Awesome!! Ride On!
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
YeeeeeeHaaaaaaw Bear. I know you are giving many many thanks and I am so happy for you. We have been camping last weekend and may go tomorrow ,one of the kids friends is spending the night. Then the pet parade where my little one wants to enter our small chicken with its apron and stove......I have been shopping colleges all. Tomorrow is my last tour and then I will start with the applications. Geez me at almost 48 going back to school. The people doing the tours think I'm the parent or Grandparent.......bird
30 days???
Great for going back to school.
What's wrong with being 48? I just wish I was only 48...
You will really appreciate school at this point in life. It is from a different viewpoint.
More2, Nibs, TNT, MaggyMay, Bootsie, Bear and anyone I've missed, have a wonderful AF day!!
XXXIVAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
Right On Bird !!!Good for you going back to school !!! At our high school we have an adult ed. class the come into the caffeteria for lunch, and they are One Very Happy group for sure. I've asked them how they find going to class again after all these years and they all say that now they actually do better in class. It seems that they really apply themselves so much more and don't goof off. So my girl Hats off to you !!! xxx
Cindi, sweetie, I'm so relieved that your daughter is now in rehab. That is just great !
Bear thank-you so much for sharing Luvs email with us. She does sound really good. I hope that you have a safe trip on your bike.
Tex, I cannot wait to hear about all those beautiful foals...
Well it is a nice sunny day here and so I'll be hanging laundry out to dry. Ummm love the smell of fresh air dried clothes.
Det, you'll have to brief me on what you have simmering on the stove.. I've never heard of it.. Enjoy your day with loverly Dx...
I think a little later on hubby and I will go for a 4-wheeler ride to see our beautiful country roads.
Good for you Maggie in joining us !!!
Well, my stomach is growling and I have laundry to start, so I wish for everybody to have a great day...
Hugs More2, you sweet lady you xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Bird, I hate school... despite my degrees. I'm considering going back. But when I think about it, it makes me rub my face and wring my hands. I don't know what that is. Making a commitment? I don't seem good at that. One more reason to be AF. What is it you are pursuing?sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
30 days???
Oh Det that sounds absolutely DEEE-LISH !!! I love that chicken is so versitile eh? I once heard a person say that a type of fish was so mild, like chicken almost.... Being that it was 9 dollars a pound, he should have just bought some chicken !!! Haaa !! Haaa !!! Sorry Bird
Today was the hottest day ever !!! It was 27 degrees... Our pool has almost no ice left in it...
Yesterday I brushed a pile of hair out of the horses and what do they do??? Roll in the mud today !!! arggg !!! Oh to be a horse at my little farm. Life is just a big old holiday.
So, tomorrow and the next day I'm covering an early shift and will be at the school cooking at 7:00 am.
Well, I should get out to the barn to scoup out my stalls... I want to tuck in early..
I hope that everybody is well. Hugs, xxxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Hey All !!!! Seems like FOREVER!!! I have been living at the barn, LITERALLY! I pushed the envelope way too fast after being so sick with the flu tho, soon as I was able, I was up all night, foaling out the mares, trying to stay awake all night long, til the day help came in at 6:30am, and trying to sleep during the day.....I can't sleep during the day very well, mind going on overdrive, and I could fall asleep during some soap operas, but that was about it....just doesn't work well after being sick, I got really, really tired out, and I decided to take an Ambien I'd had from Johns Hopkins, during the try to sleep some....and the warnings are RIGHT ON....don't ever do it, I got up 2 different days, and took another one, and don't remember it! In fact, I didn't remember like 2 whole days in there, except bits and pieces! I had called More2, and she was out, and called Bear the day I was sooooo exhausted, that I got the big idea the next morning to take the Ambien when the barn help got there, and just catch some zzzzzzz's....its not made for daylight hours, messes with your brain chemistry BAD! Then, i got up the next day, and freaked out, we'd had friends out there with us for the weekend, and they had some wine and beer, and it was gone, 'cept one beer...I thought for sure I'd blacked out, that I'd drank it all, and that's why I couldn't remember!!!! I mean, that's my past norm, so I immediately freaked out...finally, hubby said there was only a half a bottle of wine left, and 2 beers, so I did get up and in a sleep walking induced state, finished the wine and one beer, but I'd imagined there was multiple bottles and all kinds of horrible stuff...I got More2 and was hysterical with fear!!! Didn't know who I'd talked to, nothing about the past couple of days, and just had to try to get home...finally