April 9 was my mom's birthday. Her funeral service was on my birthday a few years ago. I thought of LUV frequently on Wed. Perhaps somewhere in my heart I knew. Sending her and family strength and prayers.
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
April 9 was my mom's birthday. Her funeral service was on my birthday a few years ago. I thought of LUV frequently on Wed. Perhaps somewhere in my heart I knew. Sending her and family strength and prayers.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
30 days???
sending you all my love. i'm holding luv bug in my prayers. her mama is at last in peace. hoping you all are in a good place today in counting your blessings. am thinking of how very blessed we all are today. as i hiked the doggies today and watched them run and play in the sun. we found a little garden snake and the little garden snake just was basking in the sun. and the doggies decided best to leave the little baby alone. and i thought as i looked out at the coast line, how very blessed we are to have health, another day to do some good on the planet, breathe and perhaps another chance to carve out the life we are wanting so much for ourselves and our families. so with that big girl pants on and putting forth a smile. looking into living a life of integrity...:welcome:
30 days???
This was at the bottom of page 2 - just one post away from page 3. Yikes!
It is a beautiful 79 degrees here in No Nevada. Our lows are still in the 30's tho.
Saw Chris Rock in concert last night. He is pretty funny!
Still getting to the gym 3-4x week training for my first run 5k on Mothers Day.
Other than that, not much going on. Life is good.
Hope you all are happy and healthy.
Dx* * I love Determinator * *
30 days???
Thanks for bumping this up. I miss all my 30 Days?? friends.
Where is Bear? Nibs checked in. TNT?? More2? Bird??
and of course, our dear Luv. Whom I pray is reading this thread and doing okay. Hugs to Luv.
XXVIIIAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
Hello everybody !!!
My computer went on the fritz since Sunday before last.... I've missed you all terribly but have been doing fine.
Luv, if you are reading this my heart goes out to your family during this difficult time.. I'm glad that you Mama is now at peace and that you could be there at her side til the end. She was a really strong lady that has left behind plenty of fond memories for you to reminise about with your children.
So, Det, I really hope that you get that job you were talking about... fingers are crossed for you... Enjoy your beautiful trip... How nice !
Tex, as you help foals into this old world I say a prayer that you get some much needed rest soon... I would give my eyeteeth to be a bug on the wall at your farm. I pray for nice straight, strong foals to be born so that they can carry on those all important bloodlines.
Cindi, I hope and pray that your daughter grabs onto the ropes that are being tossed to her at this tough time. She is sooo young to toss her life away like this. I hope that she appreciates what a loving Mom you are to stand by her through this. xxx to you.
More2, you sound so busy !!! phew ! As you complete your project with the crushed granite look back and be proud
Bird, I would love to go camping with you folks !! We would have an absolute ball hiking... I remember having tadpoles in a jar for our boys to watch them grow legs and develope. It was really neat to set these little frogs free that we helped to raise.
Bootsie, enjoy hiking with your dogs... Are dogs the best ??? Just like little kids in fur coats that never grow up .. Oh,,, to be a dog
Bear, I hope that you find sometime to enjoy all those home projects you have been doing lately... take some time to smell the roses my friend.
So, Moms' surgery went well, she is now home with my sister sitting with her for a few days. I had a nice visit with her while she was still in the hospital.. They took the top right section of her lung out that tested positive. They were able to get all the tumor, so that is a relief.
Our upstairs is all painted and is so pretty... Hubby is now in the process of putting the finishing trim around the downstairs windows. Seems that there is always something to be done in this old house of ours.
So, I had better get my butt in gear because I have to into work for 10:30... I hope that everybody has a wonderful MondayToday is sooo sunny, and the snow is almost all gone !!! Yahoooo !!!!
Hugs, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
HI guys. I have been a baaaaaad boy. I haven't been drinking, but I have been busy and ignorig all of you. I did get and email from luv. She is fine and sober. Lenair is coming up, so she is really just waiting. I know things have have been over her head.
