Hey All! Things have been hectic here as usual, sorry I haven't been around much. After my near attempt at hanging myself with the Charmin, I had to leave town for a lil PR stuff, I'm just pooped out...lol...Punk Intended! I'm so glad to see you all here! Bear, I'm always so inspired, and touched by you, your musings are so heartfelt, and insightful...I know what you feel, we all will or do feel, again, its nice to not feel alone in this battle, so thank-you, and I KNOW, that the Big Guy upstairs will protect you, just keep letting him have the reins! Boots, good to see you back too, can't wait to meet up with you in the desert! More2, well, looks like all our fav football teams laid down on us! Bird, we have goats too, they are sooooo cute, like puppies. LUV, aren't bulldogs the BEST, we'd have a million too, but guess what....we got an UMBRELLA COCKATOO....OMG...so we have something else in common now....Bulldogs and Birds! Its a long story, but "Iggy" is a hoot, they aren't supposed to be the best of talkers, but, this one is picking up alot....(can you imagine a bird or anything not being a big mouth living around me!)....he has an awesome cage that I had to re-arrange furniture for, but its really cool, albeit messy....he's beautiful, just like the Barreta bird on the old detective show...he loves to sit in your lap and ride around on your shoulder...anyway, just I needed too, something else that eats and s--ts in the house! Nibs, I love my Nordic Track, I really like it better than the one at the gym, and sometimes use it, then go there for the other machines, you'll love it, and I spent yesterday cooking too! DX, that would be so awesome for you and D to get to meet up with Papa Bear! I'm going to be near ya'll in a few months too, so we'll have to hook up! Stepson is right below you guys in the Bay Area. So glad you are hanging out here with us, we need all the help, input, and support we can get! Oh and Bird, change jobs if you want to, you gotta get up in the morning and not dread where you are going, you'd be an assest lots of places I'm sure! Cindi, and Fran15, good to see you both, Fran, you'll love it here, surf the site and chat, and tell us about you! Ok, I gotta get cracking here, I was accepted into a pretty prestigious travel writing institute, and I have to write some "dittys" for critique before I leave on Weds. night...I gotta go to Orlando, its a very intensive learning/writing deal, I've written a couple of articles YEARS AGO, for fun, and I just gotta got accepted into this group on a lark....know I'm committed, and honestly, I'M WAY OUTTA MY LEAGUE, COMFORT ZONE, IN OVER MY HEAD, whatever else you can say about playing on the playground with folks with tons of experience, and you have like....none! Oh well, worst case scenario, they kick me out, and I go to Disneyland! lol Or, blow up my words thingy, and have to sit in the back of the room with my #2 pencil and a Big Chief tablet! Later all, love you tons!
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Hey All! Things have been hectic here as usual, sorry I haven't been around much. After my near attempt at hanging myself with the Charmin, I had to leave town for a lil PR stuff, I'm just pooped out...lol...Punk Intended! I'm so glad to see you all here! Bear, I'm always so inspired, and touched by you, your musings are so heartfelt, and insightful...I know what you feel, we all will or do feel, again, its nice to not feel alone in this battle, so thank-you, and I KNOW, that the Big Guy upstairs will protect you, just keep letting him have the reins! Boots, good to see you back too, can't wait to meet up with you in the desert! More2, well, looks like all our fav football teams laid down on us! Bird, we have goats too, they are sooooo cute, like puppies. LUV, aren't bulldogs the BEST, we'd have a million too, but guess what....we got an UMBRELLA COCKATOO....OMG...so we have something else in common now....Bulldogs and Birds! Its a long story, but "Iggy" is a hoot, they aren't supposed to be the best of talkers, but, this one is picking up alot....(can you imagine a bird or anything not being a big mouth living around me!)