ha ha ha...at least you remembered! I typically would forget I even had a thought......
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Hi Everyone! We are home! What a long and wonderful journey.
We celebrated Det's birthday and our 10yr anniversary and I will remember it forever.
I haven't had a chance to catch up on this thread yet and will do so now.
Hope everyone is happy and healthy and spending life living.
Dx* * I love Determinator * *
30 days???
Yep, Bird is exactly as she posts xxx I just now that I can put a voice to what I'm reading... Love ya Bird xxx Her sweet girls even put a chicken on the phone, but it was too shy to cluck.. Haaa !!! Haaa !!!
Welcome to our little family MegsMom... spend time here whenever you can we would love to have ya xxx
Happy Belated Birthday Bearlady !!! I hope that you had a wonderful day because you truely are a wonderful person... I'll be thinking about you xxx
Evie, what you did was just heart warming... God Bless you for making that persons day... That neighbour will never forget what you have done. Sooo nice.
I'm glad to hear that you are going to continue to make mini vactions for yourself Bootsie. You sooo deserve it. More2, what a wonderful thing you did for our Bootsie.
Oh, and Luv , a beach wedding would be sheer bliss... ahhhh,,, I can almost see it. You have got to be getting so darn excited eh? I really do not know how you and I can meet up... Niagra falls is atleast 8 or 9 hours from my home... waaaaa !!!!!
A big Welcome Home D and Dx !!!!! I hope that for every anniversary you two find a special adventure to go on... Sounds like you had a HOOT !!! Nice to have you home safe and sound.
Well, at camp be built 2 cabinets. One a buffet and the other an entertainment centre... Gosh it seems just like a home away from home now. Our dogs are really loving the big sectional couch. They were both all stretched out yet we had plenty of room for us too !
I hope that you had a really fun time with those sweet foals Tex... They grow so fast though don't they? I called but you were hopefully out enjoying your beautiful poolI'll try again tomorrow evening Hon.. Love you !!!
Morrison I've really missed you xxx You are sooo funny !!! I'd love to find a way to make cash without effort too... Any thoughts anybodyI'm all ears !!!
Well, I'm going to jump in the tub and then hop into my jammies...
Love you guys, Hugs,xxx
Again, Bird I really enjoyed talking with you.. Hug your girls for me.
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Nibs, I hate I dont have more time or I would come see you, but gotta get to Lenair and put this AL down once and for all. I am really excited! I ready to be a non-drinker. I want the desire gone.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Hi all. well we made it. It was great, Bear lady was truly a AMAZING GIFT FROM GOD that day. She blessed me in ways only GOD could think of. I LOVE YOU TONS MOM.. Everything was beautiful. Her and BearJr. older sister truly took my breath away. Flower where like if they where right out of my dreams. Everything came together perfectly. I am truly grateful and blessed to have such a wonderful day. I am working on some of the pictures. I have a link to go see them,I will post soon.
the rest will be up in the next few days. Thanks again MOM and SIS, yall where a blessing. MOM when you come in town let us know we would like to get your bday stuff to ya. WE LOVE YOU.In all things first give glory to the Lord.
Mrs. BearJr :armsaround:
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Psalm 51:12
30 days???
what a beautiful day and we have weddings, birthdays, new foals, camp set up, morrison being lazy lol, evie being generous, luv is almost al free completely for good, nibs and bird talking on the phone and with a chicken. where is oprah for that one? more 2 and hubby planting in 100 degree weather, bootsie swimming in the pool while a group of 40 year old girlies celebrate all day with a party for their bday. god i'm so glad i wasn't doing that. dx's home from travels so happy cuz we missed them. and msmags joining in uh once. did you go on a trip too? come back.. tex is swimming in her pool i think healing her tongue and going al free. and i do believe al free thread this week yes youngins? yes indeedy deed. well, i miss morrison too. and i came home and as if i didn't have enough relax time i went to see indiana with hubby then climbed in bed at 7 p.m. and slept til about 8 a.m. of course i was cuddling with family so all doggies were laying on top of me for hours needing attention. i would like to know why vet and hubby decided on flea collars. um makes impossible for us to do that major cuddling we do. i don't like poison and they don't either. so i think they will be snipping those off. and then there's my doggies leg she can't stop licking that wound. so i'm going to tape it. i wonder if they still have that purple stuff for horses. spray coat or whatever. i'll ask the feed store. wound coat. that might do it. ah well a 1/2 day of work, work out and hike doggies and read my book. yippppeeeeeeeeee welcome to monday and a hot one family..... i can't wait to see more 2 again. can't wait.:welcome:
30 days???
