Hello everybody

My computer was sooo slow because our boys had tons of their music, videos etc in it... I've had them get rid of some stuff they don't use because we have dial-up internet. I have alot to catch up on.
Cindi, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughters relapse. That is so sad, but I have to agree, she needs to do this for herself. On a lighter note, you continue to impress me soo much ! Your are one very strong lady with a great plan for your future xxx
Aw, Bootsie, thanks for asking about old Cody, He's doing really good. Soon enough he and Milley along with the goats will be shedding all that winter hair. It is always nice to see the birds gathering up clumps of hair that I've brushed off them in the pasture. It must really make a nice soft nest.
So, on April fools day we had a huge snow storm... arggg !!! I'm so looking forward to spring.
I got an email from Luv, and she sounds really good. She is going to Oklahoma to say good-bye to her Mama. She is sad but ready to have her Mom rest peacefully. She is sober and planting flowers all over.
More2, she is has been trying and trying to email you... she thinks she may have the wrong address. She sends her love to us all.
So, today I've woken up with a cough and not feeling that great. Hopefully I'll shake it with some nice hot tea and a little rest. Hubby and I are going for a nice walk today seeing as now there isn't ice on the roads.. Yahoo !!! I get to go walkies !!! I sound like my labs for gosh sakes !!! Haaa !! Haaa !!!
Well, watch out for those crazy drivers while you are on your bike Bear

Bye for now, Hugs, xxx