Wow, that sounds like quite a camping trip Bird. Is that camping area prone to floods? Funny how they put all the platforms up high like that . Phew,,, if a person was to get out of their tent half asleep, they'd be in for a broken leg.. Heaven forbid if a person was a sleepwalker.. Haa !! haa !!! I'll bet that is a trip that your cat won't soon forget.
Congratulations of 18 years of marriage Cowgal !! Don't sweat it that you had a little bump in the road.. Onward and upward.
Luv, I hope that you have a good day today. Please know that you aren't alone in this battle. It is just so good to have you back with us. xxx
Well, my Mother called while I was away at camp... When I called her back last night, she wants my hubby to drop my off so that her and I can have a visit.. She creeps me out !!! There is noooo way I'll be alone with her.. She is overbearing and scares the be-jeezies out of me ! Hubby will be right there beside me as she fires questions, negative topics etc... I'm really NOT looking forward to this visit atall. It is such a shame because when I was a teenager we were quite close. She just couldn't stand sharing me with my hubby. It is a shame that she has become the lonely, vandictive person she is today... Oh well, I'll carry you all with me and rise above and beyond her crap. Sorry for being a "downer", it just really is bothering me is all.
"Happy St. Paddys day everybody" !!! Later on today I'm going to brew some green tea for the occasion.

Everytime I brew some tea I think of you Bootsie

Well, I'd better get a move on. Hope that everybody has a good day.