Wow, what I missed!! Congrats Bear family!! Everyone sounds like you are all doing good, Nibs, Bird, Luv, Bootsie........................I am totally sure I left a few of you out, but want to jump in and say a big FAT hello and LOVE YOU!!!!!:h:h
MA:l:h:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Happy Birthday MamaBear!!!!! And I'm soooo proud for BearJr. and Mrs. BearJr!!!! The pictures were great, I'm so glad it was such an awesome day for you all! I couldn't help but look at the pics from the Fort Davis ride, and it did my heart good to see our Bear smiling and enjoying such a great time with his wonderful family....gosh, he's sure missed huh! I know he was there in spirit at the wedding, and so proud and is looking over us all daily, zooming around on that bike with wings!
BOOTS, OMG, I think maybe our Moms didn't tell us something, More2 and I and you, must be separated triplets! More2 and I look alike too....and have soooo much in common, including being the Trophy Wives....lol..lol...her hubby is the best, mine is too, and he's quiet too, 'til he has something to say, then it just kinda spurts out! My tongue is better, got the stitches out, lordy mercy, that was awful, but I ASKED FOR IT, so its my own dumbass fault! I'm starting the anabuse today for Monday, with More2, so hopefully, I'll be well on my way to not overdoing it. Mod's is a-ok, until you fall off and then keep slipping off the saddle! I'm ready imposed self-control, I must not have alot naturally! I'm so glad you got to get some R&R, and the 3 of us have to meet up soon, I'm game anytime!
Nibs, I'm so sorry I missed you, we were all out in the pool, daughter was here spending the night too, and we really enjoyed just hanging out, and grilling, and watching a movie, 27 Dresses was really cute!
I'll call you next, I really can't wait to chat with you again! I'm so glad you and Bird hooked-up! Hope Bird will get some rest soon too, with all the kids finally out of school and stuff! Bird, did you quit taking the anabuse???? I can't remember what you said about it!?
Morrison...I'm so glad to see you! I was wondering where you were! I'll e-mail you today....whats your new job? How was going back East? I agree we need to figure out a way to be rich without killing ourselves!!! Surely we can come up with, or invent something, we're all so talented and smart, surely we'll figure it out!
I've got to run a few errands, and go work-out a bit, got 8 wks. til major adventure in the other 3 regions of Costa Rica, so I gotta get my stamina up!
Love you all....tons and bushels!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
D and DX, I'm sooooo glad you guys are back, and had a wonderful time, I just realized I left you out earlier, not really tho, I just saved the best pair for last! It's a shame ya'll didn't get to meet More2 and her hubby, you'll have to do that sometime for sure, they are a hoot! Can't wait to see pics! Send me some at my reg. e-mail address, you guys have it, and remind me what I was supposed to send you in the way of supplements when you got back, I'm having a brain-fart! Love you both, isn't it amazing to have a sober vacation! I had one to Costa Rica, then as you know, Blew it in Baltimore...I'm getting on track tho dang-it!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Oh My Gosh the wedding video was just so beautiful !!! Thank-You so much for sharing it with the rest of us... The two of you look blistfully happy and deserve eachother xxx God Bless.
Wow, today was a whirlwind at work.... I was in for 7am then we had outdoor activities with plenty of little mouths to feedWe were in high gear ! I'll sleep good tonight that's for sure.
Tex, I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better and that you were doing some fun stuff when I tried to get a hold of ya... I'm tuckin in early tonight so I'll try you tomorrow.
I hope that everybody has had a wonderful Monday with hopes of just as a wonderful Tuesday
Love and Hugs, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~