Hey all, I just wanted to pop in and say HAPPY NEW YEAR! I've been in and out of town betw. Texas, Colo., and Okla., all during the holidays, WHEW.....I'm in Colo. now, we had to leave in a big 'ol hurry after an open house here on the 29th, had to show our horsey in OKC., then went home to Texas, spent 2 dys., and hubby went back to work at the pharmacy, and I came back to the house here. I've tried to catch up on all that is going on, but I'm sure I've missed ALOT! I'm sooooo glad '08 is over, '09 so far, and I'm going to demand that it does....lol, has been much improved. Alot of awful things happened to me, but I'm not going to go into it, I want to leave it in the past year, and go forward positively. More2 has been THE BEST FRIEND AND HELPER DURING THIS AWFUL TIME, AND I WANT TO TELL HER HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE IT AND HOW MUCH I LOVE HER! I swear, we were separated at birth, we're scary too much alike! I love all of you tho, each and every one of you, and could've never made it thru the year without you all. MA, I'm glad you are back on track, and you know how much I love you also. LUVBUG, ditto! Where's NIBS? I know I'm missing someone, but I'm on my tiny lil Acer mini-puter here and I can barely read even with coke bottle cheater readers! I'll go check ya'll on chat tonight. I'm here solo and trying to get things done to have everything ready to just walk in and enjoy it over Valentines week. Everyone KEEP THE FAITH THAT THIS IS OUR YEAR! I WON'T ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS! LOL
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Hey all, I just wanted to pop in and say HAPPY NEW YEAR! I've been in and out of town betw. Texas, Colo., and Okla., all during the holidays, WHEW.....I'm in Colo. now, we had to leave in a big 'ol hurry after an open house here on the 29th, had to show our horsey in OKC., then went home to Texas, spent 2 dys., and hubby went back to work at the pharmacy, and I came back to the house here. I've tried to catch up on all that is going on, but I'm sure I've missed ALOT! I'm sooooo glad '08 is over, '09 so far, and I'm going to demand that it does....lol, has been much improved. Alot of awful things happened to me, but I'm not going to go into it, I want to leave it in the past year, and go forward positively. More2 has been THE BEST FRIEND AND HELPER DURING THIS AWFUL TIME, AND I WANT TO TELL HER HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE IT AND HOW MUCH I LOVE HER! I swear, we were separated at birth, we're scary too much alike! I love all of you tho, each and every one of you, and could've never made it thru the year without you all. MA, I'm glad you are back on track, and you know how much I love you also. LUVBUG, ditto! Where's NIBS? I know I'm missing someone, but I'm on my tiny lil Acer mini-puter here and I can barely read even with coke bottle cheater readers! I'll go check ya'll on chat tonight. I'm here solo and trying to get things done to have everything ready to just walk in and enjoy it over Valentines week. Everyone KEEP THE FAITH THAT THIS IS OUR YEAR! I WON'T ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS! LOL"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
Happy hump day all!! Work is really becoming rewarding, learned that he has management/assistant in mind for me, will be easier on this body, although I really enjoy patient contact...................in the next couple months the schedule, my duties etc will be tweeked into what is best for me and him and the office...................I am telling you, w/ the hard work I am putting in and learning the ropes here, this is sooooooooooo much of a miracle, and a blessing, I am happy I lost that boring ole' job I had................I would be nuts by now w/ how slow/bored I was.....................
Sorry to ramble, but just had to burst w/ glee there......................
TIT, glad you are back, so sorry I haven't had a chance to even THINK about calling you.........work, kids etc..................working the Civic Center/Circus event for the swim team on Friday night, but will hook up w/ all my AA buddies, one of the guys is going to call me to give me a heads up of where they are going to eat afterwards...........things in the drinking arena are awesome, no desire, really feeling healthy mentally and physically............going to the gym and pumping iron etc. YAY
Love and hugs:l:h:l:h.................off to bed,
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
WOW MA that is so wonderful. I am happy for you!!!!
Brit's computer got a virus and I was able to fix it myself! I was really happy about that. ook me 3 hours but saved me 150.00 bucks. Sober life is so rearding. I would have never done this a few months ago!!!!!Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Thought I would bring this back to the top. Off work early and ran some errands, off to the gym, then to school to see about the RN program, yep, thinking of it again, don't know if I am crazy or not, but will decide whether it will work out or not later........................then off to the circus!! YEEEHAAA! ???? Will be "work", not fun, but later looking forward to some fun.
Tomorrow up early for Tai Chi, have not practices ONE IOTA! That will show tomorrow w/ how poorly I do, oh well, love you guys, talk to you later.............:l:h:h:h
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Barnum I think?
I think it is Barnum and Bailey?? Is that correct way to spell? I am not quite sure though, ought to be fun even though I will be "working", hope I don't have to serve alot of beer, they serve Miller Lite, my old drink of choice.............last event I worked, "walking w/ dinosaurs" was easy, sold about 3 beers all evening.............it just was stinky and very foamy, the kids do most of the work, we just pour beer and help. It is kinda fun to hang out w/ all the teens. Keeps me young at heart.:H:H
looking forward to Feb...............it is right around the corner, did you guys decide if you are flying or driving............flying isn't as expensive as I thought, I am searching for tickets to Salt Lake, they are about $500 each, not as expensive as I thought they would be, would like to go there sober again, a great place to hike and we have a free place to stay.
