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30 days???

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    30 days???

    Hi all,
    Luv I just saw your thread about atlanta. That is a good idea and I could prabably come depending on school and gas. Tex I am sorry about your tongue. I wonder if lenair would give us a group rate?? She could probably make enough to retire off the mwo's. I think I'm gonna have to go there when I get the $$. Well, I have one off tomorrow for a 4-H overnite at the beach. Its her 1st time away from home and then week after next she goes for a whole week.'d it go with zack luv??Well, I think the state park is having boat rides today so we will probably go there. later on bird


      30 days???

      Good morning
      We've got a beautiful day to start our garden once I'm home from work. I'll likely have to cover my 3 tomato plants and 2 cucumber plants at night for a bit as it still gets really cold.
      I didn't get much sleep last night for some odd-ball reason? It was almost as if I was overtired. Oh well, I'll make up for it tonight.

      How did Zak enjoy his first sleepover Lisa? Kids sure grow up fast don't they guys? On Saturday our #1 son got his very first official paycheck and me being a Mom, photo-copied it and dated it labelling it " Ryan's First Paycheck" He really loves putting on his workboots, grabbing his work gloves and lunch and heading out the door on his own.
      Our #2 son is busy rebuilding mini-bikes that are like the little street/speed bikes. I think they are only a 50cc and I even took the darn thing for a spin. It is a HOOT !!! He has somebody coming to take a look at it. Yesterday he sold a broken down 2-wheel gas scooter that you ride standing up for parts. I wonder sometimes if he will either be a used car salesman or an accountant. Haa !! Haaa !!!
      Well, I ot ta get my tail in gear here...
      May you all be blessed with a wonderful start of your week, Love and Hugs, xxx

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        30 days???

        TIT, I am crying for you honey! I SO KNOW your pain. I am not sure if I ever told this time i went out and got so freaking drunk.....Billy had to come pick me up. I am passed out! I mean passed out! He tries to carry me to the car and drops me on my freaking head, i am complete dead weight I am so drunk. I had the gash from hell on my forehead.....wake-up the next monring thinking I have died my head hurts so bad. I get in the bathtub and start the water...just as I am reaching to hold my aching head Billy runs in and says "do not take off the bandage", I reach up, run to the mirror, OMFG, I had to run to the hospital and get 18 stitches!!! I thought I'd die. I had to make-up a story that I had fallen off a ladder while painting, I couldnt say I was so drunk my fiance dropped me on my head and I never woke-up????? God, TIT, I was so thinking of you and just knew this week would be bad, I just had the feeling. I KNOW Baltimore is stressful anyway and we just lost Bear too. Is a lot sweetie!!!! You are right honey, Bear would just want you and all of us better. I wish I had known you were going, I would have called you.

        Zak was a trip on his sleeover! They tried to put him on the top bunk of a bunk bed set. He told them, "I think we might need to re-think this'" he was NOT sleeping up there...ha ha Little fella is a trip. He called once to tell me he was having a good time. He was giggling and laughing so hard. It was cute.

        Nibs, AWWWWWWW, can't we freeeze them little? HA HA

        Dets and DX, sounds like such a good time you all are having!!! STILL jealous!!!!

        I love you all!!!!!!!!!
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          30 days???

          Almost 90 days

          I will have made it 90 days with out 1 drop of poison. And I owe it all to my dad. It makes me smile to hear him in my head say "the hard part is over bud; Stick with it." When we sit down at the bar at Texas Road house the margarita machine calls my name saying im so cold and refreshing you know you want too, just 1 come on every1 else is doing it just look around. Its just as soon as i hear dads voice say your better than that your stronger than that and your happier than all of them. So thats what I say to all of you struggling with that next situation. YOUR BETTER THAN THAT, YOUR STRONGER THAN THAT AND YOUR HAPPIER WHEN YOUR NOT DRUNK. Life is good I feel alive and I'm glad to be living. Life is short don't make it fuzzy too. I know when wed. comes dad will cheer me to my next 90. I know without a shadow of a doubt the alcohol will never taste good again, And it could never make me fill better than knowing how proud my dad is that I'm sober. So in closing ill say "Stick with it" and you cant learn if you don't mess up every now an then. So raise your glasses of milk with me "heres to Bear and my 90 days" CHEERS ...

          In CHRIST
          "'And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of GOD.' Romans 12:2"


            30 days???