....he has an awesome cage that I had to re-arrange furniture for, but its really cool, albeit messy....he's beautiful, just like the Barreta bird on the old detective show...he loves to sit in your lap and ride around on your shoulder...anyway, just I needed too, something else that eats and s--ts in the house! Nibs, I love my Nordic Track, I really like it better than the one at the gym, and sometimes use it, then go there for the other machines, you'll love it, and I spent yesterday cooking too! DX, that would be so awesome for you and D to get to meet up with Papa Bear! I'm going to be near ya'll in a few months too, so we'll have to hook up! Stepson is right below you guys in the Bay Area. So glad you are hanging out here with us, we need all the help, input, and support we can get! Oh and Bird, change jobs if you want to, you gotta get up in the morning and not dread where you are going, you'd be an assest lots of places I'm sure! Cindi, and Fran15, good to see you both, Fran, you'll love it here, surf the site and chat, and tell us about you! Ok, I gotta get cracking here, I was accepted into a pretty prestigious travel writing institute, and I have to write some "dittys" for critique before I leave on Weds. night...I gotta go to Orlando, its a very intensive learning/writing deal, I've written a couple of articles YEARS AGO, for fun, and I just gotta got accepted into this group on a lark....know I'm committed, and honestly, I'M WAY OUTTA MY LEAGUE, COMFORT ZONE, IN OVER MY HEAD, whatever else you can say about playing on the playground with folks with tons of experience, and you have like....none! Oh well, worst case scenario, they kick me out, and I go to Disneyland! lol Or, blow up my words thingy, and have to sit in the back of the room with my #2 pencil and a Big Chief tablet! Later all, love you tons!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Hi all'
Went to the dentist today and she says I have periodontis or something like that and have to go get my teeth scraped or scaled or something next week. She said my teeth were pretty clean and blah bla it wouldnt take as long as usual. I keep my teeth pretty clean, I think it is all the booze for years on end that made it worse. .....one of my kids friends died last night. Got a call after the dentist me and my kids were in walmart and I got so upset and started to cry and could not talk. The kids knew something bad happened from the side of the conversation they were hearing. Well I had to tell them and they didnt say anything for an hour alll the way home. The girl was only 10 and she had strep throat. Was not responding to antibiotics and then died. Found out after she had lukemia...geez...well I looked at my kids and was thankful....bootsie those new sheets sound great. I might get some myself. Bear you sound good. DX and nibs I want to go snoshoeing. One of these days I will get back in the snow. Nibs the treadmill is great. I have one but had to switch to a bike cuz I have trouble with my feet but they are getting better. Tex that writing thing sounds wonderfull. Hang in there with the bigwigs. You can do it. Dont miss Disney. I used to live down there and would go there alot. Luv that puppy sounds beautiful. Fran 15 congrats on day 2. Come hang out with us....Hey all I took my kids to a jazz concert Sat. night at the arts center where their teachers band was playing. It was kinda long for them but a good experience and we almost didnt go cuz it was at 8:00 which is so close to our bedtime.hahaha anyway...love bird
30 days???
Hey Bird, wow...that's really, really sad about the girls friend....I can't imagine! I used to be a Reg. Dental Hygienist, my kids Dad is a dentist (yeah, ex hubby, sperm donor..lol..), anyway, take care of the periodontits, it can cause the ligaments around your teeth, to become damaged, and make your teeth loose, and all sorts of bad things, not to mention, its a low grade infection, left untreated, you'll feel bad...so go for the cleaning....lol....Gotta get dinner in the oven, hope everyone is having a great day!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
I just went through the whole scraping/scaling thing. It isn't too bad at all. They only did 1/4 of my mouth at a time, though, so I walked around with mismatched teeth for a while. (Some clean some not..)
I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's friend. It is awful when any young one dies. I am sure your girls need lots of extra attention and care right now. This is probably one of life's first hard lessons for them.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
Hello everybody
Bird, I'm so very sorry to hear about that little girl.. How sadI have no words I'm just so sorry to hear about such a young child dying... Hug your girls xxx I also have to agree that if you aren't happy at work, you should seek another job. Life is too darn short to be unhappy.
Welcome Fran !!!! We all like you already xxx So, tell us about yourself.... are you a Mom, a pet owner etc... sorry for being a snoop.. haa !! haaa ! congratulations on day 2 Yahoooo for you !!!!!!!
Tex, you will be amazing in Orlando !!! You have a very unique, special way of expressing yourself that is likely why you were chosen. Do what you do best and let the Lord take care of the rest. Have fun with it. I have faith in you xxx
It is just so great to have you back "home" Bootsie... You are an absolute ray of sunshine sweetie.
Luv, you have got to be so busy with 2 puppies in the house... There is nothing as special as a new pup... I love their breath.. Some people hate it but I just love it.
