AGGGGG....More2, no s--t, literally! Now everyone, don't panic, I wasn't in the can 'cuz I was hungover, must've picked up some "bug" from all the relatives lil kids or sumthing...I've been in a zofran fog for over 24hrs, finally got said ass off said pot and said head, outta said trashcan....felt like Bootsie! Anyway, now I'm already committed to a dinner/birthday deal here at my house...I'lll be passing on most of my own food....Anyway, I'm still puny, and like I told More2, green ain't my best color! Love ya'll, and More2, lemme know what day you want me in the desert, and for Gawds sake, lets book some spa treatments...altho, much more of what I've got, and I'll have to go on Dr. Phil when I'm there, and be the first woman ever to plead for an asshole transplant, from burning up her original one in a sh--ting incident.....whew...can ya'll tell I'm about fit to be tied...with Aloe Charmin no less! "Woman found hung in bathroom with double roll aloe Charmin" to ya'll tomorrow, wish me you all....
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
AGGGGG....More2, no s--t, literally! Now everyone, don't panic, I wasn't in the can 'cuz I was hungover, must've picked up some "bug" from all the relatives lil kids or sumthing...I've been in a zofran fog for over 24hrs, finally got said ass off said pot and said head, outta said trashcan....felt like Bootsie! Anyway, now I'm already committed to a dinner/birthday deal here at my house...I'lll be passing on most of my own food....Anyway, I'm still puny, and like I told More2, green ain't my best color! Love ya'll, and More2, lemme know what day you want me in the desert, and for Gawds sake, lets book some spa treatments...altho, much more of what I've got, and I'll have to go on Dr. Phil when I'm there, and be the first woman ever to plead for an asshole transplant, from burning up her original one in a sh--ting incident.....whew...can ya'll tell I'm about fit to be tied...with Aloe Charmin no less! "Woman found hung in bathroom with double roll aloe Charmin" to ya'll tomorrow, wish me you all...."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Ok, I'm travel surfing, AND watching the Hawks....not doing too good, they look like the "Boys" did last time they played, kinda....and we'll have to play the Packers...not gonna be pretty!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Oh..TIT, hung in the bathroom with Charmin!!!!Oh! NO!!! Poor Mr. Whipple he is just settling in and he will be rollong over in his grave...poor man!
Glad you are not being forced to watch the Broncos (no offense Hart!) because the Broncos would only make you feel much worse!
Hope you feel better soon my friend! You're the woman!
Love and Hugs!
KateHA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
30 days???
Sorry you feel bad Tex. There is a bug going around and it will last a few days. Really makes you sick. I am sorry you have it. Hang in there and you will get better.
Green Bay just plays better in the snow More2. Sorry
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Hy all, just checking in. All is good here. Yesterday was Brit's 14th bday. We BBQ'd. I had a horrible migraine. Just hit me suddenly at the grocery store. My neck hurt so bad I was thinking I may need to go to the ER. I swore I was dying...LOL All is bettter today, I layed down for a bit with some meds and felt much better. Sorry you were ill TIT!!! It is that time of year for cooties. I watched the footbal game just because I wanted to see the snow, so pretty!!!!
30 days???
Oh Tex, I know it isn't funny, with you being sick and all, but you are soo funny !!!
I hope that today finds you without a potty bottom...
It's always nice to see you stop by Dx, and Kate... Come by more often...
And Luv, I'm sorry to hear about that horrible headache... Nasty !! Brit is now a young lady...Where does the time go?
Well, we are taking Tyler into the city for his favourite supper.. Chinese Buffet... That young man has very good tasteI've baked him a cake that we may dive into when we get home if we can move that is... Haa !! haa !! It looks like I had better spend some exta time in my exercise room...
We have nice big flakes of snow softly falling today with the sun trying to come out... Very Pretty...
Enjoy your Sunday everybody, Hugs,
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
I hate you had the headache luv. Those are always disableing. Kids grow up before you know it don't they. Enjoy the asian food Nibs. I am taking it easy today; watching football and talking to my "little" kids.
Love you all
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
OH forgot to say that brit got her first kiss at her b-day!!!!!! She has had the same b-friend for 1 year now was LITERALLY a peck, but she was so excited! UH....can't we freeze them at like 3? LOL
Nibs, i would love to see the snow. I watched football yesterday just to watch the snowflakes. I could care less about football.
So Papa Bear, sounds like you are healing glad!
Any one heard from Morrison? How is he doing?
30 days???
ah her first kiss? wow, i remember mine. hahaaha. just checking in. seems i've come back from lenair and have worked everyday even in my jammies. i'm going to settle in on the couch for a few hours before i start a project for a client for a few hours. i just need a little lavender and chill out time. ah a little sigh time and breather. feel better tex. nibs your job okay? luv love those snowflakes. it's chilly here in so cal. more 2 are we still getting together? hope papa bear is happy. am happy you get to stay at your same home there birdie. i think it's going to be a beautiful year for you. love you all boots:welcome:
30 days???