Bye for now....................going to the gym to school to sit down w/ guidance about RN program, then to the Civic center................love you guys!!!:h:l:h
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Was going to take evil teenage daughter to the mall today shopping for her bday that is tomorrow but she acted like an ASS yesterday, so I don't think I am taking her now. I swear my children are night and day. She is this little walking bomb that may explode at any given moment...I have NO WARNING....not even a ticking noice. WTF???? We may never make it to 20.
Zak on the other hand....he could give a shit about anything, he just rolls with it. Never gets mad. (EXCEPT at his sister that irritates the shit out of him too.) Of course, he is only ten...I am already praying teenage boys have to be easier God, they have to be. I figure if nothing else, if he isn't I will have his Daddy jerk a knot in his butt. (southern saying..LOL).
So, I am making the lil' princess her big b-day breakfast this morning. I was very grateful yesterday for sobriety. When she started acting like a fool, I said a little prayer and thanked God I had my head straight and could handle the issue at hand like a Mama should. In the past she could have just yelled at me and said i was drunk I would have felt so guilty today I would have spent double the money out of said guilt....instead I looked at her and said "Brit, you just lost your shopping trip and keep your little tantrum up and you will also lose phone and laptop, your choice missy". She said "you are ruining my birthday", I turned and said "NO, YOU ruined your birthday". felt good to handle that like a Mama should!!!!
She gets her permit tomorrow. This is should get more and more interesting...LOL
__________________Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
It gets worse!! Zac is 15, usually an angel, but gets a little indignant...............last night he went for a "walk" and when Mike called him, he was at Target(about 7 miles up a busy street!) Well, that was just the tip of the iceburg................David is 17 and it is a little quieter w/ him, but I told you all about his shoplifting incident last year............just testing the water, thank GOD he learned SOMETHING about that!!
Thank GOD you were sober to deal w/ it Luv! It is alot better that way, I feel from experience.
Circus was fun, work, but fun................did serve ALOT of beer, got a little "thirsty", but didn't drink! YAY!! Every small success is a big thing for me lately, after my HORRIBLE CHRISTMAS slip......................:upset::upset:
off to a meeting, "my church"...............man, I get more out of this that I ever did church anyway.
Raining today, so may not ride, but at least I will go to the gym, enjoy the day sober!!!
Love you guys!!:h:h
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Good job, Momma Britt
My daughter is now a wonderful woman--smart, funny, kind, a good and pleasant friend. But sometimes i still shudder to think about what I called "the HELL years." :devil: Uggg. I swear, the Body Snatchers took my real child and replaced her with the evil pod twin!
Of course, I was the "meanest mom ever" and she claims to have spent "her entire high school career grounded"ull but funny---ALL the kids were at our house all the time. They ate me out of house and home, but we had great times. Even after she went to college, got a job and her own home, they still show up. I feed them, they build me a deck, send Mother's Day cards and bring me their babies.
So what I am saying is, if you can hang on another decade or so....it will be great. You are right to stick to your guns--I work with children and I can see what lax parenting does.
30 days???
30 Days???
Hi all! I'm in too!
This is exciting actually to have buddies to do this with. I am Day 8....so I'm with you Happy! Each day does get easier that's for sure. The last time I went this long without drinking was my last prgnancy which was 13 years ago. I never drank throughout my 2 pregnancies.
It sure is to start out but each day brings new hope. I really want o achieve 30 days and then take it from there!
So how does this work? We just check back here periodically?
30 days???
Lynnie,this thread started off a group of us going 30 days....almost 2 years ago now....many of us have met that goal, some have met is and surpassed it, some moderate, some still struggle...basically we just check in for support and talk about whatever we need to talk about to get through the day to reach our goal. Jumo on in...and welcome! You will see them refer to me as LUVUALL....I used to be under that screen name as not to confuse you....Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
good morning!
And GO STEELERS!!! YAY!! :thumbs::yay::wd::happy:Watched the game (sober)and totally knew what was going on, totally enjoyed it and hoping they beat the Ravens next week too..............another Super Bowl would be great for my home town.
Welcome Lynnie and Red,:welcome: just check in w/ us and let us know how it is going, this is my fav thread, I love the gals and guys here..................
off to work soon, everyone have a GREAT day!!!
love and hugs,:h
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Hello everyone! Welcome all you new folks! Let's make a pact to stay on track this year! I'm trying to finish up somethings in CO., and I'm flying back to Texas on Weds. I'm really going to miss my casa here! Woke up to 4 inches of snow this morning, it was 50 degrees when I went to bed! Got up to the mid 40's today tho, and will be nearly 50 again tomorrow, so not many weather related problems right here. It was really pretty. I'll be back here for the Valentine's week, and really have alot to do after being gone so much lately, but staying busy helps tons! More2 is on a cruise til I think next week, lucky dog! I'm in the snow, she's in a swimsuit! Glad everyone is sounding good! I'll catch up soon!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"