did a few days later.....WHEW.....anyway, I didn't crash too bad on the wine, and one beer, but it scared me to death! So from a Rph to all...never take Ambien until you know what it does to you, and never, ever, ever during the daylight hours!!!! That said, the feeling, blew me away, made me remember why I never wanted to venture down that path again! Thanks Bear and More2 for pulling me together! Got home the last few days and have really rested, and feel tons better...had a break from the 10 foals on the ground, to the last one...she's the dam of our World Champ. stallion, but it looks like she's going overdue, so I guess the help will have to just camp out in my spot, they've got strict instructions to take turns, and go home and nap! We are off on my hubby's 65th birthday trip to Costa Rica tomorrow, and I've never been so glad for some R&R ever! We are going sport fishing, and on several jungle tours thru the rainforest to see the monkey's, and wildlife, and a raft trip....I can hardly wait to see it all! And, I'm going to work on my tan, exercise up and down the beach, and eat and sleep and float around in the pool....meantime, I'm hoping for a world champ. baby back in the barn! I guess I can let go, and let them do the last one, even tho its a tough one! I just got a new digital camera for the trip, so I'll post you all pics of the cutest foals ever, and of Costa Rica when I get back, anyone in Playa Hermosa Costa Rica, or Liberia? BEAR, congrat's on a year, what a trip! I wanna be Bear one day! I guess if I hadn't gotten so sick and tired, I'd have nearly made this whole year so far, mod'ing to the max anyway! I guess 2 glasses of leftover wine and a beer isn't too bad in a comatose state! Don't mix it with sleeping pills tho! I've missed you all soooo much! Its kinda like a different part of my life completely out there, its got TV, but that's about it! Its a different exsistence this time of year, and in a way, a good one, I just got too tired, and maybe I'm just getting old! We are trying to get buns back in the oven, so its a day long vet trip back and forth it seems, then anticipation at dark. Cindi, you sound awesome, I'm sooooo proud of you! Deter, you too, I want that reciepe too, the chicken thing, tell DX I said hi! Nibs, you have no idea how many times I thought about you out there 24/7 smelling horse poop and pee, if only you were close, we'd have had one long girls talk, and taken turns birthing them babies! You'll love the pics, they are the cutest, sweetest things, and since we are right there, when they fall out, they bond to us and Mom, all at once.....they find their legs, and try to stand, fall all over us, and finally nurse, then come over with milky lips to kiss on us, and check us of them, walks around with his head under my armpit, trying to see what is going on in the soon as they are about a week old, or so, they go out with Mom and pals to one pasture....and in goes another one to the foaling stall to give birth....and so it went! BIRD, you are going back to school, that's incredible, and soooo cool! You'll love it, its fun to go as an adult, and truly an investment in yours, and your kids future too! Good for you! I know I've missed tons of folks! Where's Morrison? I've heard from LUV, she sounds super good too, I think she got too tired and worn-out'll get us at our "ripe ol ages"! Ok, I'll catch up with you all when I get home, week from today. I'm up packing now, and its midnight, so I'll turn in EARLY tonight! It's early when you've been staying up all night! Love you all tons! Hey, Boots, I didn't miss you, I just saved you for last! Glad to hear you are cutting back a tad, seriously, we can overextend! Hope you are getting some rest too! Guess I'll give More2 my international cell number on the way to the airport tomorrow, in case someone needs a fishing report! Ha!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Hi all,
Well I went off antabuse for awhile cuz I was getting so many headaches but you know what happened. The first chance I got I got drunk off my butt. I shoulda known and will go back on the damn things. I was drinking beer after beer and watching beatles videos on you tube and singing away and my kids were dancing around damn damn. Live and learn I guess...I applied to 1 school. I saw a picture of their jazz band in the paper and 3 or 4 of them were as old as me or older so hopefully I'll get into that place. I want to major in music education or art edu cant decide. They need my shot record or else I have to get all these shots. Ive been searching for it and hopefully my H.S. will have a copy. My Dad was in the army and we moved around alot when I was a kid so theres no family doctor. I cant see getting a bunch of shots for shit I've already had geez.Mumps measles blah blah. Nibs its so hot there at 27??Try 82 here yesterday. We went to Okeefenokee swamp over the weekend. Its the start of Swannee river and it was pretty not very swampish to me. We went on a boat tour and the place is loaded with alligators. You can canoe down the river and they have camps to stop at but what about all those gators?? geez......Tex have fun in Costa and tell us about it. Love to all...bird