Sending prayers for your family Best. Bird, that is wonderful you are going back to school! Good for you. Hi everybody.
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Wow, I really am outta the loop! I guess this time, that's a GOOD thing! I missed the trauma and drama again! Best, I'm so sorry for your's and hubby's plight with your MIL, do as LUV said tho, take a bit of time out for yourself, go get a spa pedicure, or a massage, or just go to Barnes & Noble, and get a chai tea, and browse for a bit, just to have a little time to recharge, just for you! I'm soooo proud for you too, you are doing an amazing job kicking this beast! You too Luvbug, I know its tough, trust me! Louise, great to see you over here always! I have a bunch of catching up to do today, kinda just kicked back this weekend, so now I have to get some stuff done! Gotta meet hubby at the gym after work, Dr. has demanded strength exercises for his back, and he won't go if I'm not going to meet him there, so its a good motivator for me too, and changes the meaning of "happy hour", this is a good kind of habit! Love you all tons and buckets.....Where's NIBLET....oh I need to send my own spy goat out after you? You fall outta the canoe fishing? Fall off the porch and can't reach your keyboard? lol lol No, wait, she feel in the pot of beans, or has CANNED or PICKLED herself! OMG....I knew this was getting outta hand!!!! lol lol lol"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Thanks Luv, I'm trying to get into fighting shape before the winter sets I love that show..."Saving Grace".... with Holly Hunter, BTW, its on even tho she's a tad too thin, I'm jealous of her muscles! I want to have my definition back dangit! So, I pumped some iron on Sat., then, took ibuprofen the rest of the weekend....swimming in the cool water helped too today, I'll try not to overdo it...seems to be a bad habit I have! Well, maybe Nibs will surface soon, I just hope she doesn't have a bean soup foam mustache when she does...."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Well....I just need to say it.
My cravings came back and I want Cindi and Luv to know you are not alone.
Cowgal, I don't want you to think this means it won't work for you because look at Boots and Buckle and Greenie and Lori...and Rhonda definately has a gift. Just doesn't work for everyone.
Got to go but will catch up soon.
30 days???
Haaaa !!!! Haaaa !!!!!!!!! Teeeee !!!!!!!!!! Heeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tex, you totally CRACK me up !!!
When I got home from camp I had so much to do around here including Yep you guessed it, picking a half bucket of beans, peas, barn chores... I love this preserving thing, but I'll be glad when we get a darn frost !
All the kids had a great time fishing, canoeing and enjoying the bonfire. Only our 2 labs ended up swimming though.
Yesterday I had to meet Marilyn at the caffeteria to try and reprogramme the til for this years luck but her supervisor will meet her on Wednesday to take care of that for us. Last night I was making mustard beans until 9:00 or so. Our corn is now ready as is the carrots so I'll be making dilled carrots and some sort of corn relish I think... I also blanche corn and freeze some of it. Just in time to start canning all the tomatoes that will be coming out of my ears.
More2, that offer of taking a much needed vacation at your Palm Desert Condo sounds FAB !!! You are too sweet for words Hon xxx And that cheesecake you talked about, was it lemonraspberry,,, wow!!! that would be yummy ! Did you know that cheesecake is part of a balanced meal and hits on all the food groups? lets see, you have dairy-creamcheese, grains-graham bottom, fruit-lemon/raspberry, and of course we all know how much protein there is in that cream cheese.... Gosh, that could be dinner
Oky, I'm sorry to hear that you are craving... We all here work on doing this making "our way out". Sending you loads of love and encouragement during this difficult time.
Cindi, thanks so much for stopping by... Please keep us posted how you are doing Sweetie...
Bird, I can hear in your post how tiring your new schedule is... Gosh, it will get easier because by the sounds of it, it cannot get any harder. Your girls are learning so many values by you. You are really setting a wonderful example for those sweet girls of yours. I wish I had a Mom like you growing up. Your girls are so blessed to have you. xxx I apologize for not calling you last week...
Greenie You Rock!!! I'm really proud of you !!!!! Reach WAAAY around behind yourself and give yourself a pat on the back !
And Best !!!!! 20 Weeks !!!!! YiPPPPEEEEE !!!! You have to be soooo proud of yourself !!! That is truely an inspiration to us all !!! Really.
A warm Hello Lousie,,, I love to see your hotair balloon stop by... Do you go ballooning?
