Well there you r....I knew you were alive and well as I talk to Dets almost nightly now on chat. Here you are BUSY BUSY with the new store.
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Good news...my meds made it through US customs so should be here any day now. I have been AL free for 2 weeks now. Have my EMG tomorrow AM........been suffering through the pain. Will be glad to have the Topa and Antabuse. Thanks for the info yesterday tIT and for calling. Was so good to hear your voice.
Best..how r you honey????? You and hubby ok??
Greenie, where'd ya go??? I miss you. Call me this weekend if you get a chance.
I put all the Halloween stuff up and brought out the Thanksgiving decorations. I just love love love this time of year. I hired a new housekeeper this week. I had been doing it by myself, but I hate spending a whole day cleanign and changing sheets....I only get 2 days off a week so I want to spend time with my chidlren.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Hi, hi, hi!!!!! I'm here. Just a little busy lately. Been meaning to call you Britz but time gets away from me. We need to talk about January flights! My sister is coming to visit tomorow (to see my dad in nursing home and me, of course) and Sunday we go to Charlotte for lunch with our aunt so I'll call you next week. I finally mowed the damn grass, LOL. I have to clean my own house now that I pay all the bills and spent my money on gas logs. I find I'm much less compulsive about it when I have to do it but it IS easier without "you-know-who!! :Hsigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
30 days???
You sound good and yes we need to book flights soon. I saw on the news that MOST airlines are going to offer rates at 50% off because MANY will not fly this season, so good for us....the airline I flew to Miami on does not go to Tally, but many others do...I will look this weekend so we can talk next week.
Have my EMG in a few hours ....co-worker scard me today...said it could be a brain tumor...I said OMG, ya trying ti kill me...Now I am really nervous! LOL
I tell ya it is rough when you first split-up, but I adpated quick. U will too. Life was so much easier when me and the kids Daddy split-up.
Brit's concnert was very nice tonight....had dreaded all week as some of these events are so boring, but actually like the music for this one.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Hey all, lip is a bit better, I don't look like quite the freak I did! I am off to Colorado tonight, will take my computer this time, so I won't miss so much! LUV yesterday was great, I caught you and More2....or whatever day that was, this week has flown by. I gotta finish packing, so I'll holler at you guys in a day or 2, I have my phone if anyone needs to call, I'm back on the anabuse too.... Love you all tons and buckets!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Had my EMG today. Nerve damage isn't as bad as my primary doc thought , BUT instead of my neck having a natural curve like everyone else it is STRAIGHT as a stick. Therefore, causes the pain in my neck shoulders and arm....even the numbness...SO, Neuro said he'd get a report to my doc by Monday with his suggestions. But, he said epidural blocks might be the answer????? Will have to research that some. He asked what all I had tried and I told him all the meds and that I had been to a chiro a couple of times....like MOST medical doctors he wasn't impressed by the chiro...very nice but said he just didn't believe in that avenue. So, it was not nearly as painful as I had myself worked up for AND I think an end is in site...praise God!
Is the weekend again...I have to work SundayKids are at their Daddy's. I am making lasagna, salad, and bread for Sunday at work. That will keep me busy tomorrow for sure. Plus, I have some friends coming for dinner tomorrow night. I wanna make my big pot of veggie soup, but it isnt yet cold enough. making Brit a brisket Sunday...her fave. I can put it in the cokker and leave it all day while at work.
Hope you all are well....glad Daffy (i mean TIT) that you are better!!!
PS...Momof3 and More2...where ya'll at????Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Luv thats good news, just folding up my 'puter to put in my backpack and thought I'd hit "new posts"!
Have you tried acupuncture, no kidding they have them on staff at Johns Hopkins in the Neuro dept., they use it all the time. Chuck has had both, he does the acupuncture and the injections, the injections have also helped, so you might try both too....meds for all that are kinda tough on the ol body! I'll holler at you all later, More2, hope things are better in pac-rat land!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Hi all,
Just stopping in to say hi. Luv are you bringing your kids down in Jan??Ours are almost the same ages. Yeah about the acupuncture. Chinese medicine is good stuff. Hey glad the concert went well. I know last year those violin concerts I sat through...geez. And yeah Green it sure is easier being single. Don't think I could stand to live with anybody and deal with all the little crap that goes along with it. Tex, glad your lip is looking better. Hey, I want to go to Colo. too. Now I'm homesick. boo hoo. CG, hope the swim meet went well. Hope your painting is going well. I am supposed to be making tex a horsie at work but so far have not made a good one. Not sure what these guys are calling this band. They tell it is an offshoot of their sextet,something they are wanting to do different but I'm not sure, since I noticed they brought a drummer down from Macon last time I heard them. Sometimes I wonder if they are just trying to see if the bass player and I (also new) can cut the mustard. Anyway I can email those songs we cut the other night if you want. Hope they got us into one of those places in tally last night. Will keep you posted. love you all bird....nibs where ya at??
