Me too MA...I love you my friend.
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Morning all! MA, hope you have a better day today! I was kinda in a funk yesterday for awhile, just adjusting to being back in Texas I guess, plus, I've been in so many time zones with the addition of daylight savings time, that my bod can't decide whether to go to sleep, get up, or take a nap! I haven't been able to sleep very well! I took a long walk in the sunshine and it was fine afterwards, just have to have a plan for the funk! Then, hubby got home and I had a surprise package from More2, the best book ever, 50 things to do when you turn 50! It has some of my fav. authors, inspirational speakers, fashionista's, its really, really great advice! Some funny too! I took it to bed last night, and will read a chapter a night, maybe I'll be hell on wheels by 60 lol ! Hope everyone has a good day! Check in later!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
My lil shitzu had a puppy! I didn't even know she was pregnant.....I took her to the groomers last week and thought her boobies looked a little plumper, but had no idea she had a lil one in there. Well, low and behold she had her yesterday...only one. That was all she had. She had her and ran with her and started burying her...I was like..."OH NO, dont bury the lil puppy", so I got her real quick brought her inside and took a dry paper towel and cleaned her off. Then I went back and got the Mama. They are both just fine nuzzled in the laundry room. I have a male and female shitzu, but I didnt think they were old enough to mate...well LORDY I guess they were. Anyway, she is the most precious thing you ever saw and my neighbors have been waiting for a puppy. So, since Billy's rotty ate their cat (few years back)...I will let them get her. I know they will love her dearly, plus, I still get to see her that way!
I am back to 100% today. Prayed and prayed lastnight as I had felt like a big pile of crap since Sunday. No AL at ALL for 4 months and then a BUNCH in a 24 hour period will about kill ya. I can't even think I used to function like that day after day. I dont know how the hell I didnt die!!!! Is a true miracle really. But, this girl is back in the saddle. I might look like a rodeo clown but I am hangin on for dear life!!!!Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Thanks, thanks Niblet. Feeling more connected today. Day 6 almost done. Spent some time today with a very good friend who's almost got 4 years AF. She told me how hurtful I get when I drink, how loving and compassionate my essence is and how alcohol just strips that away. I don't want to be that hurtful person. Again, thanks for being there.
30 days???
good morning,
Happy plans, will probably get an iphone , due for a change, as I have had this phone for 3 years now, and I get a free upgrade.................what fun, will be able to play on this during my lunch and check emails etc.................
Concert tonight, looking soooooo forward to it, going to Rag Junkie, a friend of mine's store for this cool peace sign shirt I have been wanting, will wear that and some cool jeans I got there a few weeks ago...............gonna be tired tomorrow, Zac says these local shows go on until about 1 AM or will be worth it, will probably have a few beers, but then tomorrow back on the wagon.............need to get back on track...................
love you guys
Spedteach, you are doing great, I will be right behind you w/ 6 days soon, it just gets better!! I know!!
LUV, how precious!!!! You are so sweet to give them the will bounce back, we are a strong bunch here, and let's stick together!!
TIT, thanks for the love, I can feel it, can I come to Colorado w/ ya???? PLEASE?? No really I cannot even think of it, just dream for now...........
Accountable, thanks for the thoughts too...............I will be fine, I AM one tough cookie, all I have been through and survived, Mike is the least of my problems, once I get through school (which starts next week,YIKES!!!!!) I will be much better off and financially set..............the kids will be off to college soon, maybe I will be a traveling nurse, they make BIG BUCKS! And I won't have to be here.......................just a thought!!
MA:l:h:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Hi all,
Sorry I've been gone so long.Not sure why just taking a break. Ive got 5 months AF now and still take antabuse sometimes. I would like to get off it but am not that confident,especially with this nice weather I would like to kick back and drink. The only thing keeping me from it lately is the antabuse and also not wanting to deal with that no sleep problem that comes with drinking. I really love the sleep I get nowadays....took the kids camping last weekend along with one of their friends and the boy I am mentoring now. He's 12 and has alot of problems(stealing,smoking,fighting, etc)...anyway I put him in a tent by himself since he was the only boy. At bedtime he took 2 flashlights with him and left them on all night. I could hear him talking to himself for about an hour after he went to bed, saying time to go nite nite, go to sleep now,stop doing that etc, in a real soothing voice. He probably does that every night, I feel bad for that Ive just been working every other week since its so slow. That helps alot to stay sober since work is a huge trigger. I've missed you bird
30 days???
I am not a happy drunk either..MEAN SNAKE...that would be me. Keep getting this AF days in..the REAL you shines'll like that!
MA, have fun at the concert. Sounds fun, hope the al doesn't get ya. I am 5 days AF again. Feeling really good and NO desire to drink. I tell ya drinking aint what it used to be. Man it kicks my butt.
