Made it through the hearing this morning. Hubby was late and it proceeded without him. He had all kinds of excuses and blaming behaviors except to direct any towards himself. I thought I would have a nervous breakdown last night, but didn't. I don't feel tremendous relief, but I guess I will feel better with each passing day. Thank God I am AF.
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Made it through the hearing this morning. Hubby was late and it proceeded without him. He had all kinds of excuses and blaming behaviors except to direct any towards himself. I thought I would have a nervous breakdown last night, but didn't. I don't feel tremendous relief, but I guess I will feel better with each passing day. Thank God I am AF.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
30 days???
Hi everyone,
I have decided to work on my life. I'm reading Louise Hay's "You can heal your life".
Now I just need to do the work.
Glad TIT is well. Bummer about the trees though.
I was thinking about Boots too. I'm happy to hear she's still AF.
MA....sounds like Rhonda worked for youI continue to see evidence of things she mentioned and know there is a reason for the timing of things.
More2...I've been thinking about using wellbutrin. Has it helped in the past? My son just left for college and I miss him like crazy. Thank the Lord I still have my 13 year old. I'd be a mess without him. My boys are my motivation in life but I know I need to find more.
30 days???
Hi all,
A few months ago I read a book by a medical intuitive named Dr.MonaLisa Schultz. She seemed pretty legit,worked in a hospital figuring out what was wrong with people through her intuitive ability,kinda like Lenair. So I sent her an email to see how much $$. 450 for an hour reading. I might try it this spring when I get my tax refund. I really liked her book. It couldnt hurt...bird
30 days???
Good Stuff Bird !!!
More2 that is so funny about your son and his shopping style... Haa !! Haaaa !!!! Sorry to say, but I'm like that too... I'm so cheap... giggle, giggle.
Kudos to you Green !! You absolutely ROCK !!
I'm just stopping by real quick before watching "Survivor Man"... that poor bugger has it pretty tough. That show always makes me crave popcorn
Thank God tomorrow is Friday !! This weekend we are heading to camp right after work and will do some grouse hunting at camp. #2 is taking care of Milley and my goats. We just picked him up at his friends house tonight. They had band practice and gosh they are darn good !!! Twice during each semester they have "Cass Cafe" which is like a musical talent show.. I'll have the pleasure of hearing them play for it right around Halloween. Ty is their drummer.
So, I need to hop in the tub and then into my jammies before my show.... Tex, you are in my prayers Sweetie xxx
Hugs, xxx
ps, I may not get to stop by before heading to camp for the weekend, but will catch up on Sunday... take good care all... much love to you all xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Hey all, it is Friday! I am off to the gym in a minute, then to study for my next test at school.............will have a 15th birthday party for Zac tomorrow, then go up to ride the horses on Sun.............supposed to be in the low 80s!!YEAH!!! Fall is coming!
Off to hit the gym, will check back later................
oh, bad news from unemployment, only will get not even 1/4 of what I used to make on my checks, and they cannot help out in any way w/ school, except possibly a grant, which I will apply for:upset::upset::upset:................still not ONE call on all the 20-some resumes I sent out.....................If ever I needed a reason to drink, that would be it, but NO DESIRE!!
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Hi all,
Decided to take the night off from math, which is a mistake but I don't care. I need a 1 night break. More2, I was worried about my clothes a bit before school started, but they are all in jeans and T's. ....been busy here with homework. Its all the time. Don't know if I like this shit very much. It will be a battle of which I like least,work or school. Damn....bird
30 days???
good for you!
Good for you Bird, we all need to take a little time for ourselves. And More2, my boys love their Target clothes, don't like to waste $$ on the good stuff for only 1 year is what they say.............they are, after all growing like weeds, so thank GOD for their thinking!:thanks:
Off to have a birthday party!
AF still, it is just "so easy"! I am so happy about spending the money, it was well worth it for many ways! She took away alot of other problems other than Al, and for that I am truly grateful!
lots of love,:l:h
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
A warm welcome Rachelita !!! Congratulations on all those AF days tooSounds like the beginning of a happier life for you !
Cowgal, I just love the happiness I can "hear" from your posts... what a huge difference from even a couple short weeks ago. You go girl !!!
More2, I wish I could give you a big warm hug... As your son turns a new page and faces new chapters in his life he is lucky to always have a loving understanding Mom there for him.. Take good care Sweetie xxx
Bird, you are so driven with all your homework. Your girls are learning so many great values by what you are doing. Hang in there Hon... You are doing so amazing !
We had such a relaxing weekend. Hubby got 2 birds that we will enjoy. Last night we had dinner over at our neighbours cabin. They are from Noblesville, Indiana. Next July on our 25th wedding anniversary we will be staying with them for a day or so. They will be showing us around the Kentucky Horse Park which has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. I can hardly wait !
So, I just in the middle of doing some work clothes that will go out on the laundry line. The sun is sooo warm but it gets pretty cold at night. Last night after dinner, hubby and I took our 4-wheeler for a ride. The stars were SO bright. We just turned the bike and lights off just to look up at them in the middle of nowhere.
Well, I think my clothes are ready to go out, so I'll catch up with you all later on
Hugs, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
hi all!
Sorry you are having a rough time More2, if you don't drink anymore today, you will be happy w/ yourself, and feel good about this evening w/ the boys. I can't wait to hear about Bootsie!
Everyone else, I wish you all a WONDERFUL Monday, I am going out to apply for jobs in person, maybe the web is not the answer?? As I have not gotten ONE reply from any applications I have sent out! This is going on depressing....................still no desire to drink, but if ever I had one, now would be it.:upset:
lots of love,:l:h:l
worried MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Great conviction, more2! You go girl! Good luck with the job search, cowgal! You are doing so great! And as usual, Nibs is busy working her little tail off. The 4 wheeler/bike ride sounds nice with the stars. Peaceful! Went on an outing with 4 other gals saturday to the amish country "applefest". It was fun. Amazed though! We stopped at the local winery and the smell /"bouquet" was very unpleasant to me. Never noticed that before when I was still drinking. I always thought it smelled good, before. Had a nice week end. Work is still nuts! :nutso: Lots to do with this potential sale and current court case. Leader board meeting on thurs., court on friday. Before you know it, it will be the week end again! :h"It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008