WIPEEEE...you go! 7 days is great. Feels good, doesn't it? I know that first 7 days is usually the worst. Are you feeling better...sleeping better now? Glad you are here.
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Hi Friends,
Just popping in to say hi....moving my oldest son into college and busy, busy, busy but good.
TIT...gald you are back and doing so well.
Brit...I knew you would be strong through it all!
Cowgal...you will be a new you before you know it.
Love you all!
30 days???
I just jumped on this thread for the first time and just noticed where you live. My son graduated from FSU in 1999. I, myself, went to UF (yes, I am a GATOR!). We sometimes have a little tension in our family, but nothing serious. Small world, isn't it? I love Tallahassee as a city- my husband and I almost moved there when we relocated from Palm Beach County, but ended up in the Mountain West instead. I'm pretty new here but I'm at 11 days AF.
What a sad story about your Mom; it sounds like going to see her was the right move at the right time for both of you.
I'll be back to this thread often; I'm determined to make it to 30 days,then 60, then 100.... kriger"People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu
30 days???
Hi all,
Wow what a busy week I've had with welcome week at school and the kids and their stuff. My 1st day tomorrow I can't wait. Took the kids bowling today it was great fun. Hadnt been in years. Also we played monopoly last night which I also hadnt done in a long time. Gotta get kid needs the puter for homework. love bird
30 days???
I add my welcome to Luv's, Kriger. This is a very special group of people in this thread!!
I just wanted to jump in and say "hi" to all today and bump our thread back up.
Doing well. Happy actually.
Have to travel tomorrow and GRATEFUL I am taking the Antabuse. It will get me through a week sober on my trip. My WORST trigger. OMG, the airports are a killer. Anyone remember last year? (cringe)
At least I know an AA group there, so I have a place to run if I need help with the stinkin thinkin. I still haven't got a sponsor or started working the steps but I do love the comraderie of others like me.
Bird, More2, Morrison, Britzzak (Luv), Bootsie, Nibs, OkyDoky, Magic, BearFamily, TIT, Cowgal and Kriger, please have a wonderful Sunday and a blessed week. (I pray I haven't forgotten anyone but I probably have, if so, I apologize from the bottom of my heart!!)
Much love to all,
CindiAF April 9, 2016
30 days???
Cindi, I will be thinking of you honey! Hang in there....thank God for the Antabuse. Go to AA if you need to. You know it takes A LOT for you to find these groups all over the place like you do. Good for you!
Bird, my kids start Wednesday. Thank the good Lord. I can not wait.
I am exhausted tonight...I have cleaned closets, scrubbed....I HURT ALL OVER...much better than a hang-over though and my sheets are crispy clean....I LOVE that.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Hi all, Had my peppermint ice cream treat for 60 days.
Sometimes I think I'm busy and I look at ya'll's posts and think maybe not. I bet you could eat off Luv's floors - what a cleaning machine! I did mow the grass for the first time. Well, the front anyway. It was a good distraction from the anxiety attack I was having at the time :H Didn't quite get to the back yet. I'll save it for the next attack.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
30 days???
Hi all-
I just want to commend all the regular posters on this thread. I think it is the only thread that I have seen not get polluted, if you know what I mean. I have great respect for all of you and enjoy reading what you are each up to. Hope the new week is good to each of you.
And stay strong cindi always- and especially in airports! Sending you tons of strength and good will. You will be fine.
30 days???
GREENIE...60 days...go girl. I am ever so proud of you. I so negelcted my housework when drinking. I kept the surface clean but didnt do the DEEP down stuff for awhile. I used to be a NEAT freak. I look around now and I just have to get this place back the way it was before all hell broke loose around here. so, you are mowing the yard....whew. I will tell you a funny story...you know I live on 4 acres...well about 2 of it is lceared and is my yeard. Well, when i split up with the kids Daddy, I was deteremoned to do everything alone. I couldn't figure out how to work the riding mower so I pushed mowed this yeard the entire summer....now obviously I can not do that in one day...I mowed a piece EVERY night. By the time I got to the end it was time to start with the first spot again. I did lose a lot of weight. LOL
Lucky, thanks for the kuddos. I never really thought about it, but we are well over a year now with this thread and I don't recall any arguments here. What makes me smile even more is that we are all at different levels of sobriety and even have different goals...some have no desire to be AF, but moderate......for me it boils down to respect. All I hope for each day in coming here is to respect my goal and I respect each of theirs.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Hello everybody, and well said Luv xxx Utmost respect for one another with a whole lot of love tossed in seems to work for all of us here xxx This is a nice soft place to fall if the world tosses you a curveball. Oh and now you have a small persons house LOL... I'm soo happy for you, Mike and the kids !!! Doesn't it feel good to have a change of scenery? Crisp clean sheets are the very best I agree...