            Well, I read MM's post about not doing so well, and had a real "lightbulb" moment....whenever I go to Hopkins, I have to get off all my hormones for a week prior...which is tough, trust me, added to the anxiety of the possibility of having cancer again, travel, not my usual routine, sleep disturbances, you name it, and not that its an excuse, cuz I handled it the past 2 times, but I think handling it traveling solo this time, with the added stuff of Bear, just kinda knocked off center, plus, being out of my routine from all the other sickness, sleeplessness of foaling, just did me in. I'd also, as she mentioned, never factored in the pain med's and urge to drink either....I have to take pain meds the day of biopsy, after and to travel home...didn't know it lowered your resistence to dive excuses, but I'll sure tough it out next time, and I think I'll make hubby go with me from now on, or one of you! I just have to realize and know what things can do me in, then I can be more prepared, or cautious! Yesterday, we slept in, read, ate lunch, and planted flower, re-potted some things around the pool, and got to swim for the first time this season. Its amazing how getting up, getting out, getting fresh air and sun, can improve your attitude, and strength. I read my devotionals, my journals, and said alot of prayers. I laid in my big 'ol hammock under a tree, in the sunshine, and while I was praying, a nice breeze started to blow over my cheeks, yes, both set of know both my Big Guys upstairs were telling me, "we hear you"...I felt such a comfort, and such a renewed sense of, we got up, went to meet friends for an early matinee of the Indiana Jones movie, had a late lunch/early dinner, and are back home, in from a dip in the pool again...what is it about water that is soooo relaxing??!!! I'm in my skivvies, watching TV and typing, and I feel lots better. I should get my test results in a few more days, and can put that to bed also, hopefully! Weds., we start back going to the gym when hubby gets off work, then for an evening swim, and I'm going back to cooking lots of stuff the first day of the week, so we can eat healthy and have it ready after warming it up during a swim, then showers and to bed at a decent hour. That was my routine before the flu epidemic and living at the barn, it worked for a longtime! I gotta get my groove back! I love you all soooo very much....thanks for listening, and caring. I'm sorry I bombed and probably disillusioned a few, but tis the beast I and learn. At least, before I got on this site, I'd have never learned from others, got advice or insight, or even known what to think, or do....after a tad over a year here, I'm tons better, not perfect, but surely better, and have gained a family, and lots and lots of dear friends...if I had to falter, fall, and fail, this is an incredible place to land.....xxxxxooooooxxxxx......Going back to being sober for Bear...gads, I hate to imagine what body part he'll bust up if I mess up again!!!! Yikes!
            "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


              30 days???

              Bear Jr., I hear your Dad all the time too....I raise my Tazo Wild Spice Orange tea to you and your 90 dys! Very very good job! I decided today, to not dwell on it being "not drinking", I've decided to switch focus and use my determination and commitment to loose a few pounds of winter flab for swimsuit season...I can't drink because the effects are unhealthy, and tooo many calories! I will use my willpower to say no for staying sober, and loosing the pounds...its like you can't be on a diet, and decide to cave in and eat a gallon of Blue Bell ice cream, same mindset...if you want a result badly enough, ie: sober, and fit, then you can't sabotage it. Sometimes I think we are too obsessive about drinking, and that brings too much focus to "it"...I'm pulling out all my you are doing so well, please stay here with us, its a comfort to many of us. We'll stay sober "Bear in the Air", TIT.....
              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                30 days???

                TIT, funny you should say that we are to obsessed. I no longer count days. I was putting so much effort in to today is day whatever, that I wasn't living really. Your plan sounds so much better. I think I will have 30 day celebreations but I am not counting each day.
                Congrats BearJr. on your 90 days!!!! Great accomplishment.............we all know how hard it can be.
                Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                  30 days???

                  Awwww, Bear Jr, you made me cry. Your Dad will shine his love down upon you and root you on.

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    30 days???

                    And Tex, I read every single word that you typed loving every single one. You are SOOOO right about everything. Thanks for pulling out all your smart tricks

                    Luv, your son is too funny... Haaa !! Haaa !!!
                    Well, today I'm going to town for a consultation with my dental surgeon. Remember that problem tooth? I still have the dang thing. GEEZ ! The last time I went for my consultation (3 weeks ago) they had an emergency come up so everybody that was sitting in the waiting room had to reschedule... I hope there are no glitches today...

                    Oh, and Tex, our pool is a chilly 60 degrees F. BRRR !!!!!!! Maybe I should just hop in for a swim so that my teeth will chatter that tooth out !!! I could multi-task ! Haa !! Haaa !!!

                    Thanks for spending time with us Bear Family. We all love you dearly xxx ~God Bless~

                    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                      30 days???

