No luck, unfortunately it says to me " An Error Occured While Loading The Gallery"... Maybe my computer is just to sloooooowww... Night, Night, Hugs, xxx
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Well I thought I'd stop by before laying down... My problem tooth is gone... The dental surgeon had one heck of a time to get it out bit by bit as there wasn't much for him to grab onto.. I'm just going to lay low today with my snoozin' buddy Alley-Oop the kitty. Thank goodness for Tylenol because I'm feeling a quite a bit of pain as it is even while taking it. I'll be so glad when I don't have to keep a wad of gauze packed in my cheek.. Hope everybody is well, Hugs, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Nibs, I hope he gave you something stronger than over-the-counter Tylenol! Wahhhhhh! Just take it easy, and change the gauze often, don't let it dry/stick to the extraction site! (I was a dental hygienist, married to a Dentist remember!, then turned into the pharm. sales rep, married to the Rph! Keep some ice on your face off and on opposite the site, and gargle with warm salt water often! It'll be better soon! The lil tea room sounds sooooo perfect for you! I can just see you in there, making everyone's day so bright and fun! What a great summer job!!!! Bird, I'm so glad you are doing well, I know you and the girls are glad to have the summer to play, and be together! Wonder how Luv is doing.....????? Dang it, can't wait for her to post! Hope everyone is having a great day!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
ugh. tough stressful day at work but I'm not going to let it wipe me out. Packing for a trip to the bay tomorrow but only and overnighter I think (hope). Niblet, hope your tooth feels better soon! nothing like dental pain...owie.
Bird, you are making blueberry cobbler I hope!?
TNT, what time is dinner...sounds fab!
well, I just started peeling some garlic and I'm cheering up a tad.
Luvs, hope your having a super time dear!
be well friendsnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
30 days???
Hi Everyone!! I haven't been posting much lately due to being so busy with work but I am still here.
Bird - Yumm on the fruit. When I get home this weekend, I am going looking for the peach stands. I love a good peach. Oh, and my Huckleberries and Blueberries are ripening, too, the birds are having a hey day!! I can't wait until my black raspberries ripen, the birds better watch out because they will have a real fight on their hands for those.
LUV - I am sitting here waiting for you to post!! Come on girl!!
Nibs, TIT, BearFamily, Cowgal, More2 and Det. Love you guys. :l
CindiAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
I saw Luv posted on her thread about Lenair, sounds cool! D, how have you been? Still on the anabuse? Have you heard from Morrison? I tried to e-mail him but my dang has had major issues the last few days! Cindi, you sound so awesome, you have come so far! I remember when you and D used to go out of town, you were both in really bad shape, just look at you now! I'm so impressed! I wanna be just like ya'll! Hope Luv gets even more insight and healing the next few days! I may just go myself! Love and hugs to you all! Have a good friend having surgery tomorrow, so I'll probably be out til later tomorrow night or Thurs.! Have a great day tomorrow!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Hi my buddies! Seems everyone is well right now, glad to hear. Just wanted to pop in and say "I love you all". Today was amazing. You can read about it on the Lenair thread....what an experience. I have 2 more sessions to go.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Just wanted to let everyone know, We are doing well and on Saturday Bear Jr will be 4 Months sober.. YEA!!! I am so proud. Thank you all for the support and thoughts, Last night Bearjr and I had a hard one. we spent a lot of time crying, missing Bear. Time has sure gone by. July the 8th 2 months. I miss his hugs and when he used to call. I miss his voice and laugh. Its been a hard day. But we are pushing through. Lot of Love xxx.In all things first give glory to the Lord.
Mrs. BearJr :armsaround:
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Psalm 51:12
30 days???
hi all
I just want to say hi, you all sound good(what I got a chance to read anyway..............pressed for time lately) I am stressing out, drinking about a beer a night, at least that is it (most days)some days not at all.............I just feel BLAH right now, maybe cuz I am so busy I don't have time to myself, maybe cuz it was my 45th birthday on Mon and I am feeling "old"???? I don't know.....................sorry to be a bummer, but I will try to check in tomorrow, too busy to be back today, haven't had time at all this week, which is sometimes a good thing, but sometimes too much of a good thing is bad, you know what I mean!?!?ull
love you guys, don't worry I am just feeling sorry for myself I think, I will be ok.........:argh:
LUV, I am soooooooooooooooo happy for you, you must be in HEAVEN right now, feeling so free of the thought of a drink!!! YIPPEEE for you!!:yay: :band2: :cheering
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
we all have "bummer" days Cowgal! The drinking is going good for you, happy to hear. Still no cravings today. Like I said though, the test comes when I am home, back in my normal routine. I did have cravings though before Lenair and they are gone.