Our busy Bootsie, hope you are well girlie
Morrison, I miss hearin' from ya my friend... I'm having Burger Withdrawls !!!
Our Dearest Bear Family, last weekend the night sky was so clear and the stars were so bright. I just looked up above and could almost imagine Bear up there smiling that huge smile that practically forced his eyes shut. May his smile be the first thing you picture when you think of him xxx I think of you all dairly xxx
Well, I have some laundry to put out on the line and some much needed vacuuming to do...
I hope that everybody has a wonderful Tuesday, Hugs,xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Well there she is! LOL Whew, you make me tired! I need to go to More2's just listening/reading about you and Bird and LUV...!!! Any excuse will do tho to go to the desert with More2, can't wait til she's all moved! I have to run to town and get daughter her college books, she starts back tomorrow, her last year, thank GAWD! One of our farm helpers is gone for 2 wks, so I have a few more livestock chores to do I gotta get a move on! Love you all...."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
BTW...Okdoky, and everyone that Lenair hasn't worked for, have ya'll all PM'd each other, and called her and let her know?????? I mean, seriously, she's been doing this for 19yrs., and helped 30k, but my gosh, she must've seen at least twice or three times that many!!! I'd say her success here off our site is like what 50% at best??? I totally agree that if it helps/cures just that many, its worth it, but I'd sure think if it totally didn't, you should get some money back? Isn't there a guarantee on her site? Of some sorts? Anyway, I think its weird that she has a tax emeption for a non-profit organization to help people....??? I read that on the download thingy..... anyway, just a thought. I'm soooo glad that others found their way out with her, that is amazing, and well worth the trip and money I know for certain!!!!
I just feel as badly for those that it didn't help, as I do for the blessing that it did for the others!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
I am going to Lenair, Mike has a problem w/ it, will probably fly so I can catch up on my reading for school.......................still up in the air about work, sorta an unpaid vacation at this point, just wish the weather was better(Thanks FAY!!) I'd be out riding or at the pool...............
I am sorry Lenair hasn't worked for some of us, hopefully it helps me somewhat.............I need something!!!
love to all
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
I emailed Barry and received absolutely NO RESPONSE. I cancelled my follow-up that was another 400.00. I just wasnt willing to spend anymore money on it. I got all my supps Monday and started them that night. I am not and will not let this bring me down.
Nibs glad to see you back......luvuallForever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
BUT, LUV, he emailed me saying they were on vacation, but still got me an invoice that I could show my boss showing I was seeking treatment................give him time....................You are worth it, and I hope this will eventually work for you.
My AA sponsor just told me that the cravings DO go away after a while, have you gone to AA and gotten a sponsor and worked any steps???
Mike found my 4th step, and made the biggest issue out of it (in front of the kids!) so that is what sent me off the deep end last week, I think I may still have my job, my alcohol test was totally negative(which I knew it would be) but they are concerned because I took Comapazine (for nausea and vomitting) and that made me totally out of it.....................I will tell her I learned my lesson when I talk to her, this is the first time this has ever happened. I just wish I didn't put myself into detox for 3 days of prison for nothing! It really sucked!!!!!
I am home now, waiting and wondering when I will go back to work.
love you all,
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
My follow up call is free. I confirmed it with Barry today. Seems she has helped us all to some degree- no? I am on Day 24 AF and feeling good. I saw that Luv is craving healthy foods. I am too. Feels good.
EDIT: I should have said my follow up call was pre-paid for with the $3200.
30 days???
My call was for Sept 5th and I was under the impression it would be another 400+.....the paperwork I have says all follow-up calls are 400.. ANYWAY, I am not saying not to go to Lenair. My point is it didnt work for me. I am NOT drinking but ALL the literature says cravings, withdrawals, etc. will be gone and they are not. I am not unhappy with my experience, it just has not been what I drove halfway across the country for. Positive things have come of it so I can't say it was a waste.....but I don't think it was worth 3200.00. What it did teach me is I am COMMITTED to be AF and I will remain so. I am back on the MWO supps and will stay on them. I do attend AA Cowgal. I promised I would share if and when my cravings were back so I did. I honestly just cant see where a phone call for 5 mintues is gonna make a difference when driving across country didn't provide the results I had hoped for. I WILL remain AF though...I am hell bent on that!Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear