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30 days???
30 days???
Welcome aboard adaptable. Glad to have you with us. you will find some great people here and support out the wazzoo!!
Her it is Sunday morning and I am still AF. I had a great time tonight with a few friends who don't drink. We sat drank coffe and laughed. (laughed a lot) I think it was good for my soul. I think laughing and visiting has lifted me up a notch
Woo Hoo I've made 23 and working on 24
BearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Hey Hereatlast, I am gonna put my 2 cents worth here.........I know you soooo want wine.
I also know you have reached your 30 days - Bloody well done!!!
Just be careful. Think before you drink.........I thought at the beginning of last week that I may just have a 'celebratory' drink when I hit my 30 day mark. And realised that it was my own drink demon trying to entice me back to a place I was not ready or equipped to go to safely (without getting myself into trouble).
I know you posted earlier that you were wondering where to go after 30 days......ask yourself, what has changed about the way you think about alcohol? Would you treat it any differently. Would you fall back into the same old patterns that worried you enough to go AF to start with??
I guess, this is the sort of thing that a few of us doing this 30 day stint may (or may not be thinking about).
Sounds like you are cooking up a delicious lunch Hereatlast. Hope you enjoy it,
let us know how you got on with the enticing wine....
Sober since 30/06/10
30 days???
I have thought A MILLION times I would CELEBRATE ONE time when I hit 30 days...BUT lets be honest...we KNOW where it will lead us...down memory lane. HANGOVER lane. It will not be fun. Be strong...if we can make it 30, we can make it another 30. For some reason the past couple of days I have about 1 hour each day that is hard. I have no idea why. Just craving...I make it through, so far anyway. we can do this!!!!
30 days???
Hi team.
Red lights flashing Hereatlast...I echo Amelia's thoughts. Day 28 here too and it's tough for me as well but, as luvuall says, 1 celebration (for me anyway) would lead to a couple of bottles of 'celebration' then a bucket load of self recrimination next day.
My 28 days AF is a month (well 1 month every 4 years...) and aren't those highs much better than the lows which we all know so well. Keep in with us.
BTW I reckon that I have saved about ?250 - ?300 so far (thats about 5 or 600 Us dollars) thats got to be worth a smile. I get a feeling Mrs JD has some shopping planned - she has been a real rock - not touched anything for a month either in support (not that she really drinks much anyway)
Good luck katie and adaptable
30 days???
Ok guys, I'm ratting on myself, and I want to warn you all WHY it happened so you don't make the same mistake!!! I have been so proud of myself this week, doing awesome moderating, and going 2 more days AF, a week of that is GREAT for me....haven't felt so good and positive in a long, long time! Yesterday, we left the house to go do some shopping in Tyler (40miles away) and I stopped at the door, got a lil ziploc bag, filled it with my afternoon supps/vits/topa, and off we went. Got to the restaurant, had waited too long to eat...FIRST was pouring down rain, and I jumped out to run, and forgot my supp's, didn't go back cuz I was already a drowned rat, decided to take them after lunch, no big deal....ordered one glass of wine, hadn't had more than 2 all go with my italian....hit the EMPTY STOMACH....and me too, had another one, "ok, that's it for today"....Like MD and someone else said..."ok, that's enough, back off, you've had your limit"....letting it consume your thoughts...which I'm so tired of....anyway, ate, and ran a couple more errrands, and forgot supps home about 3 hrs. after lunch, was kinda foggy from the wine still, you sure loose you resistence QUICK....and after watching a movie, had ONE MORE....another mistake, to go to bed.....that one was the rest of the betw. big trigger with a problem with son, that lead to the "one to sleep on"....I know if I'd had my supps on board, and topa, which I just started taking, had only started on Fri., that THIS WOULDN'T HAVE don't let YOUR GUARD DOWN....I got angry, at myself, and my hubby, and he's trying to be soooo supportive, but he also thought I'd done so well, that I had it in control....NOT....don't be complacent.....its sneaky, and the enemy will take advantage when you are hungry, forgettful, and upset....please let me learn from my mistakes, and I want to be honest enough with you all for you to learn from mine....this is Sunday, and Mother's Day, and my gift to myself is not to beat myself up all day, but to start today, this is another week, and remember what I did before yesterday to succeed. Like MD said to more2, 5 yrs. down the road, this won't be anything but a speedbump, so I'm not going to get too down, I'm going to get back up, and I not going to mod. this week, I'm going AF...This is going to be a tough week for me, its the week before I go to John Hopkins from Texas for my 3 yr. cancer check-up, I leave Fri. will distract myself by going to see the Preakness, and see my Dr. on Monday 21st...Can I have prayers for a great, cancer free still check-up, and an alcohol free week too....I need you guys, and I know you are the BEST EVER....thanks....."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
tough my prayers are with you for your check up and my love too.
well i did manage to stay off the wine and im so glad now thanks so much everyone and the craving has gone now as luv says the cravings seem to pop up out of nowhere which proves i can never control this going to stay af if i can perhaps look at 60 days for my next goal but i will wait for you all so we can do it together my good freinds
30 days???
Hey Tough,
Thanks for your story, recognise where you went wrong, so you can self correct next time....and it's a good reminder for the rest of us.
All the best for your next week AF and your check up at the end of the week.
Sober since 30/06/10
30 days???
Hey Tex. You hang in there, tomorrow is gonna be a brighter day. :rays: It is so easy to slip up when you are trying to moderate. I have tried it myself, but I couldn't handle it. What it did do for me was slow down my binges. That in itself was a wonderful thing. Sometimes I wouldn't have a binge for three months, then WHAMO I was picking myself up off the floor (literally). I will add you to my prayer list. Hold on tight and take your topa/supplements. :huggy
BearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?
30 days???
Hey more2, I am glad you increased the topa. :good: It should make a difference. When I was taking the topa the dosage people were taking were different for different people, but the common thread was that when you reach the right dose you should not care to drink. I hope this increase gets you there.ray:
I have made it through another day and had very little desire for a drink.
We can get through this together:l
BearWhat St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?