I am confused...MA you and Bird live in the same town???? I thought you were in Florida and she in Georgia, did I miss something?
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
hi all!
It is Monday around noon and I am FINALLY getting my ARSE on here to post...............busy here as usual. Had a nice Sunday after all, stopped the drinking around 3PM, went to a meeting (AA) and slept like a rock. still a little fuzzy today, but I drank even though Mike wasn't here, what a waste! I sure hope Lenair helps w/ that, I mean I just feel like I NEED to drink, will get a few days under my belt, feel good and then blow it.....................I hope I don't do this after Lenair and waste all that $$$!
Wanted to say a HUGE welcome :welcome: to signon! Sorry it took a while, but we all hope to get to know you, really!
Bird lives about an hour north of me I think (maybe less) I have never been up to her "neck of the woods", but some day WILL do it! It was really surprising to just see her in Publix, huh Bird!? Cool, you have my permission to kick Mike's ass any time!
More2, I hope you enjoy your vacation, working out and laying by the pool, sounds great to me!
LUV, I hope you are right, I need some strength to leave if and when I do.
Nibs, how is the eye?
TNT, hope you are enjoying your vacation, Lenair is going to be mine this year, I will have ZERO hours of paid time off after that! That really scares me, hope I don't get sick or something!
Barbie, Oky, everyone else here, hope you are doing well,
lots of love,:l:h
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Cowgal, (MA)
I am praying Lenair works for you, too. Hugely.
I am doing fine. Not great, but fine.
I am taking Antabuse again so that I can't drink.
I am going to call Barry today and let them know. I have been sitting on my feelings because of my girl's stuff. It is time I look at my stuff.
So glad you are only a bit fuzzy today.That is a whole lot better than some mornings you have posted.
Everyone else, Nibs, Bird, TNT, More2, Luv, Barbie I dearly love you guys. I am so glad you are all here. I would be lost without you.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
Hey guys, I posted a thread, cuz I couldn't catch up! I'm running out the door, will be back and promise to write more! I wasn't AF during vacation either, but never, not once, over-indulged, just had a few here and there, funny, it wasn't an issue for me without the stress....so, that's a biggie for all of us huh! More2, I took my antabuse this morning too, so AF week here too. Ya'll make sure you get that book, esp. Cindi, and Cowgal, I thought about ya'll both sooo much reading it! More2, you will love it too, esp. with worrying about your son, etc....worry is lethal!
I'll be back, promise, and I love you all soooo very much!
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari....by Robin S. Sharma
its a very quick, simple, easy read, that is sooooo helpful! I'm halfway thru, and can't wait to finish it tonight!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Hi all'
I'm gonna take a computer break for the week. I've been doing a workbook called the artists way and in this week you are supposed to take a break from reading. I found out about this book on women for sobriety, some people use it as an aid to quit drinking. Its alot of fun. I usually start the weeks on sunday but didnt yesterday cuz I ended up drinking. Thats what I was doing down in florida, buying beer. I'm starting antabuse again since school starts next week for me. Later on. love bird
30 days???
I hope you enjoy your break and are better off for it.
You are such a kindred spirit here. We all love how you take care of your children and are now overwhelmed with how you are working on "yourself."
Take the Antabuse and enjoy the break from alcohol and the computer.
Enjoy the children instead. (oh, and the "upside down" chickens!! grin!!)
CindiAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
Hey Everybody
The BBQ was alot of fun !!! There was 45 of us playing horse shoes, swimming, hot-tubbing and sauna-ing. It is always great to see family and friends... My mom however was unable to find a ride apparently, so once again she didn't make it. I'm not hurt atall about it... She just is like that I suppose.
Signon, welcome !!!! I hope that you enjoy us xxx We all just gab about our days sometimes and love to support one another when ever it is needed.
Today I picked literally a half of a five gallon bucket of green and yellow beans. I'm going to google and learn how to pickle some. I've never put stuff down in jars, but I think I'll enjoy learning. I can then do tomatoes, dilled carrots, jams, .... I'm pumped about that !
Today I'm not feeling so hot as I totally overdid it on the weekend. I'll enjoy an AF week though and get back on the right track. Why do we do this to ourselves.... arggg !