Mrs Bear jr.....cry when you all need to. You will have bad days. A lot of bad days at first, they do become fewer and firther in between, however, they never go completely away. AND that is OK!!!! If you never had a day you missed Bear, that wouldnt say much for his life. the fact he is so missed, is a testimony on the kind of man he was. He is misse dby those of us from afar, that never met him in person. He was a wonderful man. I hope today was a bit better!!!!Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Just popping in here to say a big ' Hello ' to everyone on this thread!
Going well and strong with my AF and feeling good.
Mrs Bear Jr, congrats on Bearjr's 4 months sober!
Sending you and your family much love.
Sober since 30/06/10
30 days???
HEEEELLLLOOO Amelia. Good to hear from you. Glad the AF days are building up. I am day 7 today and feel ever so good. This is the longest I have went in awhile, so I am thrilled to be feeling good.
I forgot to say CONGRATS to BearJr. for his sobriety! Feels good, huh????
Hope everyone is doing well. I am off to Lenair for my second session....luvuall!Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Good Morning everybody
First of all, I gotta say "Congratulations !!! Bearjr on 4 month AF !!!" Your Dad is shining his proud light down upon you... "Feel" his encouraging words as you check each day off... Hats off to you xxx
MrsBear, I wish that I could give you a real hug.. I would like to email you a special picture that I will take a little later on today if you could PM me your email address...
Cowgal "BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY" !!!!!!!! You are only as old as you feel Sweetie... Me, I'm a "toys-r-us" kid and will never grow up... Apparently it's not all it's cracked up to be my gramma used to always say... So, this Sunday as I turn 44 I'll just say as I've always said, "age, SMAGE" !!! Make some special "you" time Hon, you deserve it and need it xxx
Thank-You for all the good advice Tex about my post-op care... I'm feeling a whole lot better even today thank goodness. Actually, my dentist gave me a prescription for Tylenol 3 which has codeine in it... I took 2 of them as the freezing was coming out. I've not taken any more since. It isn't terribly painful really anymore. I just don't like how those tylenol make me feel so drowsy and loopie.. I'm loopy enough on a good day !!! LOL
Amelia, soo good to see you stop by... Where is your cow avator? I think it was you that had a big ol' cow as an avator??? You would laugh, but when hubby and I were having our morning coffee out on the back deck, you could hear tons of birds, a rooster and cows bawling... I just love living out in the country.
And Bird, I though of you as I put a nice big watermellon in my grocery cart yesterday... Yep, I was up to going into town with the boys yesterday.... #1 Son now has his G1 drivers licience too, so the boys will be flipping coins to see who gets to drive all the time.
Det, there's nothing quite like the smell of garlic to lift the spirits eh?
Luv, I'm going to stop by your Lenair thread next to keep up... It's great how you are doing that!!! I'll PM you my address also. Wild flowers??? Seeds maybe??? I guess I shall see...... Wow !!!
Well, today will be filled with gardening, laundry and all the stuff I absolutely love to do... Hug my 4-leggers ,,, chores,,, ahhhhhh !!!! the tea house only had me in last Saturday for a function, but their normal summer hours begin on July the 3rd... I have almost a week left to do as I please.
Hugs, and enjoy your Thursday, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Hi all!
Thanks Nibs for the birthday wishes:thanks:, I am happier today, 45, not too bad, you little spring chicken, 44!! Happy B-day to you this weekend!
Everyone else, have a wonderful Thursday!! I am working on a TON of problems, teenagers!!!! YOUZA!!!! David got a speeding ticket yesterday, so now another thing to deal with......................along w/ everything else!!:upset::upset:
I will hang in there and keep the drinking in control as I have been lately................doing good, not AF, but ok just the same!!
lots of love,:l:h
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace: