Well, welcome home missy...just where have you been DX????? I missed you!
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
and everyone is in to spring or is it summer mode. welcome home girlie. ah my poor little body has been thru so much i hauled her to emergency last nite. i've kept thinking i had the flu..nope i have some hard to hame it thing which is kidney infection but not the kind you feel. anyway, never been to emergency before. they were way nice. i have to say they put me on a morphine drip for 6 hours to cure my head that wouldn't stop pounding. it at least made it a dull thud but god the nightmares. but they were really good to me and gave me all kinds of medications to get me on the road to recovery. well still nauseas but got some cottage cheese down. ah cleansing cleansing. welcome again babe love you. must shower i've had chills and sweats all at the same time for days. not fun. so i must phew i stink shower up again. hope meds kick in again soon. love you all. tit so cool by the way that you all are going. and cowgal you as well yipp yipp i'll have all kind of sober friends. good to see you tawney. dx as always pleasure is all mine and nibs lovely hope cody is okay. have thought about him alot for the last month.:welcome:
30 days???
BOOTSIE.....good night girl. I hope you feel better soon. The morphine probably made you feel nauseas....it makes me sick as a dog!!! I cant take any pain meds without getting really sick. Most of the time, I just suffer through the pain. Is better than the sickies I get from the meds. Hope you are on the road to recovery now. You are following up with your regualr doc, right????? You need to.
I am home....ran to get some healthy food for tonight.....started my diet regime today. Dont have my tinctures yet, but hoping Monday that they come. Love to you all....Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Hi all,
We had a good party last night. It rained like crazy about 2 hours before so we got lucky. Got to have a nice AF chat with the adults who hung out. One of them told me that the lady at the end of our dead end road(no pun intended) died and they are going to rent out her house and she gave me the # to call. Some of you know we live in a very small trailer, so hopefully....bootsie, sorry you had to go to ER. Hope everything gets better. Luv, maybe we can all get together before school starts. CG is not that far from here. Have a good day all. love bird
30 days???
That would be great Bird!!!! GLAD THE PARTY WENT WELL. Hope the house comes through for you too. Although, I gotta say the more space, the more stuff you gather...ha ha.
Well, gotta finish unpacking today and clean up the house. UH, I dont wanna do that. It is really to hot though to do much else.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Hey Bird, sounds like a blast, and I hope the house works out for you, that'd be great, you could get settled in before school started again! Man, it was so hot here today, that we were going to go to the farm, and get some more pics taken, and cook-out there, but it was just miserable going to the grocery store, and Lowe's to pick-up a few things we needed...said 105 on the car therm., came home, turned on the stereo outside and fell head first into the pool, stayed there til dark! Watched a silly/cute very funny movie afterwards....Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins, it was a really funny show. Hubby is getting ants in his pants about the big horse show in Ft. Worth, its the World Paint show, and the amt. mares is tomorrow, we were just going to show "Lola" Sat. in the overo color class, cuz she was Supreme Champ in that division in the other show, but now everyone is thinking he should take her in the prestigious halter class....trainer thinks she needs more weight, everyone else thinks she pretty enough it doesn't matter....he's gone to the pharmacy to get some numbers and see if he can find a sub for tomorrow....I'm sure trainer will flip out if we call and he has to have her entered, ready and there for first thing in the morning....BUT, that's what he's getting the big bucks for as they say! LOL About 6 folks are sitting on ready to see if we're going to make it, dang phone is ringing off the wall...so if I don't check in tonight, ya'll will know we've made a fast and furious run to Ft. Worth, and everyone pray "Lola" wins her class!!!! Lordy, where's his tie gotten off too....geeezzzzz......lol"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Hi all, you all sound great, Bird, hope the house turns out for you!!! We should plan a get together soon..................what do you think LUV??
TIT, hope the show went well................still waiting on your call................are you close to houston?? Are you going to Lenair when she goes there?? I am thinking of it, but don't know about the $$$........
Sorry about the ER visit Barbie, hope you are on the mend................
Dex glad you are back too...........Tawny good to see you here.....................where is Ripple?? thought she joined here........................this is usually the only thread I check in on anymore.............
Thanks again LUV for the birthday thread, I loved it, and love you too..............dearly !!!!:l
I wish you all a wonderful day, anyone I miss,sorry.....................I can't remember you all!!!
MA:l:l:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Hello everybody,
I hope that today finds you feeling alot better Bootsie... Yep, Cody is doing just amazing for a horse that will celebrate his 30th Birthday next July the 28 th..(same day as our 24th anniversary)
Tex, I think that Lola will do just fantastic because she is drop dead gorgeous !!! Truthfully, no matter if there are 10 or 30 paints in the ring, you can only see Lola !!! All the best in bringing home a first place ribbon !!!
Bird, your new little chick is just soooo cuteI'm wishing you alot of luck in moving into a bigger place.
It's great to see you stop by Dx... we all miss you xxx
Luv, I've got to check out your other thread to get updated... I cannot wait to see what might arrive in the mail ??? I just love surprises!!! You are just sooo thoughtful xxx
MrsBear, I hope that the picture I sent made it to you ok... I really hope that your headaches have stopped too.. Thinking about you Hon.
cowgal, enjoy your little chicks... they are so lucky to come into just a loving home... I too have teenagers, so know how you might be feeling... Between the drum playing and the electric guitar !!! Wow, sometimes our little home is PRETTY Loud !
So, on Saturday we went to my hubbys Uncle and Aunts 50 th wedding anniversary that was held in a nice old church... They renewed their vows and Uncle Jerry was also baptised... It was just soo beautiful and inspiring... We then picked up chinese food and brought it out to camp to spend the night..It is so nice living so close to camp to take quick little trips like that.
I hope that everybody has a wonderful Monday!!! In Canada we have the holiday on Tuesday, so hubby just had a quick service call this morning and will take the rest of the day off to extend his weekend. So, it's out to the garden, laundry and all that fun stuff. Hugs, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
hope lola wins tit. keep us posted. and wow the house sounds amazing bird. just getting caught up a bit. these meds wake me up and then i can't sleep going to try to get a few more hours before the alarm goes off. hahaha welcome home luv bug. so fun to start your tinctures oohh weeeeee. i wrote to you on another thread so check it. it was yours. nibs so happy codi has a bday. mine is the 17th. we can have cake together. i will finish these meds and see a specialist and lets have this be my official road to recovery. cuz i'm really sick and tired of being sick and tired. honestly a flabby no toned sick bootsie is not an attractive look and it makes me look old. hahahahahahaahah i need my vibrancy back. so i'm rooting for that. these meds are so strong though they make you hallucinate how about that for an antibiotic. even says it on package. i thought wow. crazy. i can't wait to be done. then i can take mounds of herbs for what i just did to my system with this but at least i have anti nausea pills cuz i'm way sick to tummy. enough i could stop at taco truck and down 3 of those baby.. si senore.. i was one happy starved barbie. when they gave it to me at emergency cuz i hadn't eaten for so long either i had hubby sneak out to pizza place and bring me big slice and i ate the whole thing. i thought hey i wont' throw that baby up and i'm so so so hungry. so not the most ummmm nutrious. i wil go back to raw vegetarian today. but wow, comfort food.k love you all. going to try sleep for a couple of hours
30 days???
by the way luv bug i celebrated 6 months somewhere this week in all that craziness..... just thought that would give you a leg up in the af region. and you'd think with you know wanting to tune out and all i'd have wanted pain meds and wanted to stay on morphine but i didn't take but a couple when i got home. couldn't wait to get sober off em, couldn't wait to clear out morphine from system and no cravings to be anything babe but sober.....thought you'd like to know