Luv, I'm so sorry to hear that your Mama took a turn for the worse Hon... Drink plenty of water and hop back on track.. You can do this... Love and Hugs to
I'm not sure if I'll stop by later tonight as our son has a friend over and it is "Survivor" night... popcorn and no telephone calls...
Well, I should get ready for work..
I gotta add guys, Hubbys brother called in a huff last night stating that he was calling a family meeting... their single mother (who sold a house, has a retirement pension, an inheritance from her mother 8 years ago) needs the three of them being my hubby , his bitch sister and pricky brother to set up a payment plan...where we pay x amount of dollars permonth for her to keep her 2 Bedroom apt, van, her insurances etc... ect.. anyhow, my hubby said that wasn't possible as we just bought a camp a couple years ago, the boys aren't grown and gone etc.... His brother then yelled, "I just want to see your F@###$ in' A$$ at the meeting !!! My hubby said, "you had better talk to me a little nicer buddy" then his brother hung up... My hubby was just like the man of the house back when he was only 14 making sure the furnace kept going, clearing the drive, painting the house, mowing the huge lawn... and on and on.. He had a full time summer job at 15 for goodness sakes... no fun was had... His mom and dad always said, " You Owe Me " for what ? giving birth to him? I don't understand it... Poor hubby couldn't hardly sleep,,,, we just want to be left alone...this sucks... Both our families are soooo warped,,, then again it makes you wonder if it is you ??
So, I will enjoy this sunny day and be happy to have a loving family, hubby, critters and you guys along with Dad and Lyndy... hugs xxx