                      Luv and Nibs, I'm still digging around in my bag of tricks, if I come up with anymore, I'll let you do know its soooo awesome to pull open the curtains in the morning, and jump up to do things, and feel so good. Sure beats never wanting to pull your head from out beneath the covers, and wondering how long you can just stay in bed until you might feel like crawling out, all the while, hating yourself for putting yourself back in that same, stupid, insane position. I vowed after what happened to Bear, I'd never loose another day on this wonderful earth, by being hungover, and I blew it in Baltimore...(maybe I should get a t-shirt that says that as a reminder...Blew it in Baltimore..ha!)...Life is too short as we well know, so missing a day not being 100% to love our family, do our duties, give thanks to our God, is just not acceptable! I'm fixing to start cooking up some goodies, finish the wash, go for a swim, and run a couple of errands, and tomorrow, back to the gym! I'm on a diet, only good, wholesome, non-poisonous items down the gullett! Love you all, seems like Monday huh? This will make for a shorter week, then we can all play again for the weekend! xxxxxxoooooxxxxx
                      "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                        30 days???

                        I jumped up this morning and cleaned house really good, can't wait for bed time as I love fresh sheets...the first night is so great, smell so good and feel so good too.
                        My puppy made it! He gets to come home today. He is opnly 11 weeks old and I thought the parvo had gotten him. But, he FINALLY started eating last night and is playfull today and ready to come home, YEAH!!!! I thought I was gonna lose him.
                        Brit is trying out for volleyball this week, she will be a freshman next year..........Mama is crying! My baby is getting so big.
                        TIT, just start over girl, sounds like ya got a good start! I messed up bad one day too. Started with one glass of wine then when I got that little buzzy feeling, started getting depressed.....I know better too. next time Baltimore comes up, make sure you tell all of us. Under normal circumstances it is a rough trip and we had just lost Bear, let someone be on call, ok?
                        I luvuall!!!!!
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                          30 days???


                          Hi everyone, jumping in on DAY 1 for me AGAIN...........................feeling somewhat like a failure, but hubby got the best of me, or should I say "I" got the best of me, he didn't pour the beer down my throat, right!!?? I left an AA meeting on Friday and proceded to get shi*-faced drunk:upset:....................kept going all weekend, wasted the entire thing, went to the beach yesterday, but only remember 1/2 of it.......................WHY!!!??????:upset:

                          I am jumping back for 30 days, at least........................keep saying that and keep having to start over and over and over..............................:upset:

                          Sorry to be such a bummer,but I need to be honest, not the happiest or most hopeful person today......................AM meeting w/ my sponsor tonight and plan to pick up a white chip and surrender to this CRAPPY disease that I have..............................hate it, but got to face it, I got it!!!

                          Thanks for listening.......................:thanks:

                          XOXO :l:h

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            30 days???

                            Cowgal, pick your ass up and start over honey. As long as we never stop fighting we have not lost. The fight is the fight is the fight....keep on going!!!!
                            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                              30 days???

                              Cowgal, sorry its so tough, boy don't we all know! Just get back on the horse, you sound like you have a plan! Why don't you and Bird have a hotline to each other, to check on each other, talk when you feel like you are going to slip, call and have one of the other talk you down from drinking all weekend? Kinda a buddy system, like not swimming alone in the ocean? We are right here with you....keep trotting down the sober path, we can do this!
                              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                                30 days???

                                Aww Cowgal, you hop right back on that old wagon... We'll always be here for you. I find that when I out puttering in the barn it just lifts my spirits. Your horses would likely enjoy being brushes and fussed over. When you have the urge to have a drink give that a go and see you happy your soul will feel. Best of all your horses will shine

                                I'm so happy to hear the good news about your puppy.. Parvo is sooo dangerous !!! I played volleyball in grade 6. (I wasn't a star player you could say. haa !! haa !!) Yep they grow up fast !

                                So, I did finially have my consultation and will have my tooth pulled June 24th. at 9 am.
                                This morning I was surfing and found a sectional couch with pull out bed in it for sale. We have been wanting to replace the little terribly uncomfortable one that has no legs for along time now.. Long story short, I got it for 140.00 and it is just perfect !!! It has tweed type material that is truely doggie friendly. The "girls" go up on the couch at camp but not at home. We were so excited about it that after supper we hauled it to camp and brought the old one home that will go to the dump ( there is an area that we set things for others that may want it) I just love a good deal
                                I've had a full day , so I'm tuckin' in... Somebody get the light, I'll lock up.
                                Love and Hugs, xxx

                                ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