Thanks for asking about my eye.. It is almost right back to normal now.
Thank the dear Lord I'm off tomorrow because I need to do laundry, recoupe and get some real rest tonoight.... Plenty of water .... argggg....
Enjoy your special week Bird xxx You SO deserve a wonderful break sweetie.
Glad to hear the yoga is going well Oky !!! Yahooooooo for you !!!!!!!!!
More2, yep, I'm with you on the AF week... Sounds like music to my poor ears Hon !
Luv, how goes the swimming in that beautiful pool and enjoying all the outdoor fun?
Tex, I have missed you so much xxx Welcome home xxx
Dearest Bear Family, I still say prayers for you all.
Hey, Bootsie, nice to see you !!!
Well, I'm gonna goggle to learn how to can stuff now ...
Hugs, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
well lookie here. tex is back. welcome home tex it was so fun reading your post. and gosh gosh i had posted before to even before my earlier post. anddddd it vanished. sigh sighl. you all probably thought i was lost or something. hahhaa well, so happy nibs it all turned out so well and wow, sounds like so much fun. i'm not sure if we are sorry your mom couldn't make it? hummmm, i'll have to read back some. well, if my client doesn't show up. i'm going to hitch it over to the post office and open up my post office box. did i tell you i'm buying a magazine? hahaahah well more on that later. first i have to figure out how to be a publisher. this is new to me. i'm going to tulsa for training the end of the month. isn't that a bible belt? you all can tell me what bible to carry please as you do realize i'm a jewish/buddhist.
the kabbalah doesn't translate i suppose to bible but they all mean the same thing. love peace and don't cross traffic on a red light. put your dog on a leash and carry a plastic bag. i mean i think all the good books say stuff like that. at least mine does. okay all day i couldn't take a tylenol in case it impacted my thinking but back is still hurting. think since i worked out at bootcamp this morning i'll skip this evening. u,mm geting back into shape takes something. but i wills ay this. it is one hell of a lot easier to do bootcamp when you aren't a. dieing b. anemic c. both of a and b and also when you are taking all the proper meds and hormones and thyroid medicine. why i actually did most of the cardio running.surprise. hahahaah:welcome:
30 days???
I am heading to bed but wanted to pop in and say good night to my MWO family. Had a great time today with the kids at the amusement/water park. I look like a freaking lobster! But, it was so fun.
Cindi, I am glad you are on the antabuse...it works for you. I know it doesn't relieve the cravings, but it is better than a hangover. I love you! I am curious as to what Barry said in reagrds to the session not really working for the AL???? If you feel like sharing!!
Bird and MA, I didn't realize ya'll lived so close together. That is great. We need to meet up since it would be weasy ya'lls way. We will make some plans after MA gets home and feel comfortable. Ok?
Nibs, glad the BBQ was great! Sounds like fun. Is easy to overdo/drink when ya got a crowd like that. But, sounds like you are back in the saddle today.
We come home TIT! I missed you. Glad you did weel and are back safe and sound.
Bootsie...YES, Tulsa is the bible belt honey. Don't scare those poor okies...LOL (my Mama was an okie!!!) Can't wait to hear about this adventure.
More2...did your son leave for college?
Oky...hope you had a nice evening. I just bought a yoga tape for me and Brit to do.
Luvuall!!!!Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
oh my gawd. well i shall definitely be on my best behavior for the bible belt. i have to get things together for my prep for magazine. best get that stuff going. i need to put a list together tomorrow.well all good to talk to you again. and cindi do share if you want to about your chat with barry.
30 days???
just another busy crazy day here at work, so a quick check in..........................
Everyone sounds so good, I am stressed, but day 2 and determined to stay sober for a while, cannot wait til 9/8! Lenair....................
Gotta go, lots of love,:l:h
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
I just got home from the gym, ate some dinner, now will shower, then head to AA meeting, then home for some more Olympics swimming w/ Phelps! David is a swimmer, so we enjoyed last night, hope for another replay tonight, but staying up so late is taking it's toll.................I am BEAT!
Everyone have a WONDERFUL night,
lots of love! Cindi, you hang in there too..........................can't wait to hear about the phone call, hey, I might even need one, who knows??Hopefully not though!
MA:l:h:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace: