Hello everybody. Just checking in. Lost my connection for a bit over the weekend(while on chat,) and I can't use my work laptop anymore. :upset: I used to live on this thing, but I usually posted from work, I don't know how I got anything done. I've been very busy, so I fell behind. AGAIN. I have to make time to keep up. I really wanted to say Love to all of you, especially the Bears. It was just two weeks ago he apologized on here for not posting as much as he used too. He said he just didn't have as much time now that he was sober. Wow!! I know what he means. We ALL do. You can see the post count go down when we stay off the drink, because we are all out LIVING!!! If I don't get on as much as I used to, please remember I'll never stop thinking of all of you. I will NEVER forget what this place has done for me. Loving all of you, especially the big man upstairs. No, not the G-man. The B-man.
