:new:I'm in, day number1 for me and I'll continue to post.
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30 days???
30 days???
:new:I'm in, day number1 for me and I'll continue to post.LUVUALL;122406 wrote: Several people over the weekend expressed an interest in doing 30 days AF together....really putting forth our best foot. I am in....starting day 3 today. Anyone else???Guy Smiley
30 days???
GG;123541 wrote: Starting day 3...my girlfriend who knows how much I like wine brought me over a bottle last night as a thank you gift, a really nice one too. It's so smooth with no acidity... it's sitting in my kitchen I don't have the heart to pour it out as I know how much it costs and how damn good it is. And I am not in the place to give it away either. Yikes!Guy Smiley
30 days???
danesem;344186 wrote: Give it to a friend to save for you and until then go and buy yourself some non-alcohol wine. I had bought a friend of mine who was trying to stop, this should help stop the craving.Guy Smiley
30 days???
Danesem, just so you know.....the thread was started a little over a year ago. GG is not longer with us..ALSO I used to be LUVUALL. My name is now Brittzak. Some of us have been here since the beginning and some of us on here are new. This past week several new folks came to join us.
The supps help you transition from drinking to af FOR SURE. Hope you have success. Not all of us on this thread are AF, some are moderating, some are still struggling but we really support each other here. I could never get 1 AF day without this group.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Welcome from Texas too! This group is awesome, and really its like family, we can all call each other, stammer, or boast, or wallow, or snot, or cry or cheer....lol....that should about cover it all! Just keep posting and getting ideas that will work for you, everyone has to do whatever works for them individually, just keep YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
TIT, I just read your post on another thread where you used one of Bear's famous sayings. Made me cry. I sure do miss our Papa Bear!!!!! Hope the Bear Family is well, we haven't heard from anyone in a couple of days.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Hello everybody
Sooo great to see you Tex !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Congratulations on your decision to go to see Rhonda... that 's so awesome !)
And a big old Warm welcome Dane !!!! It sounds like you are gonna fit right in my friend !
Well Louise, I'd like to send some of this rain to somebody that could use it... It's beginning to feel like a jungle around here and the grass doesn't dry enough hardly to mow it.
You Af-ers absolutely ROCK !!!You all sound so good!!!! Be very proud of yourselves xxx I think I'm going to listen to my "little voice" to get some more AF days strung together. Seems as soon as I'm feeling healthy and up to snuff, I have a few glasses of wine. Almost like I'm defeating my self actually. That's not me.
So, yesterday after I got home from the school, I went over to the Tea House... Guys It is such a cute place !! It was bought three years ago as an abandoned old 1 room school house that was built in the early 1800's... They have left alot of the artifacts, chalk board etc.. there are old pictures of past teachers etc.. I will have to spend some time checking that all out. Anyhow, there are little cute tables all with tea accents all over the place.. and the cute curtains.. I could go on and on... I just love the place ! I'm looking forward to this summer now for sure.
Oh, Tex, will your hubby be showing "Lola" ? She is just the most stunningly marked paint ever !!!
Bird, I hope that your little chicken doesn't mind sharing her babies with your girls.. they would surely be little mother hens too
I guess our home will be a noisier on as #2 son has just bought a 7-piece drum set... and folks I love him dearly but """ H E S U C K S """ at playing it !!!!!!!! Although if he is anything like his brother that bought an electric guitar, I'll be hearing alot better "music" very soon. Oh well, I suppose they could be out doing alot worse things.
I hope that everybody is having a good night, Hugs, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
YES, Nibs is ALWAYS happy. If she gets down we all freak out cause it is so rare. HA HA Nibs, I wanna copme for tea, that sounds so lovely. Someday, I am gonna come see you!!!! OMG, drums! Please dear God, I pray now Zak never wants a drum set. Although, I could buy it and send to his Daddy's.He will surely hate me!
Ripple your avatar makes me wanna eat a donut and I typically do not like sweets. It is about to storm here...YEAH...it is hotter than hell.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Ahhhh Rip !! Hope that you get a nice cool breeze pretty soonI'm basically an optimist I guess... I've made alot of lemonade in my day
Yep I'll pet little Kiwi and Niblet xxx Did you know that they call me , " MAAAAAAAA " !!!!!!! Haaa !! Haaa !! Teee !! Heee !!!!!!!!!
Luv, could you please share with us the phrase that Tex used of Bears??? I went looking for it ? I would love to read it as I'm missing that fella in the sky so much too. xxx Thanks Alot Hon xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
That's it, the first time I talked to him, I'd slipped and was so disappointed in myself, but at least, after being here, I knew that I had to keep on keeping on, but felt defeated...he said...."its ok, its not you, you laid an egg, you need to walk around it, look at it, study it, learn from it, figure out why you laid it, and then move on"...."its just an egg".....you don't personalize it in other words, its not you, its a product of an illness, figure out how to manage and fix it....he and I also had both, about the same time, really put our trust and faith back in the Big Guy upstairs, and shared lots of fav scriptures, etc...we both read the same Joel Osteen books, you just keep putting positives inside of you, you reap what you sow, you become what you believe...we both believed that, and that keeps me going....every morning, no matter what, or how well I do, or don't do, I say...."no weapon formed againist me will prosper"...."if God is for us, then who or what can be againist us"....that includes AL....I just know Papa Bear is up there pulling for us, and he knows his departure has thrown us all a bit of a loop, he laid an egg ON US....geezzzzz Big Bear, some of us got egg right on our faces over it too! LOL"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"