Welcome Kriger !!! Congratulations on all those AF days !! You Rock !
A warm welcome also Sky !!! Come spend time with us, we love newcomers xxx
And Okys' son is now in college... they sure grow up fast don't they? As I look at our boys they are sooo tall, yet will always be my babies.
Bird, Sweetie, I was at camp when you must have called. Darn !! I would have love to have gotten you call.. I'll take some time a little later on and give you a call. Maybe this time the cat won't have your chickens tongue and she speak with me. LOL !!! I would sooo love to meet you, your girls and their pet chickens. xxx
Cindi, Darlin' you sound so happy and content. Thank the Dear Lord for your happiness
YIPPPPEEEEEE !!!!! Greeneyes has 60 days under her belt !!! Congratulations to you !!! Your deserve that pepermint ice-cream cone Hon !
As always it's nice to see you stop by Lucky, you quacky duck ya !!! Thanks for all the warm words xxx
So, on Saturday we had a super-d-duper day at the tea house. Everything went smooooooooth.After work I headed to camp to see the new porch on the camp. All the walls are up and most of the roof is even done. They ran out of plywood. Later that night we went fishing in the canoe. The fellas caught 6 huge small mouth bass (black bass) I was the minnow gal sitting in the middle on the floor of the canoe. After that we went on the 4-wheelers out to the main road. We watched a beautiful 8 point buck out in the field. He seemed so tame. I wasn't AF, but didn't feel badly atall all weekend. I'll be AF all week. That routine seems so much more healthier for me. No more "winey Wednesday" for me.
On the way home I took a different route so that I could go to the hardware store before it closed at 2:00. I bought a nice big canning pot that has racks built in for the jars to sit on and be lifted out. Hubby picked me up a bit more fresh dill from the mennonites farmers market and I picked a huge mixing bowl of beans and a half of a 5 gallon bucket of sugar snap peas. (edible pods) I got a recipe for dilled beans and will be busy with that between hanging out laundry today.
Well, I gotta fly !!! Love ya's , Hugs, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
I'm a cannin' gal now !!!!!
I made 7-1 litre jars of hot dilly beans... I hope that they taste yummy. I'm just getting ready to google canning sugar snap peas with edible pods. I picked a 2 1/2 gallon bucket of the dang things !!!
Oh, and Hubby and I just got a phone call from my Mom. She asked us to co-sign for an 8000.00 loan for a 2004 Sunfire car. I know that her other car was giving her grief and I'm happy that she is getting something that will not only be good on gas but be reliable as well. We only specified that she add insurance that should anything happen to her the loan is paid off immediately. It's nice to hear a smile in her voice. I hope and pray that for any reason this doesn't cause us grief... I feel good about it though and so does hubby. Everybody deserves a safe means of transportation.
Well, a googling I will go !!! Bird Sweetie, I'll likely not be calling you tonight Hon, but will make time tomorrowI have a Dr. appointment at 3:15 pm... I've had a weird cronic sore throat kinda, a bit of a croaky voice and I snore now from deep in my throat ??? Weird, but want to have my throat checked... googleling those symptoms scared the S^&$T out of me... laranex (sp?) cancer.... throat cancer... arggggg !!!! I should not google sometimes !!! I'll let you all know what the Doc says.
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Funny you say that Nibs.....you know I work in healthcare, it is real easy for us at work to go overboard with our symptoms too. We'll be half dead by OUR diagnosis sometimes...HA HA Don't google....
Met Zak's teacher tonight. He seemed really nice. I am going to school with him the first day to be room Mom for a few hours...help put all the supplies up, etc.. He is REAL excited to start now. he really liked his teacher. Brit is excited cause she gets to see her boyfriend again. HA HA She hasn't seen him in three mon ths....poor baby. HA HAForever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Hi everyone! Reading all of your trials, tribulations and joys! Hope all are keeping well. Haven't been here much. Either am at work or at the hosp. with MIL. So sad! I have never been with anyone, daily, as they decline from cancer. Her death is imminent. Hub not doing well, understandably. Bringing out his nastyness. He's used to controlling things - fixing! This can't be fixed. New territory for him. Family will start arriving in batches. Danny (son) has been a big help, spending the days with her, feeding her the few bites of breakfast and lunch that she can get down. She isn't alone, at least. Lovely woman. I am lucky to have had such a good MIL. Thanks, just needed to vent a bit!
Take care! Love you all!"It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008
30 days???
Awww Best, my prayers go out to you, your hubby and family... May the Dear Lord place his every loving hand down upon each of your brow and make this time a wee bit easier for you all... My thoughts are with you at this heart wrenching time... I've been there when we were losing grampa and gramma and can sincerely understand xxx
Smile when you can, and cry when you must Sweetie.
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~