30 days???
Nibs said her puter was sickly and horribly slow lately due to to much junk on it. I sure miss her too....hope she comes home to us SOON!
Bird, I am thinking I may bring Brit with me. She showed some interest in wanting to meet you all and since we all agreed the meet is AF, I may just bring her along. Her b-day is 1/12 so she will have just turned 15. I can not wait to meet you all...I know I keep saying that, but I truly mean it. I am just warning you all...I am gonna cry like a lunatic....HA HA
My TOPA AND ANTI came today!!!!!! YEAH....already popped the first topa....let it work...let it work!!!! Although I am 2 weeks AF again and havent wanted anything lately because in truth still healing from last nightmare...SO, here comes many many many AF days months...by the grace of God, years!!!
Went to the movies today and about to start cooking lasagna.....LUVUALLForever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
At work today....well in body only...LOL Put a brisket on before leaveing the house so we will have BBQ for dinner tonight. Brits LOVES it with cabbage and mac n cheese. I spolied her yesterday and did all her laundry too. I had started making he do her own last month...she is almost 15. She just learned how to do dishes too. I figure she need sto learn something. My God she'll be gown soon and wont know anything. So, I have started teaching her.
Tops is making my tongue tingly again...it did that lst time tooand makes my eyes feel kinda funny....it goes away in a few weeks though. I slept like a ROCK last night though. AND appetite is GONE. I love TOPA...LOL I need to lose weight too. Feeling pretty good about myself today. I went ahead and took an antabuse today also...think I will take it 3 times a week for awhile just as reassurance until I feel really secure.
Hope you all are having a happy Sunday!!!! LUVUALLForever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Hello All,
Brit, I'm happy to hear that your meds came in. You sound positive and on the right track. I don't think I will bring any of my kids to FL in January. I am going to relish the time alone.
All's well on this end although I had a pretty bad fall on Friday. ONe of the girls left a magazine on the stairs and I slipped on it while I was walking down them with a load of laundry. It was a sign that I need to SLOW down and stay in the present moment...always thinking about the next thing. Now I have a sore back and ass.
Started my running program on Saturday and I'm looking forward to it...half marathon will be in April.
Work has really slowed down for me and I'm a bit worried since I am self-employed. Trying to stay optimistic on that front.
Be well,
M03AF Since April 20, 2008
4 Years!!! :lilheart:
30 days???
Momof3....wow, hope your hinny feels better....don't know if I will bring Brit or not..I will see. Depends if she aggravates me any here in the next few weeks...LOL
What business are you in? I am starting an exercise program tomorrow...gotta get off my fat ass and do something. I sure put on the weight when drinking...time to get it OFF!Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Brit, I am in the business of training and consulting...mostly in the areas of leadership and communication skills. Unfortuately, when the economy goes to hell and businesses are suffering, training is often the first area to get cut. I'm trying to make the best of it. My house is an absolute mess and I could spend a month just reorganizing and throwing things away. Also, I'd like to paint the girls' bedrooms. And of course, there's the holidays to get ready for.
Can't wait to see all of you in January.AF Since April 20, 2008
4 Years!!! :lilheart:
30 days???
Good morning all,
Sorry, been AWOL, but have been under the gun at work and home. Sale of the company I work for is progressing. Should sign the letter in intent this week. If all goes well, the transfer of ownership should take place sometime in Jan. The impossible will need to be performed. Will be nuts for the next 8-10 weeks. Especially with the holidays mixed in. Have had to lay some people off. Hate that part of my job. Always have to sit in with HR. Sucks - big time. More to come, I'm afraid. Economy really effecting our business.
I am struggling with sadness. My son is moving - out. A good thing, actually. It is beyond time for this. And he will be better for it. Just that I am sad. I have had kids around for 27 years. Hard to think of life without someone to tend to. I have to admit, I am a bit weary from it. And, I am sure that on a daily basis, I will probably find life to be much easier. Suppose I deserve that after raising 5. But, my heart hurts right now. Sounds nuts right? He leaves tomorrow. Moving about 3 1/2 hours away. Not too far. Brothers are there too. I'm being selfish ~ but I will miss him terribly. He is a loving and good human being.
My father, his wife, my bro. and sis-n-law are coming next week end. 3 of the boys will be here too, to pick up another load of son- who is moving out- stuff. Will be fun to prepare. Think I will do a Turkey with all the trimmings - sat. PM, as I don't think there will be many around for Thanksgiving. Anyway, that's my news. Love to everyone ~ oh yea, still sober, by the way. 31 weeks today. Smiling"It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008