Top of the morning to you all !!!

Awww, More2 and Lushy, I'm so happy for you girls. What an experience to meet somebody from this big old family of ours..
Morrison, have you ever studied meditation? I've not, but from what I can gather you are in an altered, relaxed mindset.. Almost like turning down the "volume" in your mind and life... Could be worth checking out my friend. xxx
Awww, baby goats are the sweetest things on this earth, well so are kittens, puppies, foals, calves, piglets, chicks,... Happy Birthday Bird !!! I think that is just sweet that your daughter says that to you... It is just awesome that you overlooked that situation about your daughter saying "Happy Birthday"... Sweet little girl.
Bear I can "Hear" the big smile in your post...So good to see

Luv, I'm relieved to hear that you are not underweight... I won't worry now... I'm so glad that you and Brit had such a blast at the pageant... They sure grow up fast eh?
Bootsie, don't work to hard and make some Bootsie time for yourself.
Well, our youngest son Tyler got is G-2 drivers licence yesterday and boy oh boy is he happy !!! I let him drive part way home once we got off of Highway 17 and then this morning he and hubby went to the dump... He'll log plenty of hours.
We're getting a little warmer temps today thank goodness.. We are going to see my friend and her hubby by snowmachine at their ice-hut... It will be a nice day for a snowmachine ride..
Hey Tex, how is Orlando?
Cindi, I'm sending you a big hug XXX
Take Care everybody