Have a nice evening Dx, and More2, and Cindi and... hmmm I just know I'll miss somebody...
I had to work early this morning so I've been running my tail off at work... and I soooo wanted to go on my treadmill , but instead only went for a gentle stroll on it...
Well, I'm getting into my jammies early and will crochet while enjoy a nice cup of tea. ahhh I'm ready to relax for the evening.
Hugs to everybody xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Nibs, thanks for the vote of support, I was kinda needing that...lol... I was on my threadmill earlier, thinking..."what am I doing, how'd I get myself into this" and something just popped into my head, that said...."look, for some reason, its just where you are meant to be, for a few days, for some reason, just let it be".... who knows, it may not even be the reason I THINK I'm going there for, but, I'm going to just go with God's flow...its funny, I tried all sorts of ways to get out of it, and none of my "plans" worked out, it fell into place despite me, so, there you are! I'll have my computer with me, and I'll check in with ya'll 'fore I sleep, I'm not taking off til Weds. night tho...I gotta check the forecast, its dang cold here, and I think in the upper 40's there for Thurs. night, then like 50's to 70's...I'm kinda like Boots, I'm thinking I probably won't fit in even with the new Ugg boots I ord'd straight from Aussie land, in Florida....but, who knows....and heck, I really don't care either....I feel like I'm going to school, I'll probably have that dream where you show up to class naked! lol"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Hey all
I figured I would pop in to say hello. I thought it best to go away for awhile and dry out a bit. I am totally cheating. I convinced my doctor to prescribe me some antabuse several weeks ago. I felt it would be counter productive to post about my sobriety when I?m obtaining my goal with absolutely no will power. The only will power is to take my pill every morning with my other meds, supplements, and vitamins. I have been doing this religiously. I wouldn?t want anybody to think that antabuse would be the best solution for them. We all have to do what is best for ourselves. Personally, I felt I needed an insurance policy. I have been mandated by the court to take some alcohol/drug counseling as well. This is fine by me. I haven?t started yet, but have to complete the classes by my next court date which is July 17th. I will start attending when I get my license back and I?m done with house arrest, which will occur approximately at the same time. After a while, I will need to make a decision. I?m sure I can?t rely on antabuse forever. I?m taking relatively good care of myself, and drinking tons of water everyday to keep the body cleansed. However, I?m sure taking these pills are taxing on my already pickled liver. Would inpatient rehab set me on the right path? I?ll never know, and hope to never find out. It would mean I relapsed. Maybe the counseling I take will lead me in the right direction. I don?t really expect anybody to welcome me back with open arms. Fact is, I?m a selfish person, and always have been. It?s amazing the things you will learn about yourself when you are forced to. The antabuse experiment has been very beneficial in helping me realize a lot about myself. Does that remove accountability on my past actions? Absolutely not. I?ll probably carry guilt and shame the rest of my days. I don?t think they make a magic pill for that. Well, I hope that everybody is doing great. I?ve shared a lot of good and bad with all of you on this board, and wouldn?t want to go away without stopping by one last time. I thank all of you for your continued support. I pray we all make it through this crazy thing. Take care.where does this go?
30 days???
BUDDY, hey! Glad you stopped by! We've talked, and you know how much I love ya, I think whatever it takes to attain our goals, is what we need, different for everyone I'm sure! We'll all be ok, I think this is our year! Hang tough!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
So glad you stopped in. I think of you often.
btw, taking Antabuse is definitely NOT cheating. It is taking positive action. Good for you.
I am proud of you for making that decision because you know it is what you need to do.
Please stop by from time to time. We all care about you a lot.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
Hey everyone, I am STILL alive. Been REAL sick!!!! Started anti-depressants and I have had a time of it. Not the right one and switching. I have lost 20 lbs I have been so sick. I can't even catch-up with the thread, but wanted to say HELLO and I miss you all. I WILL be back.
30 days???
Hey Luv! Sorry you've been sick, I've been there, done that, lately also! It sucks! Hope you are on the mend, and find the right "elevator"! That can be a chore too, folks constantly complain at the pharmacy about the side-effects, etc, til they get the right one for them, so just hang tough, know we miss you, and you are in our prayers!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"