BIRD...welcome home girl! I feel SO BAD for that little boy. He needs are so sweet to be his friend. It breaks my heart.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
day 1
I ended up drinking last night, but ended up driving Mike home, he got UGLY drunk w/ Zac, Zac didn't want him to drive to his friend called his mom to pick them up..........Mike got pissed, Blacked out basically, I ended up driving, only had 3 beers all night, was fun, but really smokey in that bar..........danced like crazy, got a Tshirt, autographs etc...............was a blast..............(besides Mike), wish I could have taken someone else, but I bought his ticket when he was on good terms w/ me........................
now I gotta learn how to use my itouch phone, not a technological person, so will be a the gym, a meeting, picking up a white chip and coming clean and starting over again................FOR SURE! I can't go on like this
Great to see you Bird, sorry about the troubled least you are there for him, giving him some support he wouldn't have are blessed!!
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Oh MA, I was afraid your evening would turn out rotten. If you'd just left him would have been great. I got a new phone too. I got the blackberry far I love it!
Hope everyone has a great Saturday!Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Good Saturday Morning Everybody
Spedteach, don't let AL steal the special, compassionate person that you truely are xxx Wow !! You have 6 days under your belt... That is truely fantastic, congratulations to you... It's all you xxx
So great to hear from you bird !!! How we have all missed you. Congratulations on 5 months AF !!
That little boy is so very blessed to have you in his life at such a delicate time... It's not to late for him and you are so amazing to take on this challenge.. God Bless you xxx
Luv, I hope that Zak is feeling better today... He sounds soooo down and out right now... On the positive side, congratulations on the suprise pupYour neighbours are gonna enjoy her and you get to see her grow up.. Perfect situation.
MA, Mike never ceases to amaze me... He just keeps getting "sweeter" with every waking day it seems.. That boy needs to have a boot planted on his butt and repeat as neccessary !!!
Today it started to snow... yuck !!! oh well it's not freezing cold anyhow.
Yesterday I brushed alot of loose hair out of my mares. It's a sure sign of spring when they begin shedding
On Friday I bought a new riding helmet... yipeeee !!! I'm soooo jacked to go riding !!!
Well, today I have some soup on the cook... not quite sure what to call it but it has celery, carrot, sweet potatoe and chicken base.. I'm gonna google to see what else to add to it.. hubby is calling it " shit-head soup"... not quite sure why but later on guess who will be diggin' in and drooling.. haa !! haa !!!
Enjoy your Saturday everybody !!
Hugs, xxx
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
30 days???
Thanks so much for responding to my postings. Makes me feel connected which is what I need so much right now. Snowing?? Spring snows happen a lot here too, in the mountains of New Mexico.
Your soup sounds yummy, leeks or shallots would go with those veggies nicely. Shit head soup???
Later, spedteach
30 days???
Had a busy busy weekend. Gardened all weekend. I planted tons and got tons fertilized etc. My ferns are hanging on the front porch. I love them. I love this tiem of year but sure hate the allergies it brings.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Hey all! Hi Spedteach, I'm sorry I haven't responded to you, I was soooooo catching up! You are doing great, and this is the BEST place to be! MA, I don't know how you stand being around Mike socially, and I'm sure the kids are sick of him too, but you do whatever you have to do to be ok! Nibs, I'm hoping the house in Colo. gets snow, we are in a drought there, and need the moisture! It's supposed to rain here today and tomorrow, wash the icky yellow pollen off I hope, its the worst I've ever seen it in Texas. Just gross. MA, ALL of you are welcome to Ft. Collins anytime! I'm always looking for an excuse to get there! Luv, glad you had a good weekend and are back on track, I'm telling ya girlfriend, those hangovers are a killer in our ripe old ages huh! lol Should be a real "lightbulb" moment and deterrent to making the slippola huh! We must be a hard-headed lot! A"lot" of what, I'm not sure tho!
lol Bird, glad you are doing soooooo awesome, and have a job, and have such a wonderful heart to mentor those kids, I'm sure you are sooooo special to them, and your girls are so lucky to have you as a Mom! I sure understand the sleep thing, seems like when you drink too much, you go to sleep ok, but then wake up in the middle of the night, and never can get back to sleep! We have to rememeber we are poisioning our system, and its reacting to it, hangovers, lack of sleep, feeling like crap, its just soooo not worth it! Love you all! Will check in later!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
I know our date was coming so I checked today 4/16 we will have had this thread going for 2 years guys. That is a long time to be together. Hangovers KILL me now. I dont know how I ever drank daily. A fall after 4 months will about kill ya. I refuse to ever give up though. It took me about 3 days to feel human again. So one 24 hour drunk lost me 4 full days really. UH! That is gross.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear