That sounds GREAT !!!!

Today I'm off but house work and laundry will sure keep me busy. Did I tell you all that I have a summer job to go to after school lets out? It will be at a cute little tea house on beautiful St. Joes Island. I will be preparing special little sandwiches, salads, scones, etc... It is really going to be a change of pace from what I hear it is a layed back, relaxing environment. I will get every second weekend off and be home by 4:30pm. The teahouse isn't open on Sun, Mon or Tuesday, so I'll just be working 3 or 4 days a week. I can sure handle that

Well, I hope that everybody is having a super-d-duper day

Oh, and all my fellas are going on a "guy trip" fishing this Friday - Sunday... Yahoooo !!! Cornflakes for supper or, maybe tomato soup !!! Hugs, xxx