him a secret Santa for his handsome face, he's doing good, or was when I has alot to offer us, he is very wise in his ways! I love all of you, I know I missed someone, to the newest members, WELCOME and get ready to hang on for a life changing New Year, we're loaded for and with everyone is dry, and warm and snuggled up and happy, and safe, healthy, and we'll all be wiser and wealthier in months to come...I for one, have a surprise I'm going to tell know what may have happened to LUV, her bulldog may have killed her with lethal gas...mine is about to, I'm not going to have to wax any eyebrows for awhile....whew...."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
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I know what you mean Tex !! Our 2 labs can peel the paint of a wall when they let loose !!! Haa !! Haa !! I'd love to have you as my pal !!! That sounds just great !!! Yep 2008 is gonna be a very good year guys !!!
Bootsie, thank-you so much for your beautiful message... I would like to send a New Year wish out to you, " Bootsie, My wish for you, I wish for you to hear that you have your health first and foremost. I wish that you continue to always shine your loving light on so many that it in turn keeps your internal light glowing warmly. As you gracefully walk through life I hope that you know how you have affected so many so positively. Your giving spirit will forever echo in my ear. I wish you love, health, internal peace and a big bowl of tomato soup.... LMAO !!! Now I'm falling off my Niblet chair !!!
More2, happy swimming !! Happy New Year to you and yours xxx
I really gotta get my butt in gear, so I'll just say "Happy New Year " Everybody !! Love and Hugs,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Thanks to you all for the wonderful wishes. You are all a part of me, and I don't think I ever was as well as I am now. God Bless and Happy New Year
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Hey all, good Happy New Years morning! I've been unpacking goodies from Whole Foods, and packing some stuff for my short trek to Kilgore, Texas this evening....thought I'd pop in and say HI! Nibs, I love ya, hope you have a wonderful day, ditto for Bird, Bear, Luv, More2, Morrison, Cindi, Bootsie, EVERYONE! I want everyone to have a very safe, fun, but sober Eve! Love to all! See ya next year!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Happy New Years Eve everyone,
Eveyones posts are choking me up. I am so blessed this year with all of you my new friends who probably know more about me than my old ones. Some things anyway. Thank you for being there for me kind and non-judgemental. I am comfortable with you all. I know 30 days wont last forever but I hope I have made some longtime friends here. I was taking the Christmas tree down a couple days ago and most of the ornaments are stuff my kids have made over the years. Then I took one off that an old friend gave me 20 years ago and I always think of her when I put it up or take it down. I thought oh all those years ago and where I was and what I was doing and I still remember her giving it to me. So then I took down one I got from Magic and thought, yeah every year when I put this one up I will think of this Christmas and everyone of you. I wish you all the best in 2008 with many positive changes. I love you all.....recieved my kids dads death certificate in the mail today and hitailed it up to social security. Arrived just in the nick of time as they were closing. That was a load off. Now they can get the application in. About our camping trip- went to a KOA I had been wanting to try not too far. Just took a few things since they have cabins cheap and I didnt want to tent cuz it was gonna rain. Anyway they were out of cabins but she gave me a park model which turned out to be a 1 BR single wide trailer with a DISHWASHER. Wow I havent had one of those since I left home in 78. So I cooked and washed our whole 2 pots 2 cups and 3 dishes in the washer. Also forgot to bring a can opener and opened a can of beans with a screwdriver. Anyway it wasnt very camplike and it was close to the interstate and very hard for us to get to sleep. The living room had a murphy bed which the kids had never seen and it did have a nice lake and playground though. Gotta get supper started. love bird