oh i'm so sad about cody. i guess we all gotta go sometime. ah cody. i'm going to lite a candle when i get home for my 4 hours of sleep tonight before i run back to the conference umm maybe not what if i fall to sleep and um catch the place on fire. well, i'll pray on my way home then. ah i'm so sorry bird that you hate school. and i know i know it isn't funny. but you have to get at 48 this is very funny. you can not withdraw you little brat. you have got to do it. no whining. absolutely not. i will get my barbie ass in a plane and get over there and drive your butt to school, pack your lunch and sit outside your classroom.
well, i'd just hop the plane and tell hubby come when you can. i'll get you at the airport. plenty for me to do to get the island ready for you. aahaghahahahahahahahahahhaha. i