Hi all'
I am having some computer trouble like it takes this thing 30 minutes to boot up. Gonna run all those scanners and mess today and try to fix. I stayed home from work, tax refund supposed to be in today. Need to go do laundry anyway. Seems this is the month for our kids birthdays my oldest turns 11 tomorrow. Got her a laptop cheap from one of the guys at work. Lucky thing too the way this one is running. Tex sorry about your behind. When my girls were babies i discovered diaper rash cream works great for that pain. haha Luv, are you going to be getting in on the snow??The weather said snow north of Atlanta Wed. I think. Bootsie you sound comfy. Bear hows your knees doing? Nibs we have 2 very pregnant goats out back about ready to pop. I think of you when I see them. Cant wait to see the babies. Hi More2. Hi Kateh. later on...bird
30 days???
Hope all is well today with you all. Monday is Monday! UH... Demon sister has FINALLY decided to come see our dying Mama. Gosh, think she can handle it? Piece of crap! She had the nerve to tell me she wanted to remember Mama the way she was...WELL, yeah so the hell would I. Welcome to freaking life! I had to pay for her airfare, but i am tired of seeing Mama cry because she wants to see her. PRAY for me. I truly hav very ill feelings for ger...horrid and I wish I didn't.
30 days???
PS.. I LOVE my new little bulldog, I am getting a male Friday I love her so much. So, maybe some day I will have little bulldogs running sround...HA HA I swear I run a mini-farm. I think I was supposed to be elizabeth on Little House on the Prairie...LOL
30 days???
Hello everybody
Tys' birthday dinner was really excellent !!
Yep, Luv I've been exchanging jokes with Morrison and he seems to be doing just amazing !!! I'm really happy for that young man. Luv, I wish I could give you strength via email when you have to deal with your sister.. I know exactly how you must feel. You have every right to feel the way you do, however,,, when you are feeling those negative feelings, you are further punishing yourself... Release that , that it go (if you are able) breath and know that I'm so proud of you... You have your beautiful children, your loving Mama as well as your handsome thoughtful fella behind you... Not to mention all of this family too... Please know that you are supported. This will not be easy, but you are a bigger person for wanting this for your Mama. God Bless You.. You are an angel among us. xxx
Has anyone heard from our Magic? I'm wondering/worried about her kitty and the kittens...
It is soooo nice to hear from you Bootsie... Make some "special you" time.
I hope that you get all those glitches out of your computer Bird... How frustrating !!! Seems that alot of people are having birthdays lately.
I hope that your knee continues to get better all the time Bear..
When I got home from work today, hubby was up in his office with the computer on... He was just shocked !!! One of his contractors died of a heart attack.(54 years old) This fella was a father and grandfather...Just very sad.. He was a good man. I can tell that it is really heavy on hubbys mind this evening. They were only talking a few days ago about a big home that was being completed on the shores of Lake Superior... And then there is the cottage on a small lake to complete this spring... and then there is the renovations.. etc... Hubby is his plumber and they have shared many hours working side by side.
So folks, hug the ones you love. Take Good Care, Hugs, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Luv, I can't seem to remember an Elizabeth on Little House On the Prairie ... I remember Half Pint, and Mary though... I must be losing my marbles... Give little Georgia a hug from Auntie Niblet xxx
Oh and Bird, there is NOTHING so cute as baby goats ... I would love to be a bug on your shoulder to watch them romp and play.. How cute
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Good Sunny Morning !!! This will be a crazy week for me as I'm covering shifts left , right and center complete with a sports event this coming Saturday... I meant to tell you guys last night,,, My "B" boss, told me yesterday," Oh and our jobs are secure".... She told me that they were wanting resumes incase one of us up and quit... Strange, I know.. I'll just take this crap with a grain of salt... Oh, and we have a little monthly newsletter at the school that always lists little "kudos" on the back page.. On the very bottom it said, "Thanks Mrs. MacMillan for being there for us at the office at the last minute.. and for you being "you"..." It really made my day !!! There was a day when I was getting ready to close down, and I got a page from upstairs asking about the trays that were sent up for the administration meeting... Why wasn't there sandwiches included... so , I made a tray up from what was left over at the end of our day... It just felt good to be appreciated.Of course "B" boss didn't comment . Haa !!! Haa !!
Today I'm off and will make a recipe I wrote down from "Eat Shrink And Be Merry"... It is chicken pot pie... The crust has sweet potato, and butter milk along with some other dry ingredients.... My chicken breasts are cooking on the woodstove as I type... I'll make plenty should anyone have loose ends for supper tonight. I will make room for ya'll. xxx
Hubby is still low about his buddy that passed.... He even commented, "It sure hits home".
Tell the ones you love that you love them... Hugs, and lots of love, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~