Cindi, I too am too tired to be typing this,. G'd nite all
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Congratulations on 3 days AF Jane !!! Good for you in making the decision to be a healthier you
We are all here for you... Keep us posted and know that you can come here anytime you need to. xxx
More2, I love that you and hubby are doing such nice things daily ... I've always said after doing something nice that this is my good deed of the day... I always try in someway be it small to make another person feel special or happy. Seems you get back from it ten fold.. xxx to you More2.
Bear, I hope that you find some "me" time. Doesn't time fly when you have a half dozen things on the go?
Well, it is nice to finially see the snow slowly leaving. Boy oh boy it has been a long spring here in Ontario !!! Yesterday I did "doggie doo duty" out in the yard. Wow, 2 labrador retrievers can leave alot of doggie doo!!! Then I cleaned up my front flower bed to ready it for bedding plants and fresh mulch. Already there are tiger lilies thinking about popping up and out of the soil.
So, I had best get my butt in gear for the day.
Tex, I'll be happy to hear that your foaling and breeding season is safely over with... Poor you..you need some much deserved R&R.
Hugs to you Cindi xxx
Bird, did you end up going camping with the girls? How is that dressed up little hen doing? And is Cookie Jr. now with the rest of the group? I just love hearing about you and your sweet girls.
Well, I should fly, Hugs,xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Nibs, TNT, Bear, Bird, Luv, More2 and all the rest, Good morning and have a wonderful day!!
Jane, I am happy you jumped in and joined us. Day 3 is a great place to be and by the time a week or so has gone by, you will be feeling better and better.
Nibs, Enjoy the gardening. I am trying to get my beds done, too, and my schedule is not cooperating!! I am sad, I need to get them done so I can enjoy the fruits of my labor later in the year.
Bear, Remember HALT!! Absolutely do not get too tired or stressed out. Take some time to enjoy the spring.
More2, have a nice day!!
TNT, ditto what I said to Bear, although when the horses need you, they are like children, they need you. Hope it all goes well and you have beautiful little colts running around soon. :-)
Bird, How is the Antabuse working? I sometimes get sad when I can't drink but then that passes and I am so happy I didn't and couldn't. Enjoy the spring here in the south. It has been beautiful in my area.
Luv, I keep sending you hellos and love. I pray your Lenair visit comes quickly and is as healing as it has been for others. I love you THIS much!!
Talk to you all later,
XXXIAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
Morning all
Welcome Jane. One day at a time you can conquer this disease. Just don't drink today.
I am going for a 4 day weekend and motorcycle trip this weekend. Hopefully I will unwind a little. I do have one question. Who was doing all this crap when I was drunk? go figure
love you guys
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Luv wanted me to pass this on to the 30 day thread so here it is.
Subject: To the 30 day group
Please post this on the thread!!!!!! I am doing well, very tired today from the trip, but well. Lenair is June 24, 26, and 27th....taking the whole family and going to Niagra Falls too. New me and a great vacation all in one!
Mama's passing has been rough, but she is at peace. She suffered so! I am just glad the suffering is over. Of course, devil sister acted like a fool and my little brother ended up leaving. What a hoot......bunch of rednecks we are.. HA HA I was sober or I would have ended up cussing everyone out too.........thank God I didn't drink. Home sweet home now and been sleeping all day. Just mentally drained I think.
CINDI....I am SO SO PROUD of you! 30 days sober! YOU GO GIRL, I wish I could hug your neck.
More2, I LOVE your new leash on life with hubby. That is a wonderful venture you have started. Ya'll could come clean my house tomorrow.HA HA
I LOVE all of you and I am so happy you are all doing well.
God Bless
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
:huggyHugs for you and your daughter cindi.:huggy
I officially stopped drinking somewhere around 2 AM this morning one year ago. WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO. I will be on the road tomorrow (motorcycle to the mountains!!!) So I just wanted to let you guys know how much I appreciate everything you have given and taught me. I am so thankful for you all.
God bless
bearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?