Can't wait!
You guys!! I almost forgot about our meet in Jan!! I am so wrapped up in me!!! and my life/problems etc! Bird, LUV, Momof3.............who else?? cindi?? Best?? Anyway, it will be tons of fun!! :h:h
This weekend just snuck away on me!! Swim meet on Fri, thought it was Sat, then Sat I was thinking it was Sun all day...........was soooooooooooo happy to find out yesterday was another day off too!! LOL! Well, today is running tons of last minute errands, having lunch w/ a friend from security office (lost my card)...........Thank god for good books, will have a long wait I am sure....................

Congrats Best!!! I was having a rough weekend, w/ 2 teenagers and an ASS*OLE husband, didn't really want to drink, but really thought of running away, actually left for a while and had some coffee at Books a Million last evening...............lots of change going on and my natural instinct is to drink to not feel so uncomfortable...............well, didn't drink and THANK GOD for AA, meetings help sometimes.:l
Talk to you all later,
